Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Last Macro Question (CSUSB) 3/16

President Obama has selected you to advise him on the economic policies he should adopt and promote while he runs for re-election. What THREE ideas do you have advise him to focus on? Why?


  1. 1. Cut prison tax across the board, how: death penalty for all rapists, molesters, and murderers, tired of paying for their easy life. Billions saved right their. And screw the liberal out cry those sickos had their chance in life.

    2. Cut welfare, how: timely manner give all those lazy people who defraud the system 6 months to get on track. Sorry if your pride hurts and you have to work at Mickey D's... Liberal out cry proved during the Bush regime, Presidents can do what they want. Hence the trillion dollar war effort for what? On our dollar...

    3. A true reformation of our government. Bring jobs back home getting rid of the lazy DMV employees and other government offices to which people cannot stand personal political spending and forcing other contracted workers like Cal-Trans to be on the ball... To many ideas can't just limit one. So I suppose Reformation of government spending, tax cuts for the obtuse taxes like prisons, welfare and war tax let the people who profit pay, they're always preaching about being a capitalist state, stop using my dollar, hypocritical imperialists.

    I suppose I could rant and rave all day...

    Ismael Navarro

  2. Anything I have to say on this is probably not going to get President Obama re-elected. But I'll give it a shot.
    1) They should be frantically trying to help upstart businesses. Lower taxes for new business, and more breaks for employing the unemployed. This is already out there.. increase... increase...
    2) Stimulus scares the hell out of me, so I would suggest doing anything to not write enormous checks like that in the future. If you can't increase the flow of money by injecting it through the Fed, or lowering interest rates, lower TAXES and use that to create debt. It puts money out there, and bringing taxes back gradually isn't nearly as frightening as pondering what's coming in the way of tax hikes in the future after huge spending increases.
    3) Fed paying interest rates on reserves? Not anymore... that seems pretty easy :)... though I'm sure its not just that easy

    I just think that the Government spending massive amounts of money to close THIS recession gap is like putting a band-aid on an arterial bleed. The money is bound to dry up sooner or later, and what are we left with? Go go gadget bigger Gov. I think it's highly plausible that the US may have been working over capacity, fueling the behemoth housing inflation, and it's going to take time for the jobs and economy to settle back into equilibrium. Damn you housing market, damn you!

    Lastly... Donate a buck to Red Cross towards Japan... No matter how shitty your situation is right now, for the moment, they've got it worse :-\

  3. Well, it looks like this last question is going to provide some very interesting reading!

  4. Being a student who has only learned the very basics of macro economics, I really don't think I have any sort of credentials to advise the president, but here is my opinion. Firstly I think he should raise production in America, our imports exceed exports many times over. I know we specialize in providing services but pretty soon everyone else will as well. One thing we have going for us is the auto manufacturing business which could soon be wiped out by bigger foreign companies. Raising physical goods export will make our country more self sufficient and raise GDP. Secondly instead of raising taxes or spending billions on the reinvestment act, there should be another stimulus. Right now fear has dropped the velocity of money very low, and instead of paying people to rebuild freeways that are still usable why not just give it to them. People are more likely to spend money as a gift compared to spending money that was earned. Besides that, giving money to the whole of America is a great bribe to get re-elected. Thirdly, there should be a great change in how much money the government uses on military fighting a stupid war. Instead of military there should be focus on research and development, we are far past catch up growth and instead of investing in new technology growth we waste it on a dumb war. New technology doesn't only benefit a country but the whole world, while generals belittle themselves by telling people war for peace. Anyway I digress, I also think that if Obama chooses to promise the people who are voting for him something he should actually do it.

    kenny tavoc

  5. if i was hleping the president for re-election i would bring to him a few key points.
    1. i would advise him to stop the cuts made nation wide on college education. this will lead to in increase of educated workers who can help the economy in the future.
    2. increase government regulations on banks. banks shouldnt be allowed to loan large amounts of cash to people who they know wont be able too pay it all back. as we found out it has a deep impact on our economy when large groups of people are drowning in debt.
    3. also the large companies that are created in the u.s. shouldnt be allowed to move over seas where it no longer helps our economies any more. if nike and wal-mart and the other huge income based companies where manufactureing here our economy would have a huge up rise. and it will create more jobs for american citizens.

  6. I definitely agree with Ismael on cutting prison taxes. I mean half the people who go to prison go with the intention of being cared for versus actually going for punishment. It's just a joke to people that they're getting better care in prisons than they can get elsewhere. Ironically, I think our country pays the most for our prisons and yet we still have a lot of crime. Japan does not even pay as much for theirs and they are considered to be one of the safest countries with the least amount of crime. Correlation? Maybe. Incentives matter. We should focus on redirecting these funds to schools. Most UK countries provide university education without payment. Wouldn't it be nice to go to school without worrying about costs?
    In addition, I would tell him to promote immigrants to get citizenship instead of tightening the boarder. Obviously it's not getting any better and people will continue to come here illegally so they might as well be honest and try to become citizens. This way they are paying taxes and contributing to our economy and other's would not have to pick up slack for what they aren't paying for.
    I also agree on what Beitzel said. The fed should stop paying interest on reserves. THE BANKS ARE HOARDING ALL OUR MONEY. Okay, not really but they aren't dispersing it throughout the country. But without this incentive, there's no reason for them for banks to keep reserves.

