I think like a business so it would be in its best interest to produce more consumption goods because the demand is much higher than that of capital goods, but the company its self would like to purchase capital goods to keep costs down. In the long run i think it would be in everyone's best interest to have a balance between capital and consumption goods, but ones own greed for more wealth prohibits this from happening.
I believe we should focus on producing more capital goods than we are right now. Like we discussed in class, it is important for us to think about our future generation and in order for them to be successful they need more capital so they can create a good amount of consumer goods. The way we have it right now just focuses on making things good for us now. But by the time the next generation comes around there will not be enough capital goods to keep up with the demand of consumer goods.
I believe we should focus on Capital goods because its more important for us to think about the future generations than us, we are just fine, so why focus on consumption goods if we have what we need for right now. As for capital goods its best if we keep generating a better establishment for our future generations to grow as humans and keep improving.
It is hard to say whether we should raise capital goods when you don't know where it is right now. With America being in a recession I am guessing that it would be a good idea to increases our consumer goods to help the present situation, but also have some capital goods so that we do not leave the future in turmoil. Once the economy stabilizes we should level them so that they are about equal, where there is growth for the present and future. With that being said it is good to think about capital goods for the future but we must keep in mind that for the future to grow there must be something there to grow from.
I believe that the increase in the production of capital goods is definitely crucial for any economic growth because capital goods are used primarily to produce consumer goods. For example, sewing machines are definitely needed to produce clothes for consumption. Another way of saying would be that capital goods are essential and crucial factors for the upcoming production of the next unit of any other consumer goods; and therefore they help to increase one country's possible economic productivity capacity in the future. Also the investment in today's capital goods will be a promising economic growth for the future generation because they will have enough resources (capital goods) to produce more units of consumer goods.
Personally, I am thinking about the future for me and my children. For example, when women know they having a baby for the first time they go out to buy clothes for them. Why are they buying clothes so early, it because the baby clothing is a capitol good. The major baby clothing companies know that a first time mother is going to invested in the first child by buying anything they can get there hands on.So, the consumption goods for baby clothes will increase since it may be a demand for them.
I think that it is perfectly fine to adjust our "mix" of production to include more capital goods because I believe that our environmental problems are not strictly related to the production of capital goods. It's also caused by our habits of eating especially in the consumption of meat. What people are not seeing are the ways cows and pigs are raised. They are left in tiny spaces breathing out carbon dioxide and farting out methane. Yes, it sounds laughable but methane is more potent to our environmental problems than the amount of CO2. There are other factors that are contributed to this but for the most part, by limiting our consumption of meat we can take care of half of our environmental problems and thus produce more capital goods which would generate the economy for future generations.
After the discussion we had in class about consumption goods or capital goods, I would have to say that capital goods is what we should choose. The reason I say we should choose capital goods is because it will bring susses for our future generation. Sure its alright to be greedy and think about ourselves, but at the very end once you die your left with nothing. So if you think about the future generation help them out later in their lives in making their consumer goods you would have let a legacy for future generations
Unfortunately, I think the United States is a little backwards right now. In our present state we need to turn from our consumer habits and focus elsewhere. I think it’s especially important to be focusing on producing more Capital goods instead of Consumer goods. Reason being, if a country is in a recession (United States)it would be harmful to continue to keep producing goods for a Consumer market that has no buyers. But if this country produces Capital goods, it would be especially beneficial because this country would be creating jobs, economic growth, and wealth by selling these goods to a market full of buyers.
I think we should focus more on capital goods because we need to look to future and the future generations. The future generations can always make consumer goods if they dont need anymore capital goods but right now I think we need to make capital goods so they have things to use in the future.
I believe having a mix to include more capital goods is what we may need. Considering that we must think of our future and other future generations after us, producing more capital goods versus consumption goods can be beneficial to our economy. We can grow much better and hopefully bring more jobs to our country. Once we're able to become better, we can eventually bring the mix back to a 1:1 ratio.
At this point, I still cannot decide on which I am leaning more towards. It is crucial in my opinion to be producing more capital goods so we can use it for today and future generations as discussed early today. If we produce more capital, it would show future kids to help their future generations. But at the same time it is a hard decision because we can’t primarily focus on helping future generations if we can’t care for ourselves. In a comment above from Binh Pham, I agree with his examples of how capital goods produce consumer goods.
I believe we need to focus on capital goods in order to increase the consumption goods. By increasing the productivity of both of these goods, the economy will be able to thrive.
I think as of right now, we should focus more on capital goods rather than consumption goods. Look what happened for the past years. Our government had promoted consumers to finance and use bank credit which increased our consumption goods skyrocket. Bank credits had been pushed with low APR and people used it and abused it to buy things they really don't need. I fell for it too! This ultimately caused our federal bank with shortages in savings. Because of wasting our money on consumption goods, three major areas (housing, construction, and automobile production) of capital goods sections were hit, which were heavily depended on bank credit. We should produce more capital goods in efficient way to control our consumption goods without wasting any more resources.
I believe that increasing the production of capital goods is more beneficial to the economy at this point. As in regards to the future, capital goods would show that we don't care as much for ourselves (individuals) as to future generations. They would be important in the production of machinery and tools, which in turn produce buildings and automobiles and other products for goods and services.
I think that we should adjust our "mix" of production and yes to include more of the capital goods because I believe that we need to think ahead for the next generation and the future of the country it would make the economy better. It can possibly provide more jobs if we have more factory here in the U.S. and we produce more capital goods. Everybody now just think about themselves and don't think and consider what is best for the future.
Capital goods are vital to the economy. Businesses should adjust as needed and forecasted. However, it is hard to forecast correctly people's time preferences, real savings/investment rates while using the Federal Funds Target rates, and consequently interest rates, when contemplating investing in projects. When businesses think that the projects are now profitable because the interest rate is now artificially lower because of the Fed they undertake projects that won't be supported in the long run. Businesses should produce whatever is demanded because this is what brings sustainable employment. Consumers should stop consuming and start saving and investing. We need to produce more goods to export. Our nation needs to stop importing and consuming and start producing and exporting. We may technically still be the biggest manufacturing country but 70% of our economy is services. The fact that other countries have a similar ratio of services is irrelevant. They will have and/or already having problems.
i feel that one should have a balanced mix. but because people and things are flawed that cant really be achieved. people can become greedy. and costs could be too high.either way it doesnt work. we just have to try and have a nice balance between the two.
I believe our main focus should be on consumer goods in order to increase our economic growth. Once our economy has been restored or is close to being restored we can then turn our attention to Capital goods to then help out our future generations.
I believe we should adjust our mix to favor capital mix. but not by too much. Although it is important to produce more capital goods to increase economical growth we also have to concentrate on feed this selfish world with the consumption goods we need now rather then later.
I think our focus should be aimed towards creating more capital goods because with the way our economy is right now consumer goods are not really generating too much revenue. Capital goods on the other hand are important economic factors because they are ideal when it comes to developing a positive return from manufacturing other products and supplies
well in my opinion we need to find the balance. between the two. both are essential to the lives that americans have. i dont think we should over produce on capital goods because it is only of value and of use for so long. the key in my opinion is finding the balnce
I believe that either one will have a big effect in the economy. We have to keep in mind that inflation could occur and we are in a reccession so we have to keep them in check. if comsuption goods increase this doesn't mean its a good thing because if there is no money to be spend then what is the use of making more things.And if capital goods increase, what about the recession.We have more important things to fix now then to be increasing any of them.So overall i believe that capital goods and comsuption goods have to be equilibrium in order to have the balance. Angelica Escolero
I would have to say that it is better to produce more capitol goods to benefit future generations. If capitol goods aren't produced, just like discussed in class their standards of living will be much lower than if goods were produced.
I believe that we should focus more on Capital goods as it was stated in class because of sustainability, our future generations are the ones that will get afcted by the desicions we make. I believe this would be the best choice to have a better economy and future generations will benefit from it greatly.
Personally I don't really think about the future because I'm a 'now' kind of guy. I think we should produce more consumer goods to get this economy back on track. People don't stop buying when the economy is bad, they just stop buying expensive things. So let's produce affordable consumer goods!
We have to consider producing goods in the long term, so I think that we should be more concentrated on capital goods than consumption goods. Even though each person cannot be satisfied with focusing on capital goods, capital one is more important when we consider about our next generations. If we have more capital goods, it will support and be helpful to produce more consumption goods. Also, capital goods will help to global economy by increasing the world consumption goods. In the short run, it would be better to concentrate on consumption goods because we can please our lives at that time. However, I believe that considering more capital goods than consumption goods will make us productive with the long run perspective.
I think right now it is important to really focus on capital goods instead of consumre goods. Our country is going through a recession and we want whats going to give us more profit in the long run. We need to know that we are generating profit and continuing to look out for everyone in the future. I think capital goods is the way to go. More profit lies within capital goods.
I think right now it is important to really focus on capital goods instead of consumre goods. Our country is going through a recession and we want whats going to give us more profit in the long run. We need to know that we are generating profit and continuing to look out for everyone in the future. I think capital goods is the way to go. More profit lies within capital goods.
I think we should adjust our mix of production to include more capital goods, as long as it balances out with our production of consumer goods. By this, I mean that we do not overly produce capital goods so that the value of our consumer goods goes down (over-production not to exceed demands), but rather increase our capital goods in terms of being able to become more self-sufficient and competitive in the world market, and not rely so much on the import of goods from oversees. Having more capital goods would also create more factories and manufacturing in America, enabling more jobs and opportunities for employment here in the states. - Susan S.
I would suggest to to mix them both but to keep everything equal for one doesn't over lap the other because if the demand of consumer goods goes up it will hurt the capital goods because they will be low in there production to produce in time. and if its the other way around if capital goods is high then we would be spending wasted money. so i would recommend to keep everything balanced that way we wouldn't waste a lot of money. -Arthur Macias
I believe that we should have the equal amount of both capital goods and consumption goods. If we have too many people buying products, we would have a shortage. If we have to many products, and not enough people buying them we would have a surplus. As we discussed in class, we are the generation that looks at the future but theses are actions that we have to take now.
i think that it is best to have them equally adjust them. If we were to mix the amount of to have more consumer goods than buisness's would be at a great lose and that will eventually end up hurting the consumers. In the other hand if the buisness's were at a gain than they would be able to create their own prices and wouldn't be good either so an equal miz or equal adjustment would be best.
I think it would be best if there was some type of balance between the two. I think it would be beneficial to both manufacturers and consumers if there was more capital goods. Businesses would increase production which would speed up the production rate and allow for more goods to be produced. Consumers would benefit because there would be more items available for purchasing.
Although consumer goods are important, we need to have a better mix of capital good production. If we put to many resources into consumer good now businesses and individuals may make short term profits, but we are not creating a sustainable economy because feature generation will not have enough capital good generate healthy growth.
After the 2008 Housing crash and recession I think that now is a good time to increase our capital goods. The increase of capital goods would provide infrastucture for more businesses to start up, increase employment through public work programs, and boost the economy. As America is a mostly consumeristic society consumerism can only succeed when the economy is good. Therefore it is necessary to increase our capital goods now so that we can reach a balance between capitalistic and consumeristic goods and services.
I believe that we should increase our capital goods. As others have stated, it is important not only for our lifetime but for future generations. We are living in an age of technology and machinery and that will always be producing our consumer goods. The more manufacturing that we have the more people will need to run these machines and equipment. That means more jobs and more consumer goods will be bought. For example, a t-shirt business needs a printing press and a sewing machine(capital) to produce the shirts(consumer), if we have more capital goods, that will bring an increase in presses and machines used and increase in shirts bought assuming there is a demand.
I think we should produce more capital goods. It would give our future generations more to work with. Plus we have the abiliy to import consumer goods, some at a lower price then we could produce them domestically. -amy harris
I think that we, as a country, have been trending toward the production of consumer goods over capital goods. Given our current financial ailments it's apparent that this trend has not lead us in the right direction. We should shift our focus toward the production of capital goods in order to renew our infrastructure and rebuild our economy. It will take a long time, but prior planning prevents poor performance. Consumer goods will always find a way to be produced I believe, and as technology finds cheaper ways to make smaller goods the obvious choice is to put money into capital goods. Investing in capital goods means investing in the long term health of the country's economy and of its people.
i think that producing more capital goods is more important. the biggest reason is as we discuss about them in class, we should consider the future. if we focus on producing consumption goods now, in the future our next generations or even we also will be suffer from insufficiency. as time goes by, people's desire of something, such as food, clothes, and car will be increasing naturally. we also should respect future people's life quality.
At the time, we should focus on producing more capital goods for the current moment. Consumption goods really just sounds like an excess to me. We should really just focus on what we need NOW. However, capital goods also work well in establishing a better future. I believe one of the most important ideas of capital goods is that is works towards improvement. Therefore, it helps us in the idea of setting up a more successful economy for future generations.
