Thursday, February 24, 2011

Micro Question 2/24

What industry do you want to 'work' in after graduation? Share that; using the template of market structures, describe what type of industry structure your profession most likely falls into? Why?


  1. After I graduate I would like to work in Marketing. This will most likely fall into the oligopoly structure because there are many different firms and it will most likely be a heterogeneous type of product.

  2. After I graduate I would like to work a sales or marketing environment. This would most likely fall into monopolistic competition because products would be heterogeneous and the brand, quality and service matters. It also has free entry and exit.

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  4. After graduation, I will continue in the career that I already have. I am currently in the direct selling industry with Mary Kay Cosmetics. If you look at both the direct selling industry and the skin care industry, these would both fit into the monopolistic competition structure. They both have a large number of firms and heterogeneous products. Their motivation is profit maximization. The only contradiction is that they usually don't have completely fee entry. However, exit is always free.

  5. After graduation i would like to work in sales. I feel that i have that friendly and upbeat personality that it takes to get the job down. This would fall into a Monopolitic Competition market structure b/c there are a LARGE amount of firms that are in sales and the product type is HETEROGENEOUS. It is also a price maker and entry/exit is free.

  6. When i graduate i hope to pursue my goal to work for walmart corporate and i think it is a Monopolitic Competition market structure because there are a LARGE amount of firms that are in sales and the product type is hetergenous. It is also a price maker and entry/exit is free.

  7. When I graduate I would like to work for target as an executive n I believe that would fall under monopolistic competition n it would be heterogeneous because of all the different product brands n quality of brands differentiate. The entry and exist Is totally free.

  8. I plan to be a snake breeder and be in the computer industry free I graduate. Breeding would fall under monopolistic but sometimes it ranges all the way to the right under monopoly. Entry and exit is free and we are price makers. The computer industry us monopolistic too because there are many people doing it, E/E is free, price makers and profit maximization.

  9. After I graduate I would like to go into McDonalds Corporate. I believe that it falls into the concept of Monpolitic competition due to the large amount of firms it has, and its product type is heterogenous. being a price maker and enrty and exit.

  10. Raymond Beasley - 003351932

    Well I plan on being a Bible teacher in the future, either in a classroom or a pulpit. I do not really look at ministry as a market, but if I did then I would think it falls under perfect competition. There are many many sellers of this service, and many many buyers willing to pay or give for it. It would be a Homogeneous service, because the service varies very little across suppliers, and it would be free and easy to enter or exit the market.

  11. After graduation I am committed to continue working for Dewey Pest Control in the sales program since they are paying for my schooling. In my opinion, pest control falls under the market structure of monopolistic competition. There are a large number of firms and entry and exit is totally free. Anyone can kill bugs and depending on the state, it is inexpensive and easy to get a pest license. That's why you often see new small companies starting constantly. Every pest company uses essentially the same products to kill bugs. What sets the companies apart is the customer service and knowledge to use the products more effectivly. This would make the type of pest service heterogenous.

  12. After graduation I want to go to law school and possibly become a district attorney, which I guess would make me part of an oligopoly. This would be an oligopoly because there are only a few people who can work as a district attorney because entrance is restricted, as well as the fact that every D.A brings something different. There are two different kinds of competition that D.A.s are a part of and that is in the job market and then against the Public Attorneys, so depending on how one classifies the type of firm it could fall into a different category.

  13. I would like to pursue a career in health care management. I think that would fall under monopolistic competition. There is a large number of different markets that offer different goods and services. The services provided will determine consumer ability/willingness to pay as well as create competition among suppliers, which makes it a price maker. Info, entry/exit are free and motivation is for profit maximization.
    Susan Lo

  14. After I graduate I am hoping to get a job in the marketing field. I think this would fall into the oligopoly structure because there are a lot of different companies and firms.

  15. I see myself working in health care management. i think that would be classify under as monopolistic competition, because of the large number firms that are available, price makers, entry/exit, and of course profit max.