  7. I'm not good at this, but I believe he should
    1]Bring back the the american made products. We need more of the products that we buy to be made here to support our country.
    2] Be much more strict when it comes to welfare benefits. There should be more regulation since there are so many people that just sit at home and collect money while having the ability to go out and get a job.
    3] Banks should have more restriction in giving out risky loans.

  8. here it goes.
    1. i would stop the government from taking money out of the education system. this will help the economy in the future because many more people are educated and will participate in society more.
    2. increase american made products. by doing so, there will be many more jobs and it will boost our economy.
    3. Banks should have more regulations when giving out risky and potentially dangerous loans.

  9. Well, I understand that this question is asking for a somewhat ideological response, but I believe we can express our opinions without the use of crude language or name-calling. After all, this is a scholarly forum.
    If I had to advise President Obama to pursue certain economic policies to get him re-elected, I would keep in mind who his constituents are and that state of the country at this point.
    1. I would advise President Obama to invest in American jobs. Policies must promote the creation and stimulation of industries that can make jobs for Americans.
    2. I would advise him to stay away from raising taxes. We need people to spend their money, and no one will do that if they are being taxed more.
    3. I would advise him to pursue alternate energy. We know that we are tied way too closely to the MIddle East through our dependancy on petroleum. Freeing us from that financial burden would give us more confidence and faith in the government.

  10. 1. I would want him to make incentives for going to college, of course. I would want him to make it more affordable for people to attend school.
    2. I would want him to "keep it in America". He should import less and export more. Focus on our resources!
    3. He should put a major focus on employing people. Make it worth people's whiles to employ new people!

  11. After much thought, I've narrowed it down to three...

    1) Stop taking money out of our education system! We college students need our education to go above and beyond in this economy. If we want to learn, let us learn and stop making it so expensive! In the long run, when we graduate with our degrees, it will pay off when we give back to society with a change for the better with our big ideas for the future.

    2)Stop taking away jobs! People gotta make a living somehow! How do you expect people to survive? Don't take away the only thing that makes them scrape by financially in this world. Remember: Money doesn't grow on the trees in their back yard!

    3)Stop the welfare nonsense! Yes, people will need to get off their butts for this to happen, but I think America can do it. I'm making minimum wage at a part-time job with 25 hours a week and still going to school full time with 19 units. I find the time to work in my busy life. I'm sure someone not going to school can miss one or two of their TV shows and go to work for a few hours everyday. Maybe the job will be a dishwasher instead of a manager at a restaurant, but at least you're doing something with your life. Don't depend on other people to provide for you!

    -Ashley Rice

  12. Considering the fact that President Obama will be running for re-election, if he was to select me to advise him on the economic polocies he should adopt and promote, I would give him and advise him the following three ideas to focus on the best:
    1.NO MORE WAR!!!
    -The war is only taking away more and more money each and every year from our economy. It is not only millions but trillions of dollars that are basically being thrown away because war is simply evil power. It does nothing good for anyone overall. Those trillions of dollars could be going toward something better to better our economy here in America. It is no wonder China and Japan were higher than us.
    -Young generations are the future of America. There are thousands of students each year being left out with out an option of bettering themselves by attending further education after graduating from high school. It is one of the reasons why we see more crime in our streets day in day out. Crime rates have only been rising each year and YES it is because of this cause! Young adolescents find crime as their only way out since they cannot find it by furthering their education because they just simply cant afford to do so.
    -This recession that we are currently in has brought one the, if not the, biggest downfall in US history! Everyday families are being left without a home due to lack of being able to pay rent for their homes. It is all due to being unemployed. Ovbiously, without a job there is no income coming in and without income coming in then there is no way of paying rent or bills. The people need jobs out there right now. Yes we are in a current recession, but I KNOW that there are ways to end this and some are stated in the avobe reasons. That is why thousands of americans find themselves "JOBLESS"
    With this said, these are the 3 main things that I would advise president Obama to focus on upon re-election if he wants to win and go for a second term of presidency.

    -Ulises Ramirez

  13. 1.I would advise him to work on the welfare system. It is hard to believe that some people get paid more to sit at home than some people make working hard.
    2.I would advise him to not raise taxes. People need to be able to keep the money that they work for. The more they make every week the more that people will spend.
    3.I would advise Obama to give incentives for Business to stay in the the Country.