In our current recision I believe an easy balance of capital goods and consuming goods would help for our future generations. For the lest amount of capital goods being produced to sell the greatest amount of consumer goods for profit. This would be finding the equilibrium of both capital goods (buildings, machinery, etc.) and consuming goods (products for users or being used right away) to establish the most profit. In our current economy I would have to say capital goods to have more job opportunities to get us out of the little recision we are currently in. Then producing more consumer goods to build the economy. This is for our recent recision but for a long term look, consuming goods to earn the most revenue for the company's. This is all companies mind set to earn the most profit with the least spending. So I believe having the balance of both capital goods and consumer goods so the economy can slowly rise for our generation and future ones.
I think that their should be a balance, and the way that we should do that is not to just split production 50/50 but to go back and forth between producing more of one kind of good at a time. To specify, we should produce a higher amount of capital goods, until the standard of living starts to fall, then switch to a higher amount of consumer goods. All the while we are always producing both but always keeping the balance. I know it is easier said than done and that in reality it probably wouldn't work but the idea of always producing the same ratio of capital to consumer goods doesn't sound like it would always work. Eventually, the ratio would have to change.
I think we should focus on increasing our capital goods in order for our economy to improve. Consumption goods are important as well but can be focused on later. By producing more capital goods more jobs will be available to the society and thus improving our society. -Cynthia Inchaurregui
I think we should focus on the importance of producing more capital goods. It seems capital goods are the foundation from which consumer goods are derived from. More capital goods could yield a higher output of consumer goods if and when needed, but consumer goods can not produce more capital goods. -Susan Lo
Everyone seems to agree that we should focus more on capital goods, or at least find a balance. Realistically, in a society so focused on the needs of the consumers, I don't think that helping future generations will be enough of an incentive to change. However, it will also help support our struggling economy by creating more jobs, so focusing on capital goods seems logical. But what is the opportunity cost of this decision?
So in my opinion I think we should add more "mix" into our capital goods production more then consumption goods because it would benefit us financially later in the future then the consumptions goods would. Because the consumption goods would only have a small benefit to us at this time but more capital goods would have a longer lasting effect.
I beleive and in accordance with this economic downfall, more consumer goods should be produced versus capital goods. I back this opinion of mine because capital goods require more money investment rather than consumer goods. Plus consumer goods will be a more progesively faster economic booster because in my perspective consumer goods are humans daily life must haves.
In my opinion, we should concentrate on consumption goods more than capital goods in the short run. However, I believe that we should focus on our capital goods first. I mean capital goods are important to our life and it will be helpful to our descendants also. As you know, consumption goods can be produced by capital goods. I know that all people cannot agree that we should focus on capital goods, but if we concentrate on capital goods more, it will help to make consumption goods more than before. Also, I believe that capital goods can increase our economy situation. In the long view, capital goods will make economy more productive.
In my opinion we have enough consumer goods as it is. We need to start focusing on creating more capital goods. These types of goods are important economic factors because they are key to developing a positive return from manufacturing other products and commodities. As many people have already mentioned, it is crucial for us to start looking at the interest of our future generations. And for our future generations to prosper, I believe it is necessary to start thinking about producing more capital goods.
I feel like we should have a healthy mix of the two. A good compromise can be beneficial in many aspects of life, and this particular economic question is no different. It is important to remember though that previous generations have produced far more consumption goods than capital goods. Keeping this in mind, I think that our mix should lean more towards the production of capital goods in the interest of preservation for this and future generations. This way we can hopefully neutralize the mix while still providing enough capital to support that big idea that economic growth is important. Kelly Zylman
Some people believe that capital goods are more important than consumption goods. Of course, it is crucial in several ways. However, I believe that consumption goods are more significant. Of course, consumption goods make people satisfy their desire, so it seems like minor or insignificant thing. However, in my opinion, capital goods can be exists because of consumption goods. I think one’s desire can make capital goods. I mean there capital goods can develop when people get more desire. Capital goods also satisfy one’s desire. Start is one’s desire. Besides, one’s desire which is consumption goods make us productive in the long term view.
I agree that we should focus more on capital goods, or at least find a balance. Because if we do one of the two we can create more wealth and help out the crisis that we are currently in. plus not even including that consumer goods aren't as beneficial right now anyway.
I think that we need to think about the long term and what we are lacking is definitely capital goods. But I also agree that we need a balance between the two. Capital goods are the foundation for most everything. With more Capital goods I feel we could acquire more consumer goods.
I think that we should focus on Capital goods more than consumption goods because it’s more important to think about the future generations than our currant life, were doing good the way we are, I think that we could pass, since we got what we need for now. As for capital goods its best if we keep generating a better establishment for our future generations, also our country is going through a recession and we want what’s going to give us more profit in the long run.
Since the consumption goods' market value are higher than the capital goods,I think a company need to produce consumption goods to sufficient profit to maintain its operating.For the capital goods, which company reduce it's cost by purchase those goods. For my think, a company's most important thing is the profit, since the consumption goods are higher value than capital goods I think the "mix" of production to include more consumption goods.
I believe that we should produce more capital goods over consumption goods because by producing more capital goods we will later have the means to also produce consumption goods for later generations, whereas if we would produce more consumption over capital goods it would mean that in the long run it will affect the future generations because, like Professor Harris said in the last lecture, it would mean that they will have less capital stock and less chance to produce consumption goods for growth.
I believe that in a future generation aspect point of view that we should choose and look at producing more capital goods over consumer goods. I think it's important for us to try and produce more capital to help out with our economical growth.
I believe that focusing more on capital goods then consumption goods would be more beneficial to our future generations. Consumption goods may seem great for our economy right now, but if you look to the future, it won't be so great for them. Our future generation would have less capital stock and a smaller chance at growth through consumption goods. Maybe if the previous generation would have looked to the future, we wouldnt be in the economic crisi we are in today.
Our economy should be geared more toward producing capital goods than consumer goods. This is necessary because capital goods are required to produce consumer goods so, the only way to produce a larger quantity of consumer goods would be to adjust the proportion of all goods being produced to mostly include capital goods.
I think we should focus on Capital goods more than consumption goods because it’s more important to think about the future generations than our currant life, to look ahead and not necessarily whats happening now, in other words simply progress. As for capital goods we should keep in mind that our country is going through a recession and we want what’s going to give us more profit in the long run.
I think we should adjust mix of production and have more capital goods due to the fact that capital goods is going to be use for the long run while consumption goods varies because there will be others goods that will come out but capitals on the other hand is the backbone of all products being creating and needs to be maintain.
I believe we should focus on capital goods way more than consumer goods because we need to make sure that are still things available for our future generations. Focusing on capital goods seems like the more logical thing to do.
I think we should consume more capital goods because we need to put our future generations into consideration. Our society is perfectly fine with what we have for now, but if we don't start thinking about the next generation, the economic depression is going to "trickle down" to the future generation and become even worse. If we focus on consuming capital goods, it will be easier for us to get consumer goods and benefit the generations to come.
I think we do need more capital goods versus consumer goods. I feel like many of the things we consume is not a necessity. We need to focus on capital and the future generations so that they can have a better lifestyle. I think its true that a freeway like the 210 is more important over all then a consumer good like video game.
I think that we should more focus on capital goods than consumption goods. I think that this is like that we are doing saving in our account. For example, when we earn some money, we can use that money to buy clothes, brand new electronics and so on. Maybe we can feel pleasure when we buy those stuffs for a short time. However, we also can save money into our account. We can save money for later. In recent years, we focus more consumption goods than capital goods. Most of us have been tempted into many attractive consumption goods. While we are just satisfied with consumption goods, we neglect to capital goods. This depresses the development of world. It will affect much more to our next generations. They will not get benefits that we have. Even though to focus on capital goods than consumption goods is little bit hard for I think that that is the one of our duty for next generation because the world is not just for our generation.
In my opinion the “mix” of production should include more consumption goods than capital goods because what people don’t realize is that yes we as a whole need to invest more in capital goods like machines, tools, and equipment, but we also need things like food, clothing which consumption goods pervades. I agree that we do need both capital goods and consumption goods to be produced, but we don’t want to put so much of our recourses into constructing new machines that we don’t have the recourses left for the necessities like food and clothing.
We need our mix of production to include a balance of capital goods and consumption good. Capital goods are what make it possible for consumers to purchase personal or household products, and capital goods also don't generaly have a negative impact to our natural resources. Capital goods are better for our future but most of us including myself aren't going to want to give up consuming goods that make our everyday life better. They both go hand in hand. We all enjoy and rely on consumer goods like our cars, that we are able to drive because of the roads and bridges that are due to capital goods.
I believe as a whole right now the country focuses too much on consumer goods. I believe that the country should focus on producing more capital goods and create more of a balance between consumer and capital goods. -Bryce Kerns
i say we need more capital goods than consumer goods, because it will only help us out in the long run. I agree with the fact that we should even out the consumer and capital goods forsure, though we need more capital good products. We are relying too much on consumer products.
What to produce has always been a question that has been difficult to answer. Should we produce more capital goods like machines, tools, or equipment, or should we produce more consumer goods that we get to enjoy immediately. I think it would be better for the economy to produce more consumer goods so that we as a country can stop depending so much on the imports from other countries. I read in the New York Times that as of May 2010, the United States trade deficit grew to $42 billion mostly because of the rise in imports of consumer goods. We are losing money by importing these goods while supporting the economies of other countries. However, this doesn’t mean that I think the United States shouldn’t produce capital goods. We need to also produce capital goods to keep the economy growing in the future. We need to find a balance between the two goods which will be an incredibly difficult task.
After todays discussion in class I think we should produce more capital goods than consumer goods. If there are more consumer goods being produced the feasible set gets smaller for future generations, and in order for them to produce more capital goods they will need to sacrifice much more in order to grow that shift up and to the right. And I agree that there are a lot of consumer goods today that we can give up. -Jezabeth Salvador
In this case, we need to concentrate on capital goods than consumption goods. Consumption goods make people feel happy directly, but sometimes, capital goods become a motive force to product consumption goods. Also, most of manufacture system is mechanization system in nowdays. Then, capital goods include machinary, computer and etc, so it helps to make more capital goods than now. This is a very important point in our community. Moreover, capital goods wiil be foundation stamina on economic cycle in the long term.
My think is this that we should focus on consumption goods. Of course, the most ideal picture is producing capital goods and consumption goods in balance. However, it is impossible in real world. Anyway, mankind always try to live better and get more to live in happiness and comfort. in this thinking, consumption goods can meet our goal. Also, while we enjoy our life by using consumption goods, we could reach lots of high-tech. I mean we reached lots of capital goods. Therefore, focusing on consumption goods is better than capital goods.
I think we should leave out the cosumption goods because the U.S needs to focus on capital goods, the U.S need to produce more items that are a neccesity for example clothing, refrigerators but now there produce in third world countries and need to bring consupmtion close to production in order to prevent another crises set up regulations on banks, we need to save the next generation by increasing our capital stock we need to start producing more stuff in the United States
I think that we should be making only a little bit more capitol goods than consumer goods because in a way many resources can be used at once and for a very long time.For instance building an educational institution will benefit many people, the construction workers all the way to teachers and students. Consumer goods are also important because it is an every day necessity to the materialistic lives that we have.
We should focus on producing capital goods. Capital goods are necessary because they are required to produce consumer goods. With a shortage of capital goods there comes a shortage in consumer goods. I think we should adjust our "mix" of production to include more capital goods.
I think that we should adjust our "mix" of production to be able and include more capital goods because, we should think about the future that is ahead of us. Capital goods are objects that produce goods and services that lead to economic growth. It's important to develope manufactured means and products. Capital goods could alos produce more jobs to people because it's physical skills and labor developed by a human.
I think that both consumer and capital goods are important. I think that we need to find a good balance of both because we need to think about future generations but we also can't forget about the present.
I believe that we should adjust our mix of production to include both consumer and capital goods. This is because capital investment along with research and development encourage economic growth which in turn will increase consumer consumption of goods.
Because our economy and the world around us is changing at such a fast pace, I think it is more important to be focused on the increase in capital goods, specifically in the area of technology. If we don’t at least keep up, and even excel in technological advances, there will be no chance of survival for future generations. Without capital goods, there is nothing to consume and then nothing to fund future production of capital goods. We’ve already seen a shift in the world super powers, with the US falling behind because of our slower technological advances.
i think it would be wise to invest more in capital goods because it would benefit society more as a whole to have things that are more long lasting instead of things that we would only get a few uses out of. however i do not believe we should produce solely capital goods, there needs to be an equilibrium
I would personally suggest that we invest more into creating capital goods as a society for the mere fact that, if we as a nation want to stay competitive in the global market, in the future, we must invest sooner rather than later. For example, China will surpass the United States in terms of miles of paved roads within five years, which will in turn allow for faster commuting of supplies and the workforce.
I don't think we should include capital goods at this time. Just because we can produce capital goods doesn't mean people are buying them. For example wood and metal used to construct buildings are being made but construction company's don't buy them because there is no work.
I think it's best to invest in both consumption and capital goods. Right now consumption goods are more in demand. Give consumers what they want but in addition, we have to think of the future and invest in capital goods as well. I think it's good to have an equilibrium on both ends. We don't know how the markets going to change in the future. It's a safer bet having investments on consumption and capital goods. -Daisy Guan
I think that we should adjust our "mix" of production to include more capital goods. Because first, Capital goods are requires of consumer goods. If we produce more capital goods rather than consumer goods, consumers are going to get a satification by production which made by the high tech capital goods. Second, Capital goods can lead a economic growth. All kind of production which as goods and services,etc are effect on our market. Also capital goods are going to use for a while, so for the future, we should produce more capital goods.