  16. I have been working at public schools in an after school program all throughout college. Upon graduation, I would like to pursue a career as a teacher of high school or middle school social studies. We talked about public education in class. It is hard to place this field. Entry and exit are relatively free and this type of work does not fall under the price maker category. However, there are not different school districts competing for the same students so you could not say that there is a large number of firms. For these reasons I would say that public education is one of the most blurred of all of the market structures.

  17. After graduation, as of now i want to work in the accounting field. I work at a tax office right now and i enjoy working there. I believe this would fall under the monopolistic industry. There is a large amount of firms and entry/exit is totally free.

    Amanda M

  18. After graduation I would like to become a deputy in the Sheriffs Department. Like most of these that falls under many of the catagories, because it is owned by the government. When you talk about the number of firms it is like a Perfect Monopoly, because for each juridiction there is only one. When you talk about price they are like Perfect Competition because they are Price Takers, they charge nothing for what they do. Entry and exit is restricted like in an oligopoly, duopoly, or Perfect monopoly. Because of the complete control exerted over it by the government I will call it a Perfect Monopoly.
    James Walker

  19. Dany Saroeum … CID#003140994

    Once graduating from college, I would like to pursue my career goal in the field of marketing which would fall into the oligolopy structure due to the multiple firms and business companies there are out there.

  20. Ufter graduation, I would like to find a career as a teacher of high school History. We talked about public education in class. This is a career that doesn't fall under the same guidelines as other careers on the list. School districts cannot be labeled as firms, becuase they do not fight over resources. Education is a grey spot in that it is hard to place in the current market structure. There aren't any goods being produced. It does not contribute to the nations GDP.

  21. After i graduate i would love to work in the sports marketing industry, maybe a sports agent. Since discussing it in class, the professional sports field in general is viewed as a monopolistic competition. Being that it has a large variety of firms, and all want what's best for them, profit maximization.

  22. After I graduate I plan to pursue a career in health care. I believe this market falls under monopolistic competition because there is a large number of firms, they are price makers, the information provided is free and cmplete, and everyone is in it for profit maximization.

  23. After i graduate i wish to pursue a career in law. I believe this market falls under monopolistic competition. Their are a large number of firms and different types of law services offered.

  24. After I graduate I would like to get into event management. I feel this would be monopolistic competition because there are many event management business in the southern california area. Even CSUSB has its own event management department.

  25. Mr carnes: When I graduate im going to work in the Advertising and Machining field. Im going to combine advertising with manufacturing. the industry my jobs fall into would be perfect monopoly, because i set my prices and I create and manufacture goods.

  26. After I graduate I would like to work as a manager of marketing or financing. This will most likely because there are many different firms and it will most likely be a heterogeneous type of product and for this the entry should be restricted. Therefor this should fall into oligopoly structure

  27. After graduation I want to go into retail management. In this line of work the competition is monopolistic. There are a large number of firms with a variety of products with different qualities and brand names which make it heterogeneous. There is profit maximization in the retail industry and a lot of company information about new products is completely free.

    -Daniel Cruz
    MWF 9:20-10:30

  28. After graduating I plan to be a Civil Engineer and with that degree I will be able to work in countless job markets, from building buildings to freeways to designing future sewer systems. However, my main concentration will be in constructing/designing buildings and make sure they stay standing after a massive earthquake. The industry itself tends to be more like an oligopoly because there are a few firms that deal with creating and designing buildings, it is a price maker, and the entry/exit into the market is extremely tough to get into it because of the high costs of starting up and once your in there are contacts that you sign to meet certain goals.

    Justin Miller

  29. After graduating, I plan to go either to Wall Street or into sales. I believe that sales would probably be in the monopolistic competition category, because there are a large number of firms, entry and exit is free, and there are different types of products making it heterogeneous.

  30. after graduation i would like to go into the industry of education. if you look at education broadly it would fall under monopolistic competition because there are many different schools, institutions and universities around the country. if we were looking at it locally it would fall under an oligoply. it would be an oligopoly because there are only a few instituions or school in a local area

  31. When I graduate, I plan to go into the business sector probably in Wall Street. This is probably considered monopolistic competition because of the amount of firms and the ability to enter and exit is free.