    Brian Linton

  14. In my mind, I think:
    1. Stop the war.
    The war that make a negative effect on the Solow Growth shifted, and the war make the business investment increased. War also caused the high tax. And the oil and food price also soared
    2. Put more money on the education system.
    Because government needs focus on the education. Young generations are the future of America, if they get a good education, the U.S will development faster
    3. Adjustment some policies
    Government needs adjustment some wrong policies. Learn something from them. And establish better policies. So need government needs revolution.

  15. For me, I think that
    1. Banks should have more restriction in giving out risky loans. Because as I saw at the bubble of housing, government should take care about them.
    2. In the U.S, should increase american product. If government think about the making product in own country, government should creat a job. So economy is going to grow up. Evne not for a job, When the nation are going to consuption their own product, it will help economy growth too.
    3. For the last one, Govenment should put the money on the education. I think all the student are going to make bigger and healthier U.S, after the education. So for the future, govenment should think about it.

    -Sanghun Lee

  16. 1. i want to stop rasing money for education system. almost every quarter we should pay more money to attending school. it is a serious problem to every students but to international student, it is bigger problem. international student should pay more money at least 3 to 4 times of other american students pay.
    2. i want to more job options to everybody. i know it is very hard to get job even to americans. actually every countreis have same situation. but to us, we pay much much more money to study and live here. we stay here using money and study same thing with more money than us students pay. then, at least can we get chace to work in here? and even if we get job in here, we learn much smaller than us people who study same, no much more and spend more money and more effect to survive in here.
    3. stop war thing. us is one of the most powerful country. when they work something, it's affect is very big. like in this situation, they say about war things, world econony is shaking. these days world economy is various. it is never a good sign.

  17. First of all, Mr. President Obama should fix the current deficits. Since Bush administration, Mr Obama has increased 20% on federal antipoverty program, expanded federal budget from $700billion to 1.7 trillion, and doubled federal education spending. These massive deficits will endanger nation's future economy.
    Secondly, Mr. President Obama should fix the current health care issue. The rising cost of medicare and health insurance increased uninsured citizens more than 60%. Instead of spending more on socialized medicine, he should definitely focus on reduction on health care.
    Lastly, Mr. President Obama should come up with convincing idea to fix double-dip recession, otherwise he won't be running in 2012. His administration should stop slashing down growth in gross domestic product. Less output means less consumptions, more unemployment and no affordable mortgage easy is that?

  18. I would tell the president to
    1. Give more money back to the schools. So many funds have been taken out that it is hard for people to graduate on time.
    2. Help out the buisnesses and try and get the unemployment rate down.
    3. And finally to not raise taxes.

  19. If president obama were to be re-elected the three major things i would advice him is this:

    1. The first thing i would advice him is to lower the unemployment rate because there is a lot of people without jobs that cant afford living standards.

    2. the second thing i would advice him to do is make sure the central banks to be more responsible in lending there money to people that dont pay it back, because thats the reason we are in a debt crisis.

    3. and lastly to stop cut budgeting to colleges because the majority of students cant afford going to college.

    -Arthur Macias

  20. 1. I want to make more job opportunities to people. Most of states suffer to unempolyment. If people don't have job, their life isn't happy and it causes economic problem in United States. The other method is improving minimum wage policy. minimum wage is too low now. It is better than our country, but there is more expensive to buy anythings, so it doesn't effect.
    2. I want to improve health care system. I think the most terrible system in United states is health care system. health insurance fee should low and quality should increase. Our country health care system is really good. i am afraid that if i am sick here, how can i pay too much money?
    3. i think that he should invest in environment problem. Oil price is getting increase and increase. we need to alternative energy. America is one of the richest country in the world. They can invest much money in environment area than other countries. Also we need to decrease a greenhouse gas in the world. America has to lead to solve this problem to other countries.

  21. The first thing I think President Obama should do is to help with education. Not just college education, but all levels. Public schools have had so many resources taken away from them over the last decade and it's sad to see so many kids without the advantages I had growing up. If we want to continuously be a top country in this world we need to value education and what it can do for us.
    The second thing I think he should do is end the war. We are wasting so many resources that we don't really have right now. If there was a point to the war it should have already been made instead of drug out for years. We can better be using the funds, resources and bodies here in our country helping ourselves.
    And lastly, I think implementing a universal healthcare system is key. Providing everyone with the same level of care can be uniting. Nobody will feel less important than anyone else, and people will go to the doctor more without having to worrying about being able to afford it. Though not greatly it could decrease the number of sick days people take, leading to more productive work days.

  22. I want to recommend these three policies for Obama to be re-elected.
    First, I think that he should try to decrease taxes. He can decrease taxes from reducing wars expense. Because of reduced taxes, people will spend more money, so it makes economy more active.
    Second, he needs to make more jobs. Unemployment rate in U.S. are still high and the economy is in the recession. If he tries to invent more companies and new technologies, those industries will be bigger and make more jobs. If people earn money, spending in economy also will be increasing.
    Third, he needs to put more money on college education. The tuition is increased every year. Also, the government cut scholarships for students and support for universities. It is burden to students to get education in the university. The government should give students chance to study without fear about tuition because students will be great worker for future economy.