I think there should be more capital than consumer goods. We have to think about the future and how things can be simplified with what we do today. Consumer goods are only good for a while and capital goods are longer lasting and help produce as well.
I think we should not adjust our "mix" of production. Capital goods are needed and do serve their purpose, but do not have the higher turnover rate as consumer goods do. Consumer goods are purchased more rapidlly than capital goods so why would we need to adjust the production when these goods are not in as high of a demand as consumer goods? Only so many capital goods need to be produced thats why I feel that we don't not need to adjust our "mix" of production.
In my own opinion, I believed that we need adjust our “mix” of production to include more capital goods, because I think the demand is higher than the consumption goods, we need think about more future generations than us, we make more capital goods , future generation will have more things to use, and the country will become better and better. In the short run consumption goods is favorable for development of our economic growth, but we cannot be shortsighted, since the capital goods can be more influential in the long term. Of course, better outcomes can be resulted if the balance point could be reached.
I think, like most people on here we obviously have to find a balance between the two. While capital goods have their advantages, and are an absolute necessity to survive it is hard to force people to make them. It was pointed out today that our economy is based on supply and demand, and the demand for things that will benefit us in the long term is not that great. The demand will not grow for that until it is too late. Personally I think that there is not much we can do, and that the market guides itself. That is why we have government, the government builds capital goods that it sees as a necessity, like infrastructure.
I think that we should adjust our "mix" of production to include more capital goods. Capital goods are long lasting and will be used for other people and in the future for other generations. Consumption goods are important as well, but unlike capital goods, are not long lasting and do not ensure a better tomorrow for future generations. Even though I do believe this, the mix should not be adjusted so drastically for capital goods because then the supply for consumption goods will be extremely low and living conditions will be harder.
I think we should have an increase in Capital Goods since capital goods benefit many people. For example having tables at Cal State benefit many students by giving us time to sit down and take a break, eat lunch, study and even relax. Having an increase in Capital Goods will also benefit future generations which we defintly want ... (for our children (future children)). However, we should not leave consumer goods behind since we do need goods for our own benefits to succed in this world.
In the long run I believe that it is very important to have capital goods in mind rather than consumption goods. Although consumption goods are important in the short-term, capital goods are what keep everything running. If it weren't for capital goods there would be no consumption goods. It is important to create a stronger base for the future.
names jorge m. i think there should be a balance between capital and consumption goods or a little more to the capital goods because we can live without some consumption gooods nothing would happen to us or to our future generations but if we loose some consumption goods we might suffer or our children will suffer for sures for example we focus more on food than building schools or education our future kids might not have the schools that exist today or there mught not be that many spots open for our growing population.
yes i do believe that we should adjust our mix of production to include more capital goods. Our generation today is way different then generations from the past. The people of right now don't really understand the value of what is being produced right now. For example, people just go about their day not caring about what they are consuming and pretty much wasting the goods they have right now. Our society needs to learn how to be more efficient and put into use more capital goods.
I believe we as the U.S. should adjust our “mix” of production by increasing our capital good production. Capital production determines a nation’s economic strength and standard of living. For example, China, the steel producing nation is seeing a major economic growth and along with it the social class of its citizens. Now, imagine if the U.S increased its capital production, where would our economy and standard of living be?
i strongly feel that the world will go through its cycle ending human life regardless if we try to preserve it or not so i strongly feel that we should produced more capital goods for our future generation to strive on and not be crippled by trying to preserve life
I think we should adjust our “mix” of production to include more capital goods than consumption goods because the capital goods produced can be used for more than one purpose, while consumption goods can generally be used for only one purpose. Producing more capital goods and using them in multiple ways will make the goods last longer, and therefore lead to a better economy in the future.
As was mentioned in class, we are currently producing more consumer goods than capital goods right now. I believe we should focus on producing more capital good to benefit the future generations beyond ours. To keep producing more consumer goods is selfish and doesn't benefit as much in the long run as producing capital goods.
I think that both capital goods and consumption goods are very important for our countries economy, but I think that we should adjust to include more capital goods. The reason I think this is because capital goods will probably play a more important role in the long term stability of our economy, than consumer goods.
I think that we should produce more capital goods for the sake of the economy, but that is not to say that we should neglect consumer goods. I think that a lot of capital goods can lead to the production of consumer goods so that if one does not produce capital goods, that can also severely affect that production of consumer goods. In the end though the stability of the economy is more important than the demand of the people though, because without a stable economy things can end up being worse than the economy is now.
I feel that our country should go back to producing more capital goods. Although consumption goods have kept our economy alive, we need to begin inventing innovative ways to update our capital goods in order to become a strong exporting country again.
I feel right now is the best time to focus more on consumption goods because if we keep creating more capital goods then or example a machine in a factory is a capital good so if we keep making more machines less jobs will be available for the employees of that business and they will rely more on the machines.
Capital good should be are focus because they are what's gonna help out in the future.. Cumsumption goods are what's we use now but are minds should be focused on what's next.cumpstion good yes keep things going but capital good are gonna make us a strong country !
In the long run it would be a better focus on adjusting on capital goods rather than consumption good because even though we do not need to fix our capital goods at the moment, overtime we will need to adjust with economic change. As technology changes, we need to constantly keep up to date in order to improvise with the scarce resources that make those consumption goods. It would be better for the sake of our future generations if we focus on adjusting our capital goods. Erik Ramirez
I think we should produce more consumption goods rather than capital goods because consumers are the ones that keep the economy going. By producing more consumer goods we also manage to improve things like technology. Furthermore if it weren’t for consumption goods most capital goods would not be necessary.
I think we should include more capital goods, eventhough they are not the most popular product that can be made, capital goods are necessary for future generations. I am aware that consumer goods are more popular because those goods are mostly made to the preferrances of consumers, and entertainment but we need to strive to be closer to the equilibrium point.
I believe that there shouldn't be more production of capital goods but equal or slightly equal to consumer goods. The reason being is because we do need the production of capital goods in our society because with the production of them comes the production of better roads, buildings, houses, and other important things that we need. We need production of capital goods also because as time passes machinery now gets old and eventually stops working.
I think that capital goods are more important that consumption goods. Certainly, we need consumption goods to live comfortable. As this aspect consumption goods are also important. However, if we don't have capital goods, we have in trouble. The most important examples are computer and machinery, those things can make our society rich. In my opinion, consumption good is related to shorter economic, but capital good is related to longterm economic. As long term aspect, it is more important than consumption good.
I really don't think that it would matter either way which we produce more of, capital or consumption goods, as long as the surplus in either direction generates enough wealth to purchase what we aren't focused on from other countries. That being said, I would personally prefer the United States to shift back to a focus on Capital goods, not so much because I'm concerned about future generations, but because I get a certain sense of pride seeing the stamp "Made in the USA" on items that help produce other goods. If producing more Capital goods has the effect of improving the well being of future generations, groovy.
I believe we should invest in capital goods due to the fact that in the long run in will benefit consumers, whereas consumer goods will only benefit the economy in the short run which is not what we need at this time.
I believe that capital goods should be our main focus in the long run. it will not only benefit us as we get older but also our future generations. In focussing on capital goods rather than consumer goods we are allowing our country to grow and strengthen in resources. Yes, consumer goods are quite important, but only when speaking in short terms. They allow us to live the life we live. But without the production of capital goods we would not have the great production of consumer goods; and since consumer goods get consumed we need the capital goods to continue to produce the consumer. Given that logic it seems to make sense that we give slightly more focus to the production of capital goods. -Gabriela Rubio
Looking at the short run most would say that consumer goods would be more profitable to produce, however in the longrun capital goods would be more logical. Capital goods are more resourceful and can help out more generations.
I think we should be more concern about capital goods, because today i think we have enough consumer goods to last us awhile, and like Mrs. Harris mentioned in class some of them we can do without. So, its time to focus on our kids and future generations because we as human beings want to move forward, and if we use all the resources today than future generations probably won't be able to have the same luxuries as us, or same goods.
I believe that the most important would be the adjustment of capitol goods. The reason is because they are both vital. Consumer goods create more demand and eventually jobs. For example the revolution that electronics have created, now a days everyone owns an ipod or some electronic device thats similar. The evolution and the growth of technology is constant. Humans are always looking for ways to advance and make comodities. Unfortunetly morally this is not right. Personally, I wouldn't like to die knowing that my generation screwed up our home. -Judite Zamorano
I believe that it is important to produce consumer goods and consumption goods. I believe that there has to be a balance in everything. However, if we think about what we have now, In my opinion we are pretty well off as we are now in the US. So i think that in benefit of future generations it would only benefit them if we produced consumption goods so that they in the future can enjoy what we have now or more. As mentioned before, our greed sometimes does not allow us to think this way but it does not mean it's not the smartest thing to do. -Polet Milian
I definitley believe we should adjust our "mix" of production to include more capital goods. Capital goods are what we need to be successful in the futire, and I feel that the long run is more important then just fulfiling our immediate needs. -Justin Balancio
Ideally, consumer goods are in higher demand, because more people use them more often, but its a case of irony because in order to produce more of THOSE, We must have more capital goods to make them. I also think that it can go the other way though, because consumer goods are the cause of much waste and pollution because their lifetime isn't long. Hmm..tough choice. If I were to neglect future generations is say let's have a goal toward more consumer goods ;)
I would definitely say we should adjust our output of production to more capital goods just because we need to ensure that our future generations have all the resources and equipment they need to be just as productive as we are. That's not to say have more capital goods than consumer goods, but just that there should be more of a balance.
Its obvious that we NEED to focus on spending money on capital goods and invest in our future. We're in a terrible economic position and I honestly don't think were are going to come back to the point we once we're. There is a time for everything and capital goods are the clear and easy choice at the moment.
Even though I think we should include more capital goods, shifting too much of this production would not be such a good thing either because that would affect things like cost (everyone has to watch out for their bottomline, right?). Although in more wealthier countries like the US where we aren't too concerned with our consumed goods, we shouldn't forget about the less fortunate ppl who don't even have goods to consume. Also, we can look to sustainability with more production of capital goods.
taking in the discussion we had in class it would be best to produce capital goods. To help our economy this might be one way to get us back on track. To help our future and the next generation we might need to produce more capital goods.
I believe that we should focus on producing capital goods, in consideration of our future generation. If we focus on consumption goods, it would benefit us at the present time, but we need to think about what results we will get in the long run. We cannot always be selfish and "need" to be comfortable all the time, but think about how the choices we make now, will have an effect on us in the future.
I think we should need more capital goods if we want a long business plan and for a short business, more versus consumption goods are fit.But it is more better to have a balance to keep them together basing on every companies' solution.
I agree with most of the previous comments and thoughts. I believe that increasing capital goods would not only help stabalize today's economy but also help the nation grow. I also believe there is a very thin line between attempting to grow for the future and creating inflation. If we create to much of certain goods then it creates problems
I agree with what is being said with most people, in order for us to be able to provide the generation of tomorrow we have to make sure that the economy we live in today makes it that far in being able to produce accordingly. By producing and selling goods accordingly, our economy would benefit better rather than just leaning more one direction hoping to make more money and finding that later down the line that our future isn't going to be so easy.
In my opinion the consumption goods seems to be more profitable than the capital good because the demand for consumption is larger .In addition, the cycle of producing and selling consumption goods is shorter than the capital goods. Because of the recession that is happening in our economy, the demand for capital goods is low , more costly and less return for investing in capital goods. I believe that we should focus on consumption goods until our economy gets improved.
At first I thought yes, capital goods should increase in production (to produce more goods), but thinking about how we live in a consumer-driven economy, I think more consumer goods available for purchase would be more profitable. More consumer goods, means more buyers, means more money.
Considering our country's current unemployment rate of roughly 9.7%, and the pressure to “go green,” in an effort to help rectify the world’s pollution problems, signifies a few reasons as to why we should concentrate on producing more capital goods. In order for us to become more ecologically efficient we need to innovate and create new technologies, which not only constitutes to the creation of more capital goods, but most importantly, the creation of more jobs. For example, Tesla Motors is an auto manufacturer based out of Silicon Valley that focuses on the production of pure electric vehicles. Their movement within the industry will help ignite new jobs, opportunities, competition, and the production of new types of capital goods as we move away from traditional fossil fuel based automobiles.
I do not think we should include more capital goods (versus consumer goods) into the mix of production. I think that if we make more manufactured goods then we should also raise consumer goods. If one increases more than the other, it would not prove efficient. You need capital goods for the future, but you need consumer goods for the present. Overall, we need both – not more of just one type of good.
In my opinion, although consumer goods are more profit than capital goods for us right now, we must think about the future and invest now for the better result in the future. we need to establish a good balance to profit the present, and yet still have a good economic future.