  32. The area that I want to work in after graduation is management/marketing. I would categorize the type of industry as monopolistic competition. If you were to look at management/marketing as a whole in general, it is large, impact of a single firm is greater than zero (success of one firm over another), product type is heterogeneous, and of course their motivation is profit maximization.

  33. After I graduate, I would like to work in the Health Care industry. I think this would be under monopolistic competition because there are many different types of health care professions which makes the product type heterogeneous, and therefore a large number of firms in any area.

  34. After I graduate I want to go into entrepreneurship. This would be monopolistic competition because there are many heterogenous products. There are different type of business you can start off . Plus it would be a free entry and exit.
    -Cynthia inchaurregui

  35. After I graduated I would like to work in human resources management. This would be a oligopoly because there are a few managers in the human resources market and also entry and exit is restricted due to the fact you have to have a BA just to even work in human resources at a clerical level at the corporation I would like to work at, so a managerial level it will be even more difficult to obtain a job as human resources manager.

  36. I am planning to enter the industry of politics once i graduate. I believe that this type of industry could be categorized as a perfect competition since there are an endless number of firms that work in politics, either domestic or international, and on top of that the flow of information is close to being entirely free with the new comunication networks that are now being used through out the world.

  37. After I graduate I would like to get into business management. I feel this would be monopolistic competition because this field is very competitive but it is one that needs to be fulfilled in order for our markets to function.

  38. After graduating, I would like to become an entrepreneur and open up my own tattoo shop. This would most likely fall into monopolistic competition because there are many tattoo shops around so I would have to make sure I will utilize my creativity and bring something that no other tattoo shop has to offer.

  39. Unfortunately i am still undeclared but if I had to choose i would say i would have to say computer science or business degree with a concentration in information assurance. I may work for the government or a company like sony, microsoft or apple. these would probably fall into a mix of monopoly or oligopoly because of the unique and limited choice of product and or service.

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  41. After graduation I would like to pursue a career in the Art industry, as a graphic design or possibly a stop-motion animator. When I look at the Art industry in a broad sense, I believe it falls into a “Monopolistic Competition” industry structure. The art industry on a broad scale has numerous firms, so if one were to close, there is always another artist willing to take on the job, however, they are more price makers than takers, since they can also project where the market will go as far as technology goes. Art also comes in numerous forms and outlets, so it is heterogeneous, and entry and exit in the art industry as a designer or art firm, etc. is totally free, and the same is true of market info.

    Now on a more specific view, a spot as a stop-motion animator or a Pixar animator, seem to be a bit more limited as they go to those with more experience. Anyone can not just decide to become the powerhouse that Pixar is, the technology those artists and companies have access to and the credit or prestige they have, make entry and availability of information into this side of the art world a bit more restricted and asymmetrical. Having a limited entry and exit they are definitely on the price maker’s side. As far as product goes, I would say that it was unique and make it a “Perfect Monopoly”, although, the art industry is really about being fast and creative, therefore if Pixar or another company were to fall it would stir the market a bit, but it wouldn’t be too long before another company would take it’s place on top, making it, in my opinion, an “Oligopoly”.

    -Susan S.

  42. After I graduate I would like to work in some field related to accounting because I want to follow my parents footsteps. I think an accounting field falls under the monopolistic competition because it is free to exit or enter. There are also a lot of firms, but I like that it is free to enter and exit because maybe I may want to change my career later on in my life.

  43. After i graduate I would like to work in the movie industry. I think that the movie industry is a form of Oligopoly market structure because there are few movie studios. It seems like it would be a restricted entry and exit because it costs so much to start and maintain. Information is Asymmetric because especially with upcoming movie projects things are kind of secretive and on a need to know basis with even the people working on a specific movie, and with all market structures it is evident that their motivation is profit maximization.
    -Danielle Wolf

  44. after i graduate i would like to have a job as a accountant. this would fall under a monopolistic competition because you can enter or exit and there is a large number of firms.