    Minju Kim

  23. I am going to recommend three policies for Obama to be re-elected.
    1. He should make more jobs to give people opportunities to be employed. As time goes by, unemployment rate of the U.S. is going to be higher and higher. So, discouraged unemployed people could increase and U.S. productive capacity will decrease. To solve this problem, the government ought to make more jobs.
    2. He should focus on more education policies, especially the point of tuition for education. Today, one of the important factors to live is the knowledge industry. Many globalized talented people have competed in diverse fields. To build up strengthen education, the tuition is the first problem that should be solved. The higher tuition for education could be burden to a lot of students and deprive many students of their educational opportunities.
    3. He should reorganize health care system. In the U.S., I think that the welfare of health system is not perfect. In case of payment, too much higher medical expenses and insurance fee make people can be afraid of going to hospital. Also, the course of applying insurance is quite slow and not accurate. If Obama reorganize this aspect, health care system will be getting better.

    Sang-Ah Kim

  24. 1.I would advise him to focus on the universal health care plan system. Of course, Obama tried but he should make sure this correctly. This is because most people had a hard time with paying too much cost from the hospital. Everyone who is sick can go hospital whenever with no paying problem.

    2.I would advise him to focus on reducing education fee. College education is so expensive. Most American students work and take classes. However, their wage is not enough to pay education fee. Even worse, international students pay more anything because we are not American. I think expensive education fee make students give up their chance to learn.

    3.I would advise him to reduce taxes. Reducing taxes make people save more from their wage. Also, it helps people to spend money. In this sense, it will help economically.

    - Sora Ko

  25. 1. I would advise The President to work on the education system and stop cutting funds.
    2. Focus on creating more jobs for the unemployed.
    3. Reduce taxes

  26. Three ideas that i would like to advise the President on would be: First, to help out the unemployed. The unemployment rate is really high and as we have learned in this class this unemployment rate doesnt even count the real amount of people that are unemployed, for example the discouraged workers. Like it has been done before perhaps we can do this again by creating new jobs or by giving the opportunity to the people that want to work. Second, i believe that the president should also consider reducing taxes. Taxes take out alot of money, money that people could use to either save up or to use for comsumption, which would help keep the economy flowing. Last, i belive that there should be more done towards education. There were alot of cut-backs on the money given towards colleges, i believe that this should be modified so that everyone is able to get the opportunity in getting a good college education.

  27. If I have opportunity to advise President Obama on the economic policies, I can give three things for him to be re-elected.
    First, I think that he should decrease taxes. When I am living in USA, I always think that this country’s tax is so high that I cannot buy many things which can be clothes, foods, and so on freely. I know that government needs tax for many things especially the war. Also, people have a problem because of high tax. If he tries to reduce tax, people will start to spend money for buying many things which they really want. Finally, it makes USA economical situation well and active.
    Second, he should solve the problem that tuition of colleges. Of course, colleges need more money to manage their schools, but students cannot always cover them. It means that increasing tuition is not the best idea. If colleges increase their tuition continuously, students who do not have enough money will stop their studying because of their financial problem. If government tries to help them, they will pay for their tuition willingly. If so, colleges can get more money and our economy will expand without problems.
    The last thing is that he should Barack Obama should try to make more job for people who do not have job. Nowadays, USA’s unemployment rate is getting higher than before. If unemployment rate does not decrease, many people who are jobless will not earn money anymore. We know that working people can use their money, so he should try to make people work. If so, people will get a valuable job and start to use their money. Finally, unemployment rate will decrease and USA’s economical situation will be solved.

    Myung-Rae Kim

  28. 1. Concentrate more on the energy crisis by promoting and making consumer level solar panel resources more easily attainable to citizen’s homes and small businesses. Despite the Department of Energy’s investment back in 2008 we are falling behind many other counties around the globe (ex: Germany, Spain) when it comes to creating non-polluting renewable energy.

    2. Find a way to reconstruct the educational system in order to make college much more affordable and accessible. Among other countries, our nation is becoming a lower-ranked country in terms of citizens with college degrees. The increase of cutbacks and raising of tuition fees are making the dream of earning a college degree more difficult for people to obtain. If our country is to thrive with excellence, we need more higher educated citizens.

    3. Create better incentives for companies to bring more of their manufacturing plants back over to American soil. This would at least help alleviate the unemployment rate and boost economical moral. I’m not stating that we need to cut off outsourcing completely, but the increase of it is making it difficult for our people to find employment.

  29. 1. stop the war. Because I think peace is the most important thing to increase the economic. Wars will cause too much unnecessary cost.
    2. decrease the tax. It is good for everyone’s life.
    3. provide more opportunities for work to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor
    4. make health care system better. I think the medicine cost is too expensive.