Yes i believe capital goods should be a very important production is todays society because it will effect future generations. If there are more consumer goods in the future nothing will last and everything will turn to be short time use which will hurt the economy.
We should include more capital goods. As we discussed in class, if we dont produce enough capital goods then eventually our graph shifts in and future generations cannot produce as many capital goods versus consumer goods like we could generations before. If every generation did this, eventually our graph would get smaller and smaller and less capital and consumer goods would be produced efficiently.
I think that we should adjust to producing more capital goods because if not maybe our children my be affected by this. Plus there are some consumer goods that we could live without. For example, we could really live without cigars and alcohol.
I think it would be more productive for our economy, both present time as well as in the future if we produce more capital goods than consumer goods. If we produce more capital than consumer goods, we put ourselves as well as future generations in better positions. For example, if we didn't produce enough capital goods, future generations wouldn't have resources for their own consumer goods.
I believe that there needs to be a good mixture of the two. By increasing capital goods, the production of consumer goods will go up as well. Both capital and consumer goods boost gross domestic product and will help the economy grow and that is what we need right now. The more consumer goods that are produced the better because that will create more jobs and that's is what the economy needs right now. GDP has been growing the last few quarters but nobody is hiring yet because they are able to keep up with the slight growth with the employees that they currently have employed. Sorry I didn't post this before the deadline. I totally forgot about it until it was the first thing I thought of this morning when I woke up.
I think it is imperative that there is a balance between the two. Because the actions we take today and the resources we use up will greatly affect future generations. Although its impossible to estimate the exact ideal number, we can take steps such as reducing our carbon footprint etc.
I personally feel that while consumption goods are making our immediate lives easier and better, we definitely need to change our "mix" of production to include more capital goods. Because of the way that we are producing now, future generations will have a much harder time than they should, and they will have an even harder time dealing with our already screwed up economy if we do not start producing more capital goods.
i believe we should adjust and produce more capital goods because our future economy will grow and later we wont depend on other countries for goods and our economy we run smoothly. -german coreas
I think that yes we should focus more on capital goods. Not only would it help the community(like with the highway through redlands) but it would also set up our future generations with the things that we were given that we take for granted. We shouldn't completely ignore consumption goods though because the use of those helps stimulate the economy because they are needed over and over again.
In my opinion, the best answer to this question would be to focus on both capital goods, and consumption goods. Reason being is because consumption goods keep our society up to date and help us momentarily. However, the capital goods will help with future generations and what is to come in our society. Econ 202 Andre Haugabrook
I think we should adjust our mix of production to have more capital goods produced than consumption goods. Capital goods can benefit in multiple ways and consumption goods are used for one purpose and are done with. More capital goods allows the economy to become better because when we just produce consumption goods then we are not making new innovations.
I think we should focus more on capital goods instead of consumer goods. Consumer goods are good at the time and for consumption or use rightaway but in the long run it is better for your economy to make more capital goods. For example a country having more capital goods can therefore have more consumer goods or sell those consumer goods and be more incharge of the universal economy. Like from class the US use to be the best cars but now we have dropped off and China is the leading car manufacturer and has taken the lead in many other technologies and future things that are capital goods. They have more factories and plants creating consumer goods for the US to buy. The US needs to spend its money on making factories and researching for more CAPITAL goods and spend less on buying CONSUMER goods.
I think we should include more capital goods more than consumer goods because in the long run it will help out the future generations to come. Yes, consumer goods are good for now but it's important that we think about the future. Consumer goods are not nearly as important as capital goods. Having more capital goods would allow us and our future generation to have more resources. Also, if we had more capital goods, we could be making more profits which could help us get out of this recession.
I think we should create more capital rather than consumption goods. I think this because we currently live in a world were there are so many consumption goods, like the ipad or portable gaming systems, that the benifits of having technology is having a negative reaction towards current generations. Things such as libraries or even playing outdoors are becoming out dated. We should create more capital to help future generations thrive like our ancestors did for us.
I think that we need to make more capital goods so that the GDP grows. That what made the U.S grate in the late 70's and early 60's. We ware making the steel to make the machine to make car and plane. After the mid 70 the government stop make it profitable to do so.
i think if too many capital goods are produced then the clutter on earth will be unbearable. i think if we create more comsumer things as population increases that will be the safest thing to do. technology increases all the time no use of creating many things that will be out dated anyway.
Our society has put a great emphasis on consumer goods. So our economy is driven more towards consumption. However I believe that we need to change that emphasis towards capital goods. This will create a better future for our country and possibly even the rest of the world. Especially with the "green" movement, this would be a great time to switch over to capital goods.
I think it is in the united states best interest to have the charts showing us as producing more capital goods. I think that the thing that made the beginning of the 19 century so developmental and (growth) both economically and by size and technology, and why were on top of the hegemonic cycle is because we were producing and exporting more than another country. Now because technological and mgmt advanced it so that these job be easily exported along side with the goods that we were producing. These lead our soul-less american cooperation to remember their one golden rule "maximize profits", and exporting these jobs or "business" to these 3rd world developing country, forcing modernization on them and telling them that they should live and die by the dollar. So now we are living in an after-math of what this soul-less entity has done to the american economy, these lack of reposiaablity and nowhere loyalty, has driven jobs and factories, textiles, manufacturing, technical support, etc... and the point is... Its just cheaper to do business in other countries and then to sell them to the american consumer (who is already brain washed to know that "cash is KING" simple put MATERIALISTIC", and "we" as now a more predominate consumer nation are loving these new Jordan's, and have no idea what it took and where those Jordans came from but "thurr dope"... I'm joking, but I really feel that if we as a nation are gonna stay on "top" or be successful or flourishing or efficient.. however you call Having the right and chance to pursue the life of happiness..., or are the gonna handicap us and use it as a control mechanism for the rich to stay richer and "nip it in the bud" for all us brotherhood who believe that our character shapes our destiny, but thats another cup of tea.
I think it is very important to think about our future generations. If we decide to use more of one good than the other our future generations will have less to work with. I thinnk we should keep it as even as possible. Maybe rotate every x years (could be 1yr, 5yrs ect.), more capital goods then more consumption goods. I feel that would keep it as even as possible and then our future generations will have more the capital goods than we have today.
There are many factors that need to be considered before taking in control ethe input ant output of capital goods vs consumer goods. For instance If we increase the amount of capital goods in the wrong society there will be consequences. If we increase the amount of capital goods in other societies it will actually create more jobs and lead to more consumption. There has to be a collateral balance towards this mix. Manuel Marroquin 003717102
I do believe that we should have more capital rather than consumer goods in the right circumstance. But, if we produce too much of either it will cause too many or too little products. But, different societies have different needs, some need more consumer than capital and vice-versa.
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i believe we should have more consumer goods. yes we enjoy our consumer goods today.. who knows, down the road the later days are going to have different resources so its okay to waste them now.
i think we should have more capital goods because it is a means of production. They generate more goods as well as jobs if factories were to be built. Consumer goods are not as beneficial as capital goods
The things which we need as the society we currently are in are consumer goods...we are driven by smart phones, designer jeans and starbucks...however if we want to get out of our econiomic state we need to begin producing more capital goods and become more industrial if you will. If we produced capital goods to help become more enviormentally sound it would be a win win situation.
I believe we should invest more time into making more capitals goods. As a society now we revolve around our own personal interest. We are always looking out for number one if you will and if we began to start looking our for our future and our own society we will be able to improve our own existence. Capital goods will better our society and our economy because they are very important in helping manufacture other products. Charlie Newton
I think that we should focus on both because they are equally important. I mean capital good is good but we can not forget about consuming the people also amtter without consumer there is no capital good. That is what I think.
I believe that we should focus more of our production on capital goods. Since capital goods are a necessity to our well-being it makes sense to focus on having a higher production rate for these goods. If we started to produce more consumer goods it could lead to a chaotic society in which people were scrambling to buy from a shortage of capital goods.
I think if we care about the goodwill of the generations in the future, than we should mix in a few more capital goods so that the future generation can have as good a life as we do today
As a nation I feel that we must have a very delicate balance betweeen both capital and consumer goods. Although there are many factors that contribute to what determines what capital goods are produced and what consumer goods are provided; things such as technology, imports, and competition amongst providers in the ever lasting arms race.
Given the present situation (where the output is mainly consumer goods), I believe that this should shift more to capital goods. In a sense, we can be considered to be more selfish than some past generations. Some have even labeled the generation as the “Me” generation, where our focus is just on ourselves. This is why we should consider the future generations. In my opinion, growth is essential and we cannot let our future generations start off worse than how we started off. That said, we should at least try to have equilibrium between capital good and consumer goods, that way we continue to have growth and at the same time enjoy consumer goods.
I do not think we should adjust our "mix" of production to include more capital goods because I feel we currently have a good balance. Capitol is definitely important as it allows for growth that can produce consumption goods. Capitol, in the form of knowledge or manufacturing assets, will continue to thrive regardless if we try to adjust our "mix" of production because we as humans we always want to better ourselves and the way we produce goods. By continuing our eagerness in growing capitol naturally, consumption goods will increase in a faster and more logical way. What came first, the chicken or the egg? Definitely Capitol, in order to produce consumption. We should leave nature alone. :)
Producing more capital would be a good thing for this economy. If we produce more capital it will help out in the future and will help make more consumption goods. Capital goods will help produce opportunities that may not exist yet. If we worked on getting more capital when the economy was outrageously booming instead of working on consumptions of homes we may have been in a better situation today.
i think that we there should a be an equal balance of both consumption good and capital goods. capital goods are not so much produced for immediate consumption but rather to produce future goods and services. consumption goods on the other hand are in high demand so we need this as well.
i think we def need to produce more capitla goods because it will help us in the future and an increase in capital goods would lead to an increase in consumer goods so things would balance out --oakford gross
I believe its important to adjust our production mix to produce more capital goods for future generations. While they don't exactly serve for immediate usage, they will help for workers in the future to develop more consumer goods. Plus, they will probably find faster and more efficient ways to use our capital goods to produce better consumer goods not just for our country, but around the world as well.
I think that we should produce more capital goods. Doing so will allow our economy to grow and will decrease some of the dependency that we have on other countries. With the instability of our economy I think its in our best interest to try and produce and profit from as many goods as we can.
I believe there should be an equal balance between consumer goods and capital goods. Capital goods cost but they are affective in the long-run while consumer goods are ideas and technology.
I don't think that capital goods should be produced more than consumer goods because there are more consumers than producers. However, I think that there should be a good balance between the two because more capital goods and more efficient capital goods leads to innovation which will, in turn, create better products...leading to more consumption.
Anywhere where we don't pick up the production of capital goods another industry will pick up the slack (and as such we do with theirs). Our world economy provides a balancing act (hopefully) in terms of consumer vs. capital goods being produced. I think we should stick to what we do now.
I think like a business so it would be in its best interest to produce more consumption goods because the demand is much higher than that of capital goods, but the company its self would like to purchase capital goods to keep costs down. In the long run i think it would be in everyone's best interest to have a balance between capital and consumption goods, but ones own greed for more wealth prohibits this from happening.
ReplyDelete-Eric Cisneros
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ReplyDeleteI believe we should focus on producing more capital goods than we are right now. Like we discussed in class, it is important for us to think about our future generation and in order for them to be successful they need more capital so they can create a good amount of consumer goods. The way we have it right now just focuses on making things good for us now. But by the time the next generation comes around there will not be enough capital goods to keep up with the demand of consumer goods.
ReplyDeleteDanielle Wolf
I believe we should focus on Capital goods because its more important for us to think about the future generations than us, we are just fine, so why focus on consumption goods if we have what we need for right now. As for capital goods its best if we keep generating a better establishment for our future generations to grow as humans and keep improving.
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to say whether we should raise capital goods when you don't know where it is right now. With America being in a recession I am guessing that it would be a good idea to increases our consumer goods to help the present situation, but also have some capital goods so that we do not leave the future in turmoil. Once the economy stabilizes we should level them so that they are about equal, where there is growth for the present and future. With that being said it is good to think about capital goods for the future but we must keep in mind that for the future to grow there must be something there to grow from.
ReplyDeleteKenny Tavoc
I believe that the increase in the production of capital goods is definitely crucial for any economic growth because capital goods are used primarily to produce consumer goods. For example, sewing machines are definitely needed to produce clothes for consumption. Another way of saying would be that capital goods are essential and crucial factors for the upcoming production of the next unit of any other consumer goods; and therefore they help to increase one country's possible economic productivity capacity in the future. Also the investment in today's capital goods will be a promising economic growth for the future generation because they will have enough resources (capital goods) to produce more units of consumer goods.
ReplyDeleteBinh Pham.
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ReplyDeletePersonally, I am thinking about the future for me and my children. For example, when women know they having a baby for the first time they go out to buy clothes for them. Why are they buying clothes so early, it because the baby clothing is a capitol good. The major baby clothing companies know that a first time mother is going to invested in the first child by buying anything they can get there hands on.So, the consumption goods for baby clothes will increase since it may be a demand for them.