  45. After I graduate I would love to pursue a career within the marketing department of major television/movie firms. After the class discussion we had on it, I think it would fall into the category of a monopolistic competition because there are a large amount of firms and they of course are looking for profit maximization.

  46. I would like to pursue a career of an entrepreneur after graduating. This falls under monopolistic because there are many other people who have this same idea and career. Everyone in this category wants to maximize profit.

  47. when i graduate i want to be an entrepreneur, i want to have my own restaurant. i believe it falls under monopolistic because there is a vast number of entrepreneur and anyone can enter this field, because there is no requirements, and the most goal is to have an enormous possible of profit.

  48. After Redlands and after graduating from a Masters program, I would like to hold a career in healthcare. I believe this industry would fall under monopolistic competition because there are many different firms competing against each other and since there are many different specialties within healthcare, the product type is heterogeneous.

  49. When i graduate i plan to work in the supply chain industry which would be monopolistic competition because there are many firms that can offer to transport the goods from place to place.

  50. After I graduate from college, I would like to continue to pursue a career in music production. This type of career seems to be more of a monopolistic competition, seeing as there is a large number of music production companies. Also, the entry and exit is totally free.

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  52. After i graduate i am going to pursue the dream on becoming a firefighter. that kind of profession would probably fall into the Oligopoly area for the demand for firemen is low but the supply and want for the job is high. i know it will be a long and hard road but i know in the end its all worth it.

    Joshua Tabera

  53. After graduation I think it would be interesting to get into the music industry as an entertainer. The music industry is an Oligopoly because there are only a handful of entertainers among the many who have actually been successful. This is due to the restricted entry into the industry.

    Katherine Hedd

  54. After I graduate I will like to join a business that is considered to be monopolist competition and later start my own business. A business called Shacklle products that are healthy that help the majority of Americans; like some form of marketing

  55. Once I finally graduate from college in spring, My ideal career goal would to be work in the marketing field. I think that this field would be classified under the oligopoly structure because there are multiple firms and companies.

  56. After graduation I would like to work for the high fashion industry. The high fashion industry is considered a monopolistic competition because there are a large variety of high fashion designers and their products are sold based on the brand, quality and service offered.

  57. I would like to get into the finance and accounting industry. this would fall under Monopolistic competition because there are a large variety of people with these jobs.

  58. After graduation I think that I would like to get into journalism. I feel that it would fall under the market structure type of monopolistic competition. This is because there are a large number of firms and the entry/exit is free.

  59. After graduation i would want to work in sales or some type of business format. This would fall under monopolistic because of the large number of sales firms and companies but i would like to because i feel like my personality and interests best suits that line of work

  60. After graduation I want to work in actuarial science. This profession falls into oligopoly using the template of market structure because there is a small number of firms. Most actuaries belong to The Society of Actuaries which is a small group.

  61. I'm thinking... after I graduate I'm not really sure were I will like to work. As of right now my major is Business Managment and so I will have to go into a field realted to that. What I really want to do and may sound foolish but I really will like to go into Culinary/ Baking and Pastring. Maybe I can be the director/manager from a baking company or start a small baking business. Or maybe work at Wal-Mart and help it become more organized. I don't know there are so many options. All of these options I mention falls under monopoly. There is competition, prices range so one has to be always looking at their competitors prices.

  62. After I graduate I plan to go into health services. I would consider it to be a monopolistic because there are many different markets within the health services but the one goal is to make people healthier.

  63. After graduation I plan to go to culinary school and become a personal chef in the food industry. This falls under monopolistic competition because there are a large number of firms, different products are offered (heterogenous), and the barriers to entry and exit are free; no formal training is needed to enter the industry.
    Dayna Wheatley

  64. I'm already in the industry I want to be in, I just want to expand once I graduate. That industry is wood work, cabinetry. I would say that its a monopolistic competition. The reason i say this is because the products would be heterogeneous, some products would be a one of a kind piece that you wouldn't be able to get anywhere else. As for the price, I set the price because my products are unique and hand built with care. And there are no barriers to enter or exit the industry. As of now this industry is a monopolistic competition, in the future if I ever decide to specialize in a certain product, it might be an oligopoly.