  30. 1. Pay off the national debt. The time of spending our way out of this rescission is over and we need to pay back the money that was spent. If we continue to spend at the rates we are spending we are only going to damage future generations, and not be able to borrow money if we do have a major crises. If that means that we have to cut government spending and raise taxes then we need to do it.

    2. Invest in primary and secondary education. In a world that is getting smaller we need to make sure that American can compete in a global job market. We need to make sure that our youth has access to good education, and that more of them are moving on to college.

    3. Create incentives for banks to lend money, and for business to expend. If we can get the banks lending money again then more small business can open and create jobs, and established business can grow creating jobs.

    - This all sounds simple but I would not want to be the one in the driver seat trying to accomplish these task. People don't like paying taxes in the short run event if it saves them money in the long run. And finding the money to put into the education system will be hard in an already strained system. Finally you need to find the right insensitive to get lending to lend and borrowers to borrow.

  31. If I was selected to give President Obama advice throughout the time that he’s running to be re-elected for president the three ideas I would advice would be….
    1) Stop cutting the acceptance to student that strives to go to college. By stopping the cuts it gives so many students the opportunities to better themselves and help better their families. Which will only help our economy more in the long run when all those students are graduated from college and working to better our country.
    2) Rising prices on tuition. It’s true that many students receive FAFSA by the government, but not all college students are eligible for such a great program that helps. For the ones that aren’t eligible are forced to take out student loans and that’s why when they get out of college they are in debt up the their heads.
    3) Cut taxes. Lower the amount of taxes just a tad-bit because it’s understandable that with all the tax money that they way the government help the less fortunate, but also the ones that are working hard for their money are being charge way to much money on taxes.

  32. If I was elected to campign for president Obama there are three economic policies I would want him to adopt.

    1) Care about theunemployment occurring in our society today. Instead of giving other things importance he should realized that the i about a nine percent unemployment which is bad for our country. He would make sure he informs the people of how he will create more jobs so there is no unemployment.

    2)government spending would be something I would want to see more being used to make roads safer and build residential parks and scholls. Instead of useing the government money fr things we reallydont need at all. I will also agree with one of my classmates and include Japna's pelief with government spending. With that we should be helping Japan because it is an important cause looking at there position.

    3 Last but not least paying are defict that is owe because we rather start paying now then start it later and it never gets done. Promise the people that we will establist a good paying system where we oay are debts.

    This is what three things I would do first though there is many more.

    By Priscilla Leon

  33. I think that Obama should
    1)Try and bring down the unemployment rate by making more jobs for people.
    2)He should also stop raising the price for tuition for colleges.
    3)I also think that he should stop banks from giving out risky loans, in many ways that is the reason why we are in a recession.

  34. 1- I think the first advice that I would give him is to stop the unemployment, there is many ways to stop unemployment for example lower taxes on business to encourage people to open new business.
    2- Stop the welfare system, most people who are on the welfare are too lazy to go work, all they want to do is just eat and sleep. I think we should help them get on track and quit being lazy, If a family really need the help we would help them but not just give them free money wail their not trying to do anything about it.
    3- And finally and most important, is for us the United States to mind our own business, there is enough problems for us to worry about in our own nation. For example, if something is going on in Egypt let’s stick our nose out of it, and not donate all that money to other people wail our own people need it most. Wars cost money, actually not just money but lots and lots of money.

  35. If I were to advise President Obama on what he should do, it would be this:
    1) Death penalty for all rapists, murderers, etc. The prisons are way to overcrowded, and I'm tired of paying for them to sit in there waiting for something amazing to happen.
    2) Keep the tuition for colleges as low as possible. We're paying too much for education. People actually want to get their education so they can go out and make money, which frankly not a lot of people can afford to do.
    3) If the people won't spend, then the government will. That hasn't worked at all. Lets try having the government save money or something so our taxes aren't going in a circle creating a bunch of things that aren't benefiting any of us, if that made any sense at all.

    -Dominic Finazzo

  36. if i were to advise the president on three things it would be first to reduce the amount of money spent on jails, because that is money that can be spent on education and other things. Billions of dollars get wasted on jails and keeping inmate benefits. second i would advise him to realize that him creating temporary jobs is only going to work in the short run. he needs to realize that many of the workforce must be re-educated to new jobs. and third i would emphasize the importance of technology and would advice him to invest more money on technology because thats the only way that our economy can grow.

  37. 3 thing that might help get Obama re-elected
    1. I think the major thing Obama should focus on would be the unemployment rate. It is said that people vote with their pocket books so if there is a chance he could somehow bring down that rate I think it would help him tremendously.
    2. Another thing I think would be in his favor is some how either offer more incentives to expand domestically or tax outsourced opperation so that we could keep more of the jobs and businesses in the country.
    3. Health care is a big factor that Obama talked about when he was first elected. Maybe I'm just living outside the bubble but I haven't seen a drastic change in that.If he were able to make an improvement in that area it might also help him get re-elected.