ReplyDeleteI think that it is perfectly fine to adjust our "mix" of production to include more capital goods because I believe that our environmental problems are not strictly related to the production of capital goods. It's also caused by our habits of eating especially in the consumption of meat. What people are not seeing are the ways cows and pigs are raised. They are left in tiny spaces breathing out carbon dioxide and farting out methane. Yes, it sounds laughable but methane is more potent to our environmental problems than the amount of CO2. There are other factors that are contributed to this but for the most part, by limiting our consumption of meat we can take care of half of our environmental problems and thus produce more capital goods which would generate the economy for future generations.
ReplyDeleteAfter the discussion we had in class about consumption goods or capital goods, I would have to say that capital goods is what we should choose. The reason I say we should choose capital goods is because it will bring susses for our future generation. Sure its alright to be greedy and think about ourselves, but at the very end once you die your left with nothing. So if you think about the future generation help them out later in their lives in making their consumer goods you would have let a legacy for future generations
ReplyDeleterichard castrejon
Unfortunately, I think the United States is a little backwards right now. In our present state we need to turn from our consumer habits and focus elsewhere. I think it’s especially important to be focusing on producing more Capital goods instead of Consumer goods. Reason being, if a country is in a recession (United States)it would be harmful to continue to keep producing goods for a Consumer market that has no buyers. But if this country produces Capital goods, it would be especially beneficial because this country would be creating jobs, economic growth, and wealth by selling these goods to a market full of buyers.
ReplyDeleteI think we should focus more on capital goods because we need to look to future and the future generations. The future generations can always make consumer goods if they dont need anymore capital goods but right now I think we need to make capital goods so they have things to use in the future.
ReplyDeleteI believe having a mix to include more capital goods is what we may need. Considering that we must think of our future and other future generations after us, producing more capital goods versus consumption goods can be beneficial to our economy. We can grow much better and hopefully bring more jobs to our country. Once we're able to become better, we can eventually bring the mix back to a 1:1 ratio.
ReplyDeleteAt this point, I still cannot decide on which I am leaning more towards. It is crucial in my opinion to be producing more capital goods so we can use it for today and future generations as discussed early today. If we produce more capital, it would show future kids to help their future generations. But at the same time it is a hard decision because we can’t primarily focus on helping future generations if we can’t care for ourselves. In a comment above from Binh Pham, I agree with his examples of how capital goods produce consumer goods.
ReplyDelete-Dany Saroeum
CSUSB --- ECON 200
I believe we need to focus on capital goods in order to increase the consumption goods. By increasing the productivity of both of these goods, the economy will be able to thrive.
ReplyDeleteI think as of right now, we should focus more on capital goods rather than consumption goods. Look what happened for the past years. Our government had promoted consumers to finance and use bank credit which increased our consumption goods skyrocket. Bank credits had been pushed with low APR and people used it and abused it to buy things they really don't need. I fell for it too! This ultimately caused our federal bank with shortages in savings. Because of wasting our money on consumption goods, three major areas (housing, construction, and automobile production) of capital goods sections were hit, which were heavily depended on bank credit. We should produce more capital goods in efficient way to control our consumption goods without wasting any more resources.
ReplyDeleteI believe that increasing the production of capital goods is more beneficial to the economy at this point. As in regards to the future, capital goods would show that we don't care as much for ourselves (individuals) as to future generations. They would be important in the production of machinery and tools, which in turn produce buildings and automobiles and other products for goods and services.
ReplyDelete-Dominic Finazzo
I think that we should adjust our "mix" of production and yes to include more of the capital goods because I believe that we need to think ahead for the next generation and the future of the country it would make the economy better. It can possibly provide more jobs if we have more factory here in the U.S. and we produce more capital goods. Everybody now just think about themselves and don't think and consider what is best for the future.
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ReplyDeleteCapital goods are vital to the economy. Businesses should adjust as needed and forecasted. However, it is hard to forecast correctly people's time preferences, real savings/investment rates while using the Federal Funds Target rates, and consequently interest rates, when contemplating investing in projects. When businesses think that the projects are now profitable because the interest rate is now artificially lower because of the Fed they undertake projects that won't be supported in the long run. Businesses should produce whatever is demanded because this is what brings sustainable employment. Consumers should stop consuming and start saving and investing. We need to produce more goods to export. Our nation needs to stop importing and consuming and start producing and exporting. We may technically still be the biggest manufacturing country but 70% of our economy is services. The fact that other countries have a similar ratio of services is irrelevant. They will have and/or already having problems.
ReplyDeletei feel that one should have a balanced mix. but because people and things are flawed that cant really be achieved. people can become greedy. and costs could be too high.either way it doesnt work. we just have to try and have a nice balance between the two.
ReplyDeleteI believe our main focus should be on consumer goods in order to increase our economic growth. Once our economy has been restored or is close to being restored we can then turn our attention to Capital goods to then help out our future generations.
ReplyDelete-Breeann Hurd
I believe we should adjust our mix to favor capital mix. but not by too much. Although it is important to produce more capital goods to increase economical growth we also have to concentrate on feed this selfish world with the consumption goods we need now rather then later.
ReplyDeleteI think our focus should be aimed towards creating more capital goods because with the way our economy is right now consumer goods are not really generating too much revenue. Capital goods on the other hand are important economic factors because they are ideal when it comes to developing a positive return from manufacturing other products and supplies
ReplyDeletewell in my opinion we need to find the balance. between the two. both are essential to the lives that americans have. i dont think we should over produce on capital goods because it is only of value and of use for so long. the key in my opinion is finding the balnce
ReplyDeleteI believe that either one will have a big effect in the economy. We have to keep in mind that inflation could occur and we are in a reccession so we have to keep them in check. if comsuption goods increase this doesn't mean its a good thing because if there is no money to be spend then what is the use of making more things.And if capital goods increase, what about the recession.We have more important things to fix now then to be increasing any of them.So overall i believe that capital goods and comsuption goods have to be equilibrium in order to have the balance.
ReplyDeleteAngelica Escolero
I would have to say that it is better to produce more capitol goods to benefit future generations. If capitol goods aren't produced, just like discussed in class their standards of living will be much lower than if goods were produced.
ReplyDeleteRebeca Magana
I believe that we should focus more on Capital goods as it was stated in class because of sustainability, our future generations are the ones that will get afcted by the desicions we make. I believe this would be the best choice to have a better economy and future generations will benefit from it greatly.
ReplyDeletePersonally I don't really think about the future because I'm a 'now' kind of guy. I think we should produce more consumer goods to get this economy back on track. People don't stop buying when the economy is bad, they just stop buying expensive things. So let's produce affordable consumer goods!
ReplyDeleteStan Hunsucker
We have to consider producing goods in the long term, so I think that we should be more concentrated on capital goods than consumption goods. Even though each person cannot be satisfied with focusing on capital goods, capital one is more important when we consider about our next generations. If we have more capital goods, it will support and be helpful to produce more consumption goods. Also, capital goods will help to global economy by increasing the world consumption goods. In the short run, it would be better to concentrate on consumption goods because we can please our lives at that time. However, I believe that considering more capital goods than consumption goods will make us productive with the long run perspective.
ReplyDeleteSang-Ah Kim
I think right now it is important to really focus on capital goods instead of consumre goods. Our country is going through a recession and we want whats going to give us more profit in the long run. We need to know that we are generating profit and continuing to look out for everyone in the future. I think capital goods is the way to go. More profit lies within capital goods.
ReplyDeleteI think right now it is important to really focus on capital goods instead of consumre goods. Our country is going through a recession and we want whats going to give us more profit in the long run. We need to know that we are generating profit and continuing to look out for everyone in the future. I think capital goods is the way to go. More profit lies within capital goods.
ReplyDelete-lauren castro
I think we should adjust our mix of production to include more capital goods, as long as it balances out with our production of consumer goods. By this, I mean that we do not overly produce capital goods so that the value of our consumer goods goes down (over-production not to exceed demands), but rather increase our capital goods in terms of being able to become more self-sufficient and competitive in the world market, and not rely so much on the import of goods from oversees. Having more capital goods would also create more factories and manufacturing in America, enabling more jobs and opportunities for employment here in the states.
ReplyDelete- Susan S.
I would suggest to to mix them both but to keep everything equal for one doesn't over lap the other because if the demand of consumer goods goes up it will hurt the capital goods because they will be low in there production to produce in time. and if its the other way around if capital goods is high then we would be spending wasted money. so i would recommend to keep everything balanced that way we wouldn't waste a lot of money.
ReplyDelete-Arthur Macias
I believe that we should have the equal amount of both capital goods and consumption goods. If we have too many people buying products, we would have a shortage. If we have to many products, and not enough people buying them we would have a surplus. As we discussed in class, we are the generation that looks at the future but theses are actions that we have to take now.
ReplyDeletei think that it is best to have them equally adjust them. If we were to mix the amount of to have more consumer goods than buisness's would be at a great lose and that will eventually end up hurting the consumers. In the other hand if the buisness's were at a gain than they would be able to create their own prices and wouldn't be good either so an equal miz or equal adjustment would be best.
ReplyDeleteI think it would be best if there was some type of balance between the two. I think it would be beneficial to both manufacturers and consumers if there was more capital goods. Businesses would increase production which would speed up the production rate and allow for more goods to be produced. Consumers would benefit because there would be more items available for purchasing.
ReplyDelete-Cory Williams
Although consumer goods are important, we need to have a better mix of capital good production. If we put to many resources into consumer good now businesses and individuals may make short term profits, but we are not creating a sustainable economy because feature generation will not have enough capital good generate healthy growth.
ReplyDeleteAfter the 2008 Housing crash and recession I think that now is a good time to increase our capital goods. The increase of capital goods would provide infrastucture for more businesses to start up, increase employment through public work programs, and boost the economy. As America is a mostly consumeristic society consumerism can only succeed when the economy is good. Therefore it is necessary to increase our capital goods now so that we can reach a balance between capitalistic and consumeristic goods and services.
ReplyDeleteDayna Wheatley
I believe that we should increase our capital goods. As others have stated, it is important not only for our lifetime but for future generations. We are living in an age of technology and machinery and that will always be producing our consumer goods. The more manufacturing that we have the more people will need to run these machines and equipment. That means more jobs and more consumer goods will be bought. For example, a t-shirt business needs a printing press and a sewing machine(capital) to produce the shirts(consumer), if we have more capital goods, that will bring an increase in presses and machines used and increase in shirts bought assuming there is a demand.
ReplyDeleteMoises Lizama
I think we should produce more capital goods. It would give our future generations more to work with. Plus we have the abiliy to import consumer goods, some at a lower price then we could produce them domestically.
ReplyDelete-amy harris
I think that we, as a country, have been trending toward the production of consumer goods over capital goods. Given our current financial ailments it's apparent that this trend has not lead us in the right direction. We should shift our focus toward the production of capital goods in order to renew our infrastructure and rebuild our economy. It will take a long time, but prior planning prevents poor performance. Consumer goods will always find a way to be produced I believe, and as technology finds cheaper ways to make smaller goods the obvious choice is to put money into capital goods. Investing in capital goods means investing in the long term health of the country's economy and of its people.
ReplyDeleteNick Tellier
i think that producing more capital goods is more important. the biggest reason is as we discuss about them in class, we should consider the future. if we focus on producing consumption goods now, in the future our next generations or even we also will be suffer from insufficiency. as time goes by, people's desire of something, such as food, clothes, and car will be increasing naturally. we also should respect future people's life quality.
ReplyDeleteAt the time, we should focus on producing more capital goods for the current moment. Consumption goods really just sounds like an excess to me. We should really just focus on what we need NOW. However, capital goods also work well in establishing a better future. I believe one of the most important ideas of capital goods is that is works towards improvement. Therefore, it helps us in the idea of setting up a more successful economy for future generations.
ReplyDeleteIn our current recision I believe an easy balance of capital goods and consuming goods would help for our future generations. For the lest amount of capital goods being produced to sell the greatest amount of consumer goods for profit. This would be finding the equilibrium of both capital goods (buildings, machinery, etc.) and consuming goods (products for users or being used right away) to establish the most profit. In our current economy I would have to say capital goods to have more job opportunities to get us out of the little recision we are currently in. Then producing more consumer goods to build the economy. This is for our recent recision but for a long term look, consuming goods to earn the most revenue for the company's. This is all companies mind set to earn the most profit with the least spending. So I believe having the balance of both capital goods and consumer goods so the economy can slowly rise for our generation and future ones.
ReplyDelete-Kenny Pigman
I think that their should be a balance, and the way that we should do that is not to just split production 50/50 but to go back and forth between producing more of one kind of good at a time. To specify, we should produce a higher amount of capital goods, until the standard of living starts to fall, then switch to a higher amount of consumer goods. All the while we are always producing both but always keeping the balance. I know it is easier said than done and that in reality it probably wouldn't work but the idea of always producing the same ratio of capital to consumer goods doesn't sound like it would always work. Eventually, the ratio would have to change.
ReplyDeleteI think we should focus on increasing our capital goods in order for our economy to improve. Consumption goods are important as well but can be focused on later. By producing more capital goods more jobs will be available to the society and thus improving our society.