    -Eric Cisneros

  65. After graduation I want to get into the Art Industry, which I would consider under 'Monopolistic Competition.' There are many different types of art, and I think I would pursue the Graphic Design path. Products are heterogeneous, and there aren't really any barriers to enter into the field, but in order to be successful one has to work hard in their firm.

  66. Some very interesting choices up there! Susan S.--Pixar! Way cool and I think you described the industry accurately. Sam--you could read/see you may have that career field all to yourself! That could work to your advantage...

  67. After graduation, I may enter a job that practices environmental justice. Considering that the actions made by this job are guided by government law and nothing else. This would fall under a monopolistic category, because this restricts the ability to enter and exit the market for other organizations.

  68. After graduation I would like to work in the sports management field as a product designer for a professional baseball team and then try and work my into the front office. This would fall under oligopoly because there are so few firms but it still is in the market structure.
    Charlie Newton

  69. After graduation I would like to become a teacher at either a private or public school. In terms of which market structure this falls under it is in sort of a gray area because in the public school system there is not much competition since schooling is decided on which district you fall under. As for private schooling whichever school offers the best academics along with extracurriculars will probably be the best choice if it is not expensive; however, private school is also in that gray area.

  70. After I graduate I plan on becoming a Parole Officer. This profession would fall under monopolistic competition because of there are not that many firms.

    Brittany McSwain

  71. the industry i want to work in in business big companies so the structure that it belongs to would be one out of all the options i now some are going to be harder to get into than others the positin im looking for is CEO or executive

  72. I want to work in the graphic design/production industry which i think is oligopoly because there is few firms with the majority of market power and barriers when it comes to free entry and exit into industry.

  73. When I graduate I want to work as a writer for a specialty magazine in either philosophy or political science. This industry is monopolistic since there are only a hand full of magazine in any given specialized area. There is privileged information and exclusive interviews that go to the magazines that are more widely read within the subject area.

  74. After I graduate I would like to work in Marketing. This will most likely fall into the oligopoly structure because there are many different firms and it will most likely be a heterogeneous type of product.

    Upon graduating i hope to work in Marketing. I believe this fall into the oligopoly category because there are so many firms with different products. --oakford gross

  75. well if its for fun and the money, i would like to work for the international marketing side of mma. i would preferbly whant to work for the UFC, this industry was a ologoplay up untill last week when the UFC bought strikeforce, and bellator, the other mma company announced it was going under, arguably the UFC is now a monoploly within the MMA buisness. but compared to other sports like mlb, and nba it is part of the over all ologopaly

  76. I want to own a restaurant. The restaurant business is a monopolistic competition because there are so many different places to eat. Food is a good that will always be in demand. The entry into the restaurant business doesn't have many barriers.

  77. I want to be a lawyer, which falls into the industry of law. I think that the "law industry" in our country can be considered a Monopolistic Competition. That is because there are many law firms, both government and privately owned. There is also brand recognition according to the level of advertising that firms use. I do not know about price making, but I do know that there is virtually free entry and exit. The faux payment into it would be the years spent in law school. Information is available about the firms, and they do wish to maximize profits.

  78. The industry I would like to work in is the game developing industry, since it deals with computer science.This industry falls into an oligopy since there are very few companies that develop games. However the industry is steadily increasing so demand for my skill is also increasing, better chance for the job :)

    Chaun Calvin

  79. In the future I would like to own my own restaurant. I believe this would be under the market system of monopolistic competition due to the fact that there are many varieties of places to eat, but none that I personally own. The entry into this type of business will have minimal barriers if any.

  80. I want to work in the music industry (performer). This is essentially a perfect competition market. There is nothing stopping anyone from writing songs and going out and playing them (A lot of people already do). Its very open, easy entry/exit.