  38. If I were to advise President Obama on what he should focus on for reelection I would first have him focus on unemployment and creating jobs. I believe that this area is most of the concern right now, I believe he needs to focus on what and how we could create more jobs. Second I would have him focus on American exports. I believe that America needs to have more goods made in America even though its more expensive in labor costs. I believe that the sooner that we could start exporting that it could give a nice boost to the American economy and also help create more jobs. Finally I would have him focus on his original idea of health care. I believe that many Americans enjoyed the thought that there would one day be universal health care for everyone. Personally I think this is one of the major things that got him to win in the previous election. If he were to focus on these three ideas I believe he would have a good chance of reelection.
    -Bryce Kerns

  39. There are many things I would advise president Obama on, but if I had to narrow it down to three I would choose:

    1.Provide Banks with more restrictions as far as giving out large loans to people who cannot even afford to pay them back. DONT give out Loans to people who CAN’T qualify. It’s that easy!!!
    2.Not to raise taxes because it’s ridiculous. No one who works hard to earn their money should be robbed of half their paycheck due to the tax raise. Plus the more money we have the more we will spend, which goes directly back into our economy.
    3.Lastly, Tuition and fees for college need to be lowered, because it makes it harder for people to get an education, not because they choose not to but because they cannot afford it. Especially in today’s society if you want a good job its almost guaranteed you need a college degree. So give those who cannot afford it a chance!

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. President should these things if he want get 4years again.

    First,increse export than now. In case of motor market. Many people favor than asian car companies sedans than US car companies sedan models. That meanas, they lost competitiveness in homeland. Then, how they sell cars to other countries. Government should encourage and support these problem for thier increase GDP.

    Second, improve education system. Between high school and university have a big gap in nowdays.
    It a critical problem. They not adapt to university. It reduces national competitiveness.
    If government reduce this gap and student well adapt than now. They get more knowledges in university then, it become a source of increasing national competitiveness.

    Finally, make more job. American unemployment rate is 9% in nowdays.(in Jan) It too high. If people earn money not any more and money liquidity will reduce. Ultimately, market will cannot produce goods because, no one buy thier products. That can be a serious problem. Solution is a simple and hard. Make more job.
    If government success this process. People choice Obama government again.

  42. 1.Invest in new technologies because it’s a positive real shock which leads to Real GDP growth

    2.Increase imports because our net export has been negative for some years now

    3.And to do a bit of fiscal policy for the short run, (government spending) but not tempering with taxes because lower taxes today means higher taxes in the future.

  43. If this man wants to get re-elected 3 changes are going to have to be made:

    1) Lower the prison taxes. A lot of people are tired of paying for the murders and rapists to live comfortably.

    2) Invest more in the advancement of technology, as this will in turn have a positive effect on real GDP.

    3) College tuition should be lowered so more people are able to get a higher education.

    Stan Hunsucker

  44. First,my opinion for him is to look forward for the people that unemployed as we say nowadays the unemployed rate is around 9% and offer them some solution to support them and to get them back on plan.

    Second, focus on health care as we saw him he wants to make it a universe health care which is a positive point as we saw that was one the ideas that made Obama win in the previous election.

    Third , He should deal with Tax Cut and increase Expenditure it will boost the economic growth in the next year . This will help him and give him the opportunity to be re-elected again.

  45. 1.) My first idea that i would give the unemployment that is a huge almost a double digit. U.S. being a huge country this should be one of the main focuses that Obama should have and this could be done by creating jobs that will help this unemployment rate.

    2.) Housing Crisis I believe that it is a main problem here in the united states because everyday more and more people you see them getting affected by this problem by loosing their houses driving down the street you will see more and more houses empty. this can be done by having the banks work out their loans with the property owners.

    3.) Government spending being reduced as to having the money being spend on more important things that are truly needed. the war going on has not been any help to our country and is just making our country get deeper into a whole that it is finding itself harder to pull itself out of.
    -Adan Garibay

  46. If I was to advice the president as he runs for re-election I would advice him to focus on first on unemployment. Many people have no job so creating jobs would help. Second, I think he should work on reducing college tuition so more students can get degrees. Lastly, I would strongly suggest to increase bank regulations. Banks should be more careful who they give loans to. Having the security that a loan will be paid of is necessary. I think there should be a reasonable amount of change which can be done and not false promises that let the citizens down.