ReplyDelete-Cynthia Inchaurregui
I think we should focus on the importance of producing more capital goods. It seems capital goods are the foundation from which consumer goods are derived from. More capital goods could yield a higher output of consumer goods if and when needed, but consumer goods can not produce more capital goods.
ReplyDelete-Susan Lo
Everyone seems to agree that we should focus more on capital goods, or at least find a balance. Realistically, in a society so focused on the needs of the consumers, I don't think that helping future generations will be enough of an incentive to change. However, it will also help support our struggling economy by creating more jobs, so focusing on capital goods seems logical. But what is the opportunity cost of this decision?
ReplyDeleteKatherine Hedd
So in my opinion I think we should add more "mix" into our capital goods production more then consumption goods because it would benefit us financially later in the future then the consumptions goods would. Because the consumption goods would only have a small benefit to us at this time but more capital goods would have a longer lasting effect.
ReplyDeleteI beleive and in accordance with this economic downfall, more consumer goods should be produced versus capital goods. I back this opinion of mine because capital goods require more money investment rather than consumer goods. Plus consumer goods will be a more progesively faster economic booster because in my perspective consumer goods are humans daily life must haves.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, we should concentrate on consumption goods more than capital goods in the short run. However, I believe that we should focus on our capital goods first. I mean capital goods are important to our life and it will be helpful to our descendants also. As you know, consumption goods can be produced by capital goods. I know that all people cannot agree that we should focus on capital goods, but if we concentrate on capital goods more, it will help to make consumption goods more than before. Also, I believe that capital goods can increase our economy situation. In the long view, capital goods will make economy more productive.
ReplyDeleteMyung-Rae Kim
In my opinion we have enough consumer goods as it is. We need to start focusing on creating more capital goods. These types of goods are important economic factors because they are key to developing a positive return from manufacturing other products and commodities. As many people have already mentioned, it is crucial for us to start looking at the interest of our future generations. And for our future generations to prosper, I believe it is necessary to start thinking about producing more capital goods.
ReplyDeleteI feel like we should have a healthy mix of the two. A good compromise can be beneficial in many aspects of life, and this particular economic question is no different. It is important to remember though that previous generations have produced far more consumption goods than capital goods. Keeping this in mind, I think that our mix should lean more towards the production of capital goods in the interest of preservation for this and future generations. This way we can hopefully neutralize the mix while still providing enough capital to support that big idea that economic growth is important.
ReplyDeleteKelly Zylman
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ReplyDeleteSome people believe that capital goods are more important than consumption goods. Of course, it is crucial in several ways. However, I believe that consumption goods are more significant. Of course, consumption goods make people satisfy their desire, so it seems like minor or insignificant thing. However, in my opinion, capital goods can be exists because of consumption goods. I think one’s desire can make capital goods. I mean there capital goods can develop when people get more desire. Capital goods also satisfy one’s desire. Start is one’s desire. Besides, one’s desire which is consumption goods make us productive in the long term view.
ReplyDelete- Sora Ko
I agree that we should focus more on capital goods, or at least find a balance. Because if we do one of the two we can create more wealth and help out the crisis that we are currently in. plus not even including that consumer goods aren't as beneficial right now anyway.
ReplyDeleteI think that we need to think about the long term and what we are lacking is definitely capital goods. But I also agree that we need a balance between the two. Capital goods are the foundation for most everything. With more Capital goods I feel we could acquire more consumer goods.
ReplyDeleteI think that we should focus on Capital goods more than consumption goods because it’s more important to think about the future generations than our currant life, were doing good the way we are, I think that we could pass, since we got what we need for now. As for capital goods its best if we keep generating a better establishment for our future generations, also our country is going through a recession and we want what’s going to give us more profit in the long run.
ReplyDeleteSince the consumption goods' market value are higher than the capital goods,I think a company need to produce consumption goods to sufficient profit to maintain its operating.For the capital goods, which company reduce it's cost by purchase those goods. For my think, a company's most important thing is the profit, since the consumption goods are higher value than capital goods I think the "mix" of production to include more consumption goods.
ReplyDeleteHere is my brilliant comment!
ReplyDeleteI believe that we should produce more capital goods over consumption goods because by producing more capital goods we will later have the means to also produce consumption goods for later generations, whereas if we would produce more consumption over capital goods it would mean that in the long run it will affect the future generations because, like Professor Harris said in the last lecture, it would mean that they will have less capital stock and less chance to produce consumption goods for growth.
ReplyDeleteI believe that in a future generation aspect point of view that we should choose and look at producing more capital goods over consumer goods. I think it's important for us to try and produce more capital to help out with our economical growth.
ReplyDeleteJosh Pond
I believe that focusing more on capital goods then consumption goods would be more beneficial to our future generations. Consumption goods may seem great for our economy right now, but if you look to the future, it won't be so great for them. Our future generation would have less capital stock and a smaller chance at growth through consumption goods. Maybe if the previous generation would have looked to the future, we wouldnt be in the economic crisi we are in today.
ReplyDeleteOur economy should be geared more toward producing capital goods than consumer goods. This is necessary because capital goods are required to produce consumer goods so, the only way to produce a larger quantity of consumer goods would be to adjust the proportion of all goods being produced to mostly include capital goods.
ReplyDeleteI think we should focus on Capital goods more than consumption goods because it’s more important to think about the future generations than our currant life, to look ahead and not necessarily whats happening now, in other words simply progress. As for capital goods we should keep in mind that our country is going through a recession and we want what’s going to give us more profit in the long run.
ReplyDelete-Joshua Tabera
I think we should adjust mix of production and have more capital goods due to the fact that capital goods is going to be use for the long run while consumption goods varies because there will be others goods that will come out but capitals on the other hand is the backbone of all products being creating and needs to be maintain.
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ReplyDeleteI believe we should focus on capital goods way more than consumer goods because we need to make sure that are still things available for our future generations. Focusing on capital goods seems like the more logical thing to do.
ReplyDeleteI think we should consume more capital goods because we need to put our future generations into consideration. Our society is perfectly fine with what we have for now, but if we don't start thinking about the next generation, the economic depression is going to "trickle down" to the future generation and become even worse. If we focus on consuming capital goods, it will be easier for us to get consumer goods and benefit the generations to come.
ReplyDelete-Ashley Rice
I think we do need more capital goods versus consumer goods. I feel like many of the things we consume is not a necessity. We need to focus on capital and the future generations so that they can have a better lifestyle. I think its true that a freeway like the 210 is more important over all then a consumer good like video game.
I think that we should more focus on capital goods than consumption goods. I think that this is like that we are doing saving in our account. For example, when we earn some money, we can use that money to buy clothes, brand new electronics and so on. Maybe we can feel pleasure when we buy those stuffs for a short time. However, we also can save money into our account. We can save money for later. In recent years, we focus more consumption goods than capital goods. Most of us have been tempted into many attractive consumption goods. While we are just satisfied with consumption goods, we neglect to capital goods. This depresses the development of world. It will affect much more to our next generations. They will not get benefits that we have. Even though to focus on capital goods than consumption goods is little bit hard for I think that that is the one of our duty for next generation because the world is not just for our generation.
ReplyDeleteMinju Kim
In my opinion the “mix” of production should include more consumption goods than capital goods because what people don’t realize is that yes we as a whole need to invest more in capital goods like machines, tools, and equipment, but we also need things like food, clothing which consumption goods pervades. I agree that we do need both capital goods and consumption goods to be produced, but we don’t want to put so much of our recourses into constructing new machines that we don’t have the recourses left for the necessities like food and clothing.
ReplyDeleteWe need our mix of production to include a balance of capital goods and consumption good. Capital goods are what make it possible for consumers to purchase personal or household products, and capital goods also don't generaly have a negative impact to our natural resources. Capital goods are better for our future but most of us including myself aren't going to want to give up consuming goods that make our everyday life better. They both go hand in hand. We all enjoy and rely on consumer goods like our cars, that we are able to drive because of the roads and bridges that are due to capital goods.
ReplyDelete-Giselle Rodriguez
I believe as a whole right now the country focuses too much on consumer goods. I believe that the country should focus on producing more capital goods and create more of a balance between consumer and capital goods.
ReplyDelete-Bryce Kerns
i say we need more capital goods than consumer goods, because it will only help us out in the long run. I agree with the fact that we should even out the consumer and capital goods forsure, though we need more capital good products. We are relying too much on consumer products.
ReplyDeleteWhat to produce has always been a question that has been difficult to answer. Should we produce more capital goods like machines, tools, or equipment, or should we produce more consumer goods that we get to enjoy immediately. I think it would be better for the economy to produce more consumer goods so that we as a country can stop depending so much on the imports from other countries. I read in the New York Times that as of May 2010, the United States trade deficit grew to $42 billion mostly because of the rise in imports of consumer goods. We are losing money by importing these goods while supporting the economies of other countries. However, this doesn’t mean that I think the United States shouldn’t produce capital goods. We need to also produce capital goods to keep the economy growing in the future. We need to find a balance between the two goods which will be an incredibly difficult task.
ReplyDeleteMallery Wassink
After todays discussion in class I think we should produce more capital goods than consumer goods. If there are more consumer goods being produced the feasible set gets smaller for future generations, and in order for them to produce more capital goods they will need to sacrifice much more in order to grow that shift up and to the right. And I agree that there are a lot of consumer goods today that we can give up.
ReplyDelete-Jezabeth Salvador
In this case, we need to concentrate on capital goods than consumption goods. Consumption goods make people feel happy directly, but sometimes, capital goods become a motive force to product consumption goods. Also, most of manufacture system is mechanization system in nowdays. Then, capital goods include machinary, computer and etc, so it helps to make more capital goods than now. This is a very important point in our community. Moreover, capital goods wiil be foundation stamina on economic cycle in the long term.
ReplyDeleteSungmin Lee.
My think is this that we should focus on consumption goods. Of course, the most ideal picture is producing capital goods and consumption goods in balance. However, it is impossible in real world. Anyway, mankind always try to live better and get more to live in happiness and comfort. in this thinking, consumption goods can meet our goal. Also, while we enjoy our life by using consumption goods, we could reach lots of high-tech. I mean we reached lots of capital goods. Therefore, focusing on consumption goods is better than capital goods.
ReplyDeleteI think we should leave out the cosumption goods because the U.S needs to focus on capital goods, the U.S need to produce more items that are a neccesity for example clothing, refrigerators but now there produce in third world countries and need to bring consupmtion close to production in order to prevent another crises set up regulations on banks, we need to save the next generation by increasing our capital stock we need to start producing more stuff in the United States
ReplyDeleteI think that we should be making only a little bit more capitol goods than consumer goods because in a way many resources can be used at once and for a very long time.For instance building an educational institution will benefit many people, the construction workers all the way to teachers and students. Consumer goods are also important because it is an every day necessity to the materialistic lives that we have.
ReplyDeleteWe should focus on producing capital goods. Capital goods are necessary because they are required to produce consumer goods. With a shortage of capital goods there comes a shortage in consumer goods. I think we should adjust our "mix" of production to include more capital goods.
ReplyDeleteBrian Linton
I think that we should adjust our "mix" of production to be able and include more capital goods because, we should think about the future that is ahead of us. Capital goods are objects that produce goods and services that lead to economic growth. It's important to develope manufactured means and products. Capital goods could alos produce more jobs to people because it's physical skills and labor developed by a human.
ReplyDeleteI think that both consumer and capital goods are important. I think that we need to find a good balance of both because we need to think about future generations but we also can't forget about the present.
ReplyDeleteI believe that we should adjust our mix of production to include both consumer and capital goods. This is because capital investment along with research and development encourage economic growth which in turn will increase consumer consumption of goods.
ReplyDeleteSara Nydam
Because our economy and the world around us is changing at such a fast pace, I think it is more important to be focused on the increase in capital goods, specifically in the area of technology. If we don’t at least keep up, and even excel in technological advances, there will be no chance of survival for future generations. Without capital goods, there is nothing to consume and then nothing to fund future production of capital goods. We’ve already seen a shift in the world super powers, with the US falling behind because of our slower technological advances.
ReplyDeletei think it would be wise to invest more in capital goods because it would benefit society more as a whole to have things that are more long lasting instead of things that we would only get a few uses out of. however i do not believe we should produce solely capital goods, there needs to be an equilibrium
ReplyDeleteI would personally suggest that we invest more into creating capital goods as a society for the mere fact that, if we as a nation want to stay competitive in the global market, in the future, we must invest sooner rather than later. For example, China will surpass the United States in terms of miles of paved roads within five years, which will in turn allow for faster commuting of supplies and the workforce.
ReplyDeleteJustin Miller
I don't think we should include capital goods at this time. Just because we can produce capital goods doesn't mean people are buying them. For example wood and metal used to construct buildings are being made but construction company's don't buy them because there is no work.
ReplyDeleteI think it's best to invest in both consumption and capital goods. Right now consumption goods are more in demand. Give consumers what they want but in addition, we have to think of the future and invest in capital goods as well. I think it's good to have an equilibrium on both ends. We don't know how the markets going to change in the future. It's a safer bet having investments on consumption and capital goods.
ReplyDelete-Daisy Guan
I think that we should adjust our "mix" of production to include more capital goods. Because first, Capital goods are requires of consumer goods. If we produce more capital goods rather than consumer goods, consumers are going to get a satification by production which made by the high tech capital goods. Second, Capital goods can lead a economic growth. All kind of production which as goods and services,etc are effect on our market. Also capital goods are going to use for a while, so for the future, we should produce more capital goods.
ReplyDeleteI think there should be more capital than consumer goods. We have to think about the future and how things can be simplified with what we do today. Consumer goods are only good for a while and capital goods are longer lasting and help produce as well.
ReplyDeleteI think we should not adjust our "mix" of production. Capital goods are needed and do serve their purpose, but do not have the higher turnover rate as consumer goods do. Consumer goods are purchased more rapidlly than capital goods so why would we need to adjust the production when these goods are not in as high of a demand as consumer goods? Only so many capital goods need to be produced thats why I feel that we don't not need to adjust our "mix" of production.
ReplyDeleteIn my own opinion, I believed that we need adjust our “mix” of production to include more capital goods, because I think the demand is higher than the consumption goods, we need think about more future generations than us, we make more capital goods , future generation will have more things to use, and the country will become better and better. In the short run consumption goods is favorable for development of our economic growth, but we cannot be shortsighted, since the capital goods can be more influential in the long term. Of course, better outcomes can be resulted if the balance point could be reached.
ReplyDeleteSihong Fang
I think, like most people on here we obviously have to find a balance between the two. While capital goods have their advantages, and are an absolute necessity to survive it is hard to force people to make them. It was pointed out today that our economy is based on supply and demand, and the demand for things that will benefit us in the long term is not that great. The demand will not grow for that until it is too late. Personally I think that there is not much we can do, and that the market guides itself. That is why we have government, the government builds capital goods that it sees as a necessity, like infrastructure.
ReplyDeleteJames Walker
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ReplyDeleteI think that we should adjust our "mix" of production to include more capital goods. Capital goods are long lasting and will be used for other people and in the future for other generations. Consumption goods are important as well, but unlike capital goods, are not long lasting and do not ensure a better tomorrow for future generations. Even though I do believe this, the mix should not be adjusted so drastically for capital goods because then the supply for consumption goods will be extremely low and living conditions will be harder.
ReplyDeleteBrittany McSwain
I think we should have an increase in Capital Goods since capital goods benefit many people. For example having tables at Cal State benefit many students by giving us time to sit down and take a break, eat lunch, study and even relax. Having an increase in Capital Goods will also benefit future generations which we defintly want ... (for our children (future children)). However, we should not leave consumer goods behind since we do need goods for our own benefits to succed in this world.
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ReplyDeleteIn the long run I believe that it is very important to have capital goods in mind rather than consumption goods. Although consumption goods are important in the short-term, capital goods are what keep everything running. If it weren't for capital goods there would be no consumption goods. It is important to create a stronger base for the future.
ReplyDelete-Daniel Cruz
Microecon 9:20-10:30
names jorge m. i think there should be a balance between capital and consumption goods or a little more to the capital goods because we can live without some consumption gooods nothing would happen to us or to our future generations but if we loose some consumption goods we might suffer or our children will suffer for sures for example we focus more on food than building schools or education our future kids might not have the schools that exist today or there mught not be that many spots open for our growing population.
ReplyDeleteyes i do believe that we should adjust our mix of production to include more capital goods. Our generation today is way different then generations from the past. The people of right now don't really understand the value of what is being produced right now. For example, people just go about their day not caring about what they are consuming and pretty much wasting the goods they have right now. Our society needs to learn how to be more efficient and put into use more capital goods.
ReplyDeleteAmanda M
I believe we as the U.S. should adjust our “mix” of production by increasing our capital good production. Capital production determines a nation’s economic strength and standard of living. For example, China, the steel producing nation is seeing a major economic growth and along with it the social class of its citizens. Now, imagine if the U.S increased its capital production, where would our economy and standard of living be?
ReplyDeletei strongly feel that the world will go through its cycle ending human life regardless if we try to preserve it or not so i strongly feel that we should produced more capital goods for our future generation to strive on and not be crippled by trying to preserve life
ReplyDeleteI think we should adjust our “mix” of production to include more capital goods than consumption goods because the capital goods produced can be used for more than one purpose, while consumption goods can generally be used for only one purpose. Producing more capital goods and using them in multiple ways will make the goods last longer, and therefore lead to a better economy in the future.
ReplyDeleteAs was mentioned in class, we are currently producing more consumer goods than capital goods right now. I believe we should focus on producing more capital good to benefit the future generations beyond ours. To keep producing more consumer goods is selfish and doesn't benefit as much in the long run as producing capital goods.
ReplyDelete-Melody Nash
I think that both capital goods and consumption goods are very important for our countries economy, but I think that we should adjust to include more capital goods. The reason I think this is because capital goods will probably play a more important role in the long term stability of our economy, than consumer goods.
ReplyDeleteI think that we should produce more capital goods for the sake of the economy, but that is not to say that we should neglect consumer goods. I think that a lot of capital goods can lead to the production of consumer goods so that if one does not produce capital goods, that can also severely affect that production of consumer goods. In the end though the stability of the economy is more important than the demand of the people though, because without a stable economy things can end up being worse than the economy is now.
ReplyDeleteBreanna Montoya
I feel that our country should go back to producing more capital goods. Although consumption goods have kept our economy alive, we need to begin inventing innovative ways to update our capital goods in order to become a strong exporting country again.
ReplyDeleteI feel right now is the best time to focus more on consumption goods because if we keep creating more capital goods then or example a machine in a factory is a capital good so if we keep making more machines less jobs will be available for the employees of that business and they will rely more on the machines.
ReplyDeleteCapital good should be are focus because they are what's gonna help out in the future.. Cumsumption goods are what's we use now but are minds should be focused on what's next.cumpstion good yes keep things going but capital good are gonna make us a strong country !
ReplyDeleteIn the long run it would be a better focus on adjusting on capital goods rather than consumption good because even though we do not need to fix our capital goods at the moment, overtime we will need to adjust with economic change. As technology changes, we need to constantly keep up to date in order to improvise with the scarce resources that make those consumption goods. It would be better for the sake of our future generations if we focus on adjusting our capital goods.
ReplyDeleteErik Ramirez
I think we should produce more consumption goods rather than capital goods because consumers are the ones that keep the economy going. By producing more consumer goods we also manage to improve things like technology. Furthermore if it weren’t for consumption goods most capital goods would not be necessary.
ReplyDeleteI think we should include more capital goods, eventhough they are not the most popular product that can be made, capital goods are necessary for future generations. I am aware that consumer goods are more popular because those goods are mostly made to the preferrances of consumers, and entertainment but we need to strive to be closer to the equilibrium point.
ReplyDeleteI believe that there shouldn't be more production of capital goods but equal or slightly equal to consumer goods. The reason being is because we do need the production of capital goods in our society because with the production of them comes the production of better roads, buildings, houses, and other important things that we need. We need production of capital goods also because as time passes machinery now gets old and eventually stops working.
ReplyDeleteI think that capital goods are more important that consumption goods. Certainly, we need consumption goods to live comfortable. As this aspect consumption goods are also important. However, if we don't have capital goods, we have in trouble. The most important examples are computer and machinery, those things can make our society rich. In my opinion, consumption good is related to shorter economic, but capital good is related to longterm economic. As long term aspect, it is more important than consumption good.
ReplyDeleteI really don't think that it would matter either way which we produce more of, capital or consumption goods, as long as the surplus in either direction generates enough wealth to purchase what we aren't focused on from other countries. That being said, I would personally prefer the United States to shift back to a focus on Capital goods, not so much because I'm concerned about future generations, but because I get a certain sense of pride seeing the stamp "Made in the USA" on items that help produce other goods. If producing more Capital goods has the effect of improving the well being of future generations, groovy.
ReplyDeleteI believe we should invest in capital goods due to the fact that in the long run in will benefit consumers, whereas consumer goods will only benefit the economy in the short run which is not what we need at this time.
ReplyDeleteI believe that capital goods should be our main focus in the long run. it will not only benefit us as we get older but also our future generations. In focussing on capital goods rather than consumer goods we are allowing our country to grow and strengthen in resources. Yes, consumer goods are quite important, but only when speaking in short terms. They allow us to live the life we live. But without the production of capital goods we would not have the great production of consumer goods; and since consumer goods get consumed we need the capital goods to continue to produce the consumer. Given that logic it seems to make sense that we give slightly more focus to the production of capital goods.
ReplyDelete-Gabriela Rubio
Looking at the short run most would say that consumer goods would be more profitable to produce, however in the longrun capital goods would be more logical. Capital goods are more resourceful and can help out more generations.
ReplyDeleteI think we should be more concern about capital goods, because today i think we have enough consumer goods to last us awhile, and like Mrs. Harris mentioned in class some of them we can do without. So, its time to focus on our kids and future generations because we as human beings want to move forward, and if we use all the resources today than future generations probably won't be able to have the same luxuries as us, or same goods.
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ReplyDeleteI believe that the most important would be the adjustment of capitol goods. The reason is because they are both vital. Consumer goods create more demand and eventually jobs. For example the revolution that electronics have created, now a days everyone owns an ipod or some electronic device thats similar. The evolution and the growth of technology is constant. Humans are always looking for ways to advance and make comodities. Unfortunetly morally this is not right. Personally, I wouldn't like to die knowing that my generation screwed up our home. -Judite Zamorano
ReplyDeleteI believe that it is important to produce consumer goods and consumption goods. I believe that there has to be a balance in everything. However, if we think about what we have now, In my opinion we are pretty well off as we are now in the US. So i think that in benefit of future generations it would only benefit them if we produced consumption goods so that they in the future can enjoy what we have now or more. As mentioned before, our greed sometimes does not allow us to think this way but it does not mean it's not the smartest thing to do.
ReplyDelete-Polet Milian
I definitley believe we should adjust our "mix" of production to include more capital goods. Capital goods are what we need to be successful in the futire, and I feel that the long run is more important then just fulfiling our immediate needs.
ReplyDelete-Justin Balancio
Ideally, consumer goods are in higher demand, because more people use them more often, but its a case of irony because in order to produce more of THOSE, We must have more capital goods to make them. I also think that it can go the other way though, because consumer goods are the cause of much waste and pollution because their lifetime isn't long. Hmm..tough choice. If I were to neglect future generations is say let's have a goal toward more consumer goods ;)
ReplyDeleteI would definitely say we should adjust our output of production to more capital goods just because we need to ensure that our future generations have all the resources and equipment they need to be just as productive as we are. That's not to say have more capital goods than consumer goods, but just that there should be more of a balance.
ReplyDeleteI think that we should have more capital goods to better our community. They will be useful for everyone.
ReplyDeleteIts obvious that we NEED to focus on spending money on capital goods and invest in our future. We're in a terrible economic position and I honestly don't think were are going to come back to the point we once we're. There is a time for everything and capital goods are the clear and easy choice at the moment.
ReplyDeleteEven though I think we should include more capital goods, shifting too much of this production would not be such a good thing either because that would affect things like cost (everyone has to watch out for their bottomline, right?). Although in more wealthier countries like the US where we aren't too concerned with our consumed goods, we shouldn't forget about the less fortunate ppl who don't even have goods to consume. Also, we can look to sustainability with more production of capital goods.
ReplyDeletetaking in the discussion we had in class it would be best to produce capital goods. To help our economy this might be one way to get us back on track. To help our future and the next generation we might need to produce more capital goods.
ReplyDeleteI believe that we should focus on producing capital goods, in consideration of our future generation. If we focus on consumption goods, it would benefit us at the present time, but we need to think about what results we will get in the long run. We cannot always be selfish and "need" to be comfortable all the time, but think about how the choices we make now, will have an effect on us in the future.
ReplyDeleteI think we should need more capital goods if we want a long business plan and for a short business, more versus consumption goods are fit.But it is more better to have a balance to keep them together basing on every companies' solution.
ReplyDeleteI agree with most of the previous comments and thoughts. I believe that increasing capital goods would not only help stabalize today's economy but also help the nation grow. I also believe there is a very thin line between attempting to grow for the future and creating inflation. If we create to much of certain goods then it creates problems
ReplyDeleteI agree with what is being said with most people, in order for us to be able to provide the generation of tomorrow we have to make sure that the economy we live in today makes it that far in being able to produce accordingly. By producing and selling goods accordingly, our economy would benefit better rather than just leaning more one direction hoping to make more money and finding that later down the line that our future isn't going to be so easy.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion the consumption goods seems to be more profitable than the capital good because the demand for consumption is larger .In addition, the cycle of producing and selling consumption goods is shorter than the capital goods. Because of the recession that is happening in our economy, the demand for capital goods is low , more costly and less return for investing in capital goods. I believe that we should focus on consumption goods until our economy gets improved.
ReplyDeleteMohammad Al Qamish
At first I thought yes, capital goods should increase in production (to produce more goods), but thinking about how we live in a consumer-driven economy, I think more consumer goods available for purchase would be more profitable. More consumer goods, means more buyers, means more money.