  47. If I was going to help President Obama get reelected in 2012 my advice to him would be:
    1) Stop taking so many vacations. Every time I watch the news Obama and his family are always coming back from vacation. That needs to stop. There is way too much going on in this country for him to go get a tan.
    2) Stop turning into a Hollywood icon and come to understand the needs of the middle class. Most politicians come from wealthy families and have money. However it’s not the rich that are in dire need for help, it’s the middle class. And I am hoping in the near future we do get a down to earth middle class person to run for president, because that's the only way needs will get met.
    3) Try harder. For example he didn’t try hard enough with his health reform. We need one! And we need someone to aggressively point out our issues and get met. What about the oil spill? or the problems with California's debt? or even the unemployment rate? These are things he or any one in office, needs to aggressively take on.
    -Alexandria Guerra

  48. If I were trying to get President Obama re-elected I would have put out a new stimulus bill to stimulate the economy. Then I would have get rid of the tax breaks for the wealthy. I would also tell him that he should increase regulations on the banking system.

  49. If I were to advise President Obama on the economic policies he should adopt, the first option I would suggest is that more jobs need to be created to lower the unemployment in the country. The United States can only reach its fullest potential if its people are working and spending money in the economy. If there is ever going to be anymore stimulus money, I think it should go to entrepreneurs interested in creating businesses to employ people.
    The second option I would suggest would be that he needs promote American made products so that the country can export more and import less than we currently do. Incentives need to be created so that the businesses in this country can compete with cheap and often inferior imports. This will not only increase the GDP in the country, but it will also keep the work force moving.
    My third suggestion would be to not increase taxes. The people are already over taxed and any additional taxes would just stifle spending. More money in circulation leads to more jobs, more employment, and consequently more taxes being paid to the government.

  50. First cut the military budget second nationalize our healthcare system to get rid of the middle man like the insurance companies and third redistribute the wealth to the poor and on the working class to get re-elected

  51. I would advise the president not to raise taxes, we work hard for our money and we need more money to circulate and help with the recession.
    Also, to stop taking money from education. It may not be an alarming priority to put so much money into education, but the future is dependent on the people in school now, trying to become "somebodys" that can help change the world.
    Also make more jobs available to people. By producing more jobs, there will be more people that are employed and more money to circulate and hopefully get us out of the economic crisis we are in.

  52. In my opinion I think 3 of the most important things that the president should work on is returning our troops is the first one. Investing in the war costs out economy billions and the president just declared another war so I believe that would cause an even bigger whole in our economy.
    2nd: I think we should find a way for us to export more things because our economy is relying on our imports and if were taking in more then we are producing then were not producing much to benefit our economy.
    3rd: The third thing I would suggest is to find a way to improve or supply new jobs and work on unemploymenet rate. If no one is working no one will spend money and our economy would will not improve.

  53. 1. I believe the most obvious thing he should focus on is creating more jobs to lower the unemployment rate.
    2. Be more selective about who receives welfare. There are so many people who are able to work and they are just to lazy to get a job. those people are then taking away from the people who really need it, like the person working two jobs and goes to school, but they still cannot support their family. There are people who need the help and then there are people that are just to lazy to help themselves.
    3. i think that he should talk about lowering taxes instead of making them higher. He could maybe suggest community service for people who commit Misdemeanors.

  54. 1. i would advise him to expand the amount of exports going out of the country to help better the ecomony and business industry.
    2. increase government spending on reconstructing brokendown freways such as the 101 in los angeles. creates jobs for people and better the community.
    3. Lastly i would want Obama to invest more of our taxes on education, not only in caifornia but in all the country. if students like us are to be recieveing an education we should atleast have a more affordable tuition or increase the amount of financial aid we would be recieveing
    erik ramirez

  55. 1.) I would tell President Obama that he needs to increase job creations.
    2.) I would try to push the idea off-shore drilling because that would help create jobs, help America's economy, and help remove our dependence on foreign oil.
    3.) I would also encourage President Obama to cut taxes, cut unnecessary spending and funding to burden sum programs, and repeal the financial takeover bill.

  56. 1. I would definitely tell him to help small business owners get back on track. He could help them by getting loans easier and giving them better tax breaks so that people can start new business therefore; creating more jobs.
    2. I would tell him to stop cutting back on education. Teachers are getting fired and classes are becoming bigger from the elementary level to college. It seems when the government want to save money they always cut in education funds.
    3. I would tell him to help the unemployed. He could start with making it easier to go back to school such as student loans with no interest or fund new projects that would bring work for a verity of workers.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. If i were to help the president get re-elected again, i would try to imply on three main focuses he should target on:
    1) Cut down on taxes. there are many income families who survive by check on check so allowing the taxes to go down will help families.
    2) Welfare should have a better regulation. Many people use welfare as an excuse to not work and become lazy depending on it. So having a better regulation will help those who try to cheat there way into it and lie about it.
    3)Make more jobs. This will help many unemployed people and will also help those who are starting on their careers. This will also be beneficial for the economy because people will be able to spend money and this will decrease the chance of a recession.
    I think that these three will work but if he doesn't like one or two i think another focus could be exporting and producing more products. And at last will have to be the prisons. It takes alot of money to make or keep a prison going. there are many criminals going to prison and many have to do with drugs. I Believe that if we were to give a second chance to those who do drugs it will free alot of space in the prison to actually put Real criminals and that would cut down on the spending.
    Angelica Escolero