ReplyDeleteConsidering our country's current unemployment rate of roughly 9.7%, and the pressure to “go green,” in an effort to help rectify the world’s pollution problems, signifies a few reasons as to why we should concentrate on producing more capital goods. In order for us to become more ecologically efficient we need to innovate and create new technologies, which not only constitutes to the creation of more capital goods, but most importantly, the creation of more jobs. For example, Tesla Motors is an auto manufacturer based out of Silicon Valley that focuses on the production of pure electric vehicles. Their movement within the industry will help ignite new jobs, opportunities, competition, and the production of new types of capital goods as we move away from traditional fossil fuel based automobiles.
ReplyDeleteI do not think we should include more capital goods (versus consumer goods) into the mix of production. I think that if we make more manufactured goods then we should also raise consumer goods. If one increases more than the other, it would not prove efficient. You need capital goods for the future, but you need consumer goods for the present. Overall, we need both – not more of just one type of good.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, although consumer goods are more profit than capital goods for us right now, we must think about the future and invest now for the better result in the future. we need to establish a good balance to profit the present, and yet still have a good economic future.
ReplyDeleteYes i believe capital goods should be a very important production is todays society because it will effect future generations. If there are more consumer goods in the future nothing will last and everything will turn to be short time use which will hurt the economy.
ReplyDelete-Nicholas Flores
We should include more capital goods. As we discussed in class, if we dont produce enough capital goods then eventually our graph shifts in and future generations cannot produce as many capital goods versus consumer goods like we could generations before. If every generation did this, eventually our graph would get smaller and smaller and less capital and consumer goods would be produced efficiently.
ReplyDeleteI think that we should adjust to producing more capital goods because if not maybe our children my be affected by this. Plus there are some consumer goods that we could live without. For example, we could really live without cigars and alcohol.
ReplyDeleteI think it would be more productive for our economy, both present time as well as in the future if we produce more capital goods than consumer goods. If we produce more capital than consumer goods, we put ourselves as well as future generations in better positions. For example, if we didn't produce enough capital goods, future generations wouldn't have resources for their own consumer goods.
ReplyDeleteI believe that there needs to be a good mixture of the two. By increasing capital goods, the production of consumer goods will go up as well. Both capital and consumer goods boost gross domestic product and will help the economy grow and that is what we need right now. The more consumer goods that are produced the better because that will create more jobs and that's is what the economy needs right now. GDP has been growing the last few quarters but nobody is hiring yet because they are able to keep up with the slight growth with the employees that they currently have employed.
ReplyDeleteSorry I didn't post this before the deadline. I totally forgot about it until it was the first thing I thought of this morning when I woke up.
I think we should produce more capitol good because they dont run out and they are important in keeping our economy running smoothly in the future.
ReplyDeleteI think it is imperative that there is a balance between the two. Because the actions we take today and the resources we use up will greatly affect future generations. Although its impossible to estimate the exact ideal number, we can take steps such as reducing our carbon footprint etc.
ReplyDeleteI personally feel that while consumption goods are making our immediate lives easier and better, we definitely need to change our "mix" of production to include more capital goods. Because of the way that we are producing now, future generations will have a much harder time than they should, and they will have an even harder time dealing with our already screwed up economy if we do not start producing more capital goods.
ReplyDeletei believe we should adjust and produce more capital goods because our future economy will grow and later we wont depend on other countries for goods and our economy we run smoothly.
ReplyDelete-german coreas
I think that yes we should focus more on capital goods. Not only would it help the community(like with the highway through redlands) but it would also set up our future generations with the things that we were given that we take for granted. We shouldn't completely ignore consumption goods though because the use of those helps stimulate the economy because they are needed over and over again.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, the best answer to this question would be to focus on both capital goods, and consumption goods. Reason being is because consumption goods keep our society up to date and help us momentarily. However, the capital goods will help with future generations and what is to come in our society.
ReplyDeleteEcon 202
Andre Haugabrook
I think we should adjust our mix of production to have more capital goods produced than consumption goods. Capital goods can benefit in multiple ways and consumption goods are used for one purpose and are done with. More capital goods allows the economy to become better because when we just produce consumption goods then we are not making new innovations.
ReplyDeleteI think we should focus more on capital goods instead of consumer goods. Consumer goods are good at the time and for consumption or use rightaway but in the long run it is better for your economy to make more capital goods. For example a country having more capital goods can therefore have more consumer goods or sell those consumer goods and be more incharge of the universal economy. Like from class the US use to be the best cars but now we have dropped off and China is the leading car manufacturer and has taken the lead in many other technologies and future things that are capital goods. They have more factories and plants creating consumer goods for the US to buy. The US needs to spend its money on making factories and researching for more CAPITAL goods and spend less on buying CONSUMER goods.
ReplyDeleteI think we should include more capital goods more than consumer goods because in the long run it will help out the future generations to come. Yes, consumer goods are good for now but it's important that we think about the future. Consumer goods are not nearly as important as capital goods. Having more capital goods would allow us and our future generation to have more resources. Also, if we had more capital goods, we could be making more profits which could help us get out of this recession.
ReplyDelete- Ashley Ignacio
I think we should create more capital rather than consumption goods. I think this because we currently live in a world were there are so many consumption goods, like the ipad or portable gaming systems, that the benifits of having technology is having a negative reaction towards current generations. Things such as libraries or even playing outdoors are becoming out dated. We should create more capital to help future generations thrive like our ancestors did for us.
ReplyDeleteI think that we need to make more capital goods so that the GDP grows. That what made the U.S grate in the late 70's and early 60's. We ware making the steel to make the machine to make car and plane. After the mid 70 the government stop make it profitable to do so.
ReplyDeletei think if too many capital goods are produced then the clutter on earth will be unbearable. i think if we create more comsumer things as population increases that will be the safest thing to do. technology increases all the time no use of creating many things that will be out dated anyway.
ReplyDeleteOur society has put a great emphasis on consumer goods. So our economy is driven more towards consumption. However I believe that we need to change that emphasis towards capital goods. This will create a better future for our country and possibly even the rest of the world. Especially with the "green" movement, this would be a great time to switch over to capital goods.
ReplyDeleteI think it is in the united states best interest to have the charts showing us as producing more capital goods. I think that the thing that made the beginning of the 19 century so developmental and (growth) both economically and by size and technology, and why were on top of the hegemonic cycle is because we were producing and exporting more than another country. Now because technological and mgmt advanced it so that these job be easily exported along side with the goods that we were producing. These lead our soul-less american cooperation to remember their one golden rule "maximize profits", and exporting these jobs or "business" to these 3rd world developing country, forcing modernization on them and telling them that they should live and die by the dollar. So now we are living in an after-math of what this soul-less entity has done to the american economy, these lack of reposiaablity and nowhere loyalty, has driven jobs and factories, textiles, manufacturing, technical support, etc... and the point is... Its just cheaper to do business in other countries and then to sell them to the american consumer (who is already brain washed to know that "cash is KING" simple put
ReplyDeleteMATERIALISTIC", and "we" as now a more predominate consumer nation are loving these new Jordan's, and have no idea what it took and where those Jordans came from but "thurr dope"... I'm joking, but I really feel that if we as a nation are gonna stay on "top" or be successful or flourishing or efficient.. however you call Having the right and chance to pursue the life of happiness..., or are the gonna handicap us and use it as a control mechanism for the rich to stay richer and "nip it in the bud" for all us brotherhood who believe that our character shapes our destiny, but thats another cup of tea.
I think it is very important to think about our future generations. If we decide to use more of one good than the other our future generations will have less to work with. I thinnk we should keep it as even as possible. Maybe rotate every x years (could be 1yr, 5yrs ect.), more capital goods then more consumption goods. I feel that would keep it as even as possible and then our future generations will have more the capital goods than we have today.
ReplyDeleteThere are many factors that need to be considered before taking in control ethe input ant output of capital goods vs consumer goods. For instance If we increase the amount of capital goods in the wrong society there will be consequences. If we increase the amount of capital goods in other societies it will actually create more jobs and lead to more consumption. There has to be a collateral balance towards this mix.
ReplyDeleteManuel Marroquin
I do believe that we should have more capital rather than consumer goods in the right circumstance. But, if we produce too much of either it will cause too many or too little products. But, different societies have different needs, some need more consumer than capital and vice-versa.
ReplyDeleteAs we continue to post responses, notice how those students who provide an example or cite evidence tend to "sound" more convincing? Persuasion is an art and a science. We can learn how to be more persuasive in our writing...
ReplyDeletei believe we should have more consumer goods. yes we enjoy our consumer goods today.. who knows, down the road the later days are going to have different resources so its okay to waste them now.
ReplyDeletei think we should have more capital goods because it is a means of production. They generate more goods as well as jobs if factories were to be built. Consumer goods are not as beneficial as capital goods
ReplyDeleteThe things which we need as the society we currently are in are consumer goods...we are driven by smart phones, designer jeans and starbucks...however if we want to get out of our econiomic state we need to begin producing more capital goods and become more industrial if you will. If we produced capital goods to help become more enviormentally sound it would be a win win situation.
ReplyDeleteI believe we should invest more time into making more capitals goods. As a society now we revolve around our own personal interest. We are always looking out for number one if you will and if we began to start looking our for our future and our own society we will be able to improve our own existence. Capital goods will better our society and our economy because they are very important in helping manufacture other products.
ReplyDeleteCharlie Newton
I think that we should focus on both because they are equally important. I mean capital good is good but we can not forget about consuming the people also amtter without consumer there is no capital good. That is what I think.
ReplyDeletePriscilla Leon
I believe that we should focus more of our production on capital goods. Since capital goods are a necessity to our well-being it makes sense to focus on having a higher production rate for these goods. If we started to produce more consumer goods it could lead to a chaotic society in which people were scrambling to buy from a shortage of capital goods.
ReplyDeleteI think if we care about the goodwill of the generations in the future, than we should mix in a few more capital goods so that the future generation can have as good a life as we do today
ReplyDeleteKyle Brown
As a nation I feel that we must have a very delicate balance betweeen both capital and consumer goods. Although there are many factors that contribute to what determines what capital goods are produced and what consumer goods are provided; things such as technology, imports, and competition amongst providers in the ever lasting arms race.
ReplyDeleteGiven the present situation (where the output is mainly consumer goods), I believe that this should shift more to capital goods. In a sense, we can be considered to be more selfish than some past generations. Some have even labeled the generation as the “Me” generation, where our focus is just on ourselves. This is why we should consider the future generations. In my opinion, growth is essential and we cannot let our future generations start off worse than how we started off. That said, we should at least try to have equilibrium between capital good and consumer goods, that way we continue to have growth and at the same time enjoy consumer goods.
ReplyDeleteI believe we should invest in more capital goods in order to secure a chance for a more stable economic system in the future.
ReplyDelete- Chaun Calvin
I do not think we should adjust our "mix" of production to include more capital goods because I feel we currently have a good balance. Capitol is definitely important as it allows for growth that can produce consumption goods. Capitol, in the form of knowledge or manufacturing assets, will continue to thrive regardless if we try to adjust our "mix" of production because we as humans we always want to better ourselves and the way we produce goods. By continuing our eagerness in growing capitol naturally, consumption goods will increase in a faster and more logical way. What came first, the chicken or the egg? Definitely Capitol, in order to produce consumption. We should leave nature alone. :)
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ReplyDeleteProducing more capital would be a good thing for this economy. If we produce more capital it will help out in the future and will help make more consumption goods. Capital goods will help produce opportunities that may not exist yet. If we worked on getting more capital when the economy was outrageously booming instead of working on consumptions of homes we may have been in a better situation today.
ReplyDeleteAlexandria Guerra
i think that we there should a be an equal balance of both consumption good and capital goods. capital goods are not so much produced for immediate consumption but rather to produce future goods and services. consumption goods on the other hand are in high demand so we need this as well.
ReplyDeletei think we def need to produce more capitla goods because it will help us in the future and an increase in capital goods would lead to an increase in consumer goods so things would balance out --oakford gross
ReplyDeleteI believe its important to adjust our production mix to produce more capital goods for future generations. While they don't exactly serve for immediate usage, they will help for workers in the future to develop more consumer goods. Plus, they will probably find faster and more efficient ways to use our capital goods to produce better consumer goods not just for our country, but around the world as well.
ReplyDelete-Nicolette Afable
I think that we should produce more capital goods. Doing so will allow our economy to grow and will decrease some of the dependency that we have on other countries. With the instability of our economy I think its in our best interest to try and produce and profit from as many goods as we can.
ReplyDeleteI believe there should be an equal balance between consumer goods and capital goods. Capital goods cost but they are affective in the long-run while consumer goods are ideas and technology.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that capital goods should be produced more than consumer goods because there are more consumers than producers. However, I think that there should be a good balance between the two because more capital goods and more efficient capital goods leads to innovation which will, in turn, create better products...leading to more consumption.
ReplyDeleteAnywhere where we don't pick up the production of capital goods another industry will pick up the slack (and as such we do with theirs). Our world economy provides a balancing act (hopefully) in terms of consumer vs. capital goods being produced. I think we should stick to what we do now.