  59. I believe if I was to help president Obama to get re-elected I would tell hom to:
    1) stop budget cuts to schools and teachers, this is a great idea that will help our future generations progress. We need to invest in the nations future not take money from it just because politicians have the wrong views about teachers and what they do.
    2) cut money to the building of new streets and towns. ALOT of money goes into building streets and roads, I believe it is more than what the government spends on education. If we cut money there it will help balance our budget. The people that work in these fields make alot if money and some just stand around not doing anything.
    3) limit how much money politiciansand bankers can make. They make way more than the average working man does. Have the extra money used to fund schools and education
    Those would be my ideas for him

  60. There are obviously so many topics to focus on but we have repeatedly talked about in class the important topics Obama should focus on to get re-elected and I also feel they are...

    1.) Work on the unemployment rate: We talked in class about Obama really needing to work on decresing the unemplyment rate if he wishes to be re-elected. In one way or another making jobs for those people that are really out there struggling and looking for jobs. It's not easy but a lot of people are looking towards him for hope.

    2.) Decrease taxes: Another way for Obama to get re-elected. Over time taxes have been dramatically increasing. Everyone wants a decrease in taxes.

    3.) Stop taking money from colleges: Ofcourse like the rest of my classmates and as a college students i would WISH for them to stop taking to much money from all the college systems not only the cal state system. There are so many other areas and they decide to take money from the schools, I feel that we are all being affected and I hope he has a way to in a way restore it.
    -Polet Milian

  61. Three things I would tell obama. For on, I feel like we should raise our production. I think that by raising our production will benefit us in the long run. If we don’t then I think we will be demolished by the other foreign countries. Another thing I would have obama do is cut the college taxes and fees. I think its ridiculous that we are having to pay more and mor every year to get a college education. I feel like the more oyu lower it, the more people can attend college and get degrees. We wouldn’t have so many un educated people in this world. And lastly,I think obama should help the unemployment rate. There are so many people out there that need jobs. Why not help them out and bring the unemployment rate down.

  62. I'm pretty much a far lefty
    1.raise taxes on those making a quarter million or more a year.

    2.cut defense spending.

    3.Get the far right outta office... not only will this help the country fiscally, but it will help our Country's morale.

  63. IF i was his adviser....
    1. i would advise him to create another stimulus plan, but instead of giving it to large companies, he could give a lump some of money to those who make less the 40,000 a year
    2. definitely cut taxes so that way people have money to spend
    3. finally, stop importing so much, rather we should should manufacture our own supplies, which would create more jobs for people. A way to start is by focusing on green jobs, to produce environmental friendly product, which will not only save our earth but create millions of jobs for people.

  64. The first thing that I would advise him to do is change welfare benefits and conditions/rules. There are a lot of people not doing anything and just getting paid for laying down watching tv at home, while they can be looking for a job, or even working already. He should leave welfare to people that cannot work and really need it. Second, he should do something about education. Reducing the tuition or just keeping the same cost so there can be more people that want to have an education in life. Third, he should fix unemployment. There are many people that need a job and there is no position available anywhere for them.

  65. If i could advise president obama on anything is first why don't we see out economy growing. We are the most powerful nation in the world why cant we make money in this country. They tell us to go to school, but they are not funding school so we can take the classes we need to graduate as soon as possible. The next thing would be why do we spend so much money on gas. why is gas prices another bill to worry about. then maybe he should invest money on hybrid cars and make them less expensive to everyone can have one. The project is to go green but i see no progress. The last thing is to protect our planet and i dont see anything in doing that because that is very important to all of us not only as americans but all of us in this world.

  66. Ok if I were to be advising Obama there would be many more than three issues I feel he could address to assist the economy...
    First, would be to start mandating business throught the country to start using alternate energy sources...solor, wind, water etc. to alleviate our dependency on foreign oil. I think in doing this it would create an entire new sector of jobs for those who want to work construction. By putting solor panels on these huge empty warehouses in California and places like NYC where every skyscraper could have some sort of wind turbine or solor panels on the roofs would save the country and the business itself tons of money from not using oil.
    Second would be to legalize marijuana or to at the very least decriminalize it as many other foreign countries (The Netherlands, Portugal) have done. This would help us because if it were to be legalized it would be a billion dollar industry which the government could get their greedy hands on and tax. As a marijuana user I would not be too thrilled about being taxed on it but I'd much rather pay the few dollars than worry about being arrested for possesion and being thrown into our extremly overcrowded prison system where there is not enough room forthe real prisoners (sexual offenders, murderers, Bernie Madoffs). This would save us, the common folk who pay taxes billions in housing these people and would allow for the people who deserve time to remain in.
    The final thing I would do is have Obama call in both the players and Owners from the NFL and get this dumb lockout resolved...It amazes me that there can be so much greed in the world that an 8 BILLIN dollar industry cannot figure out a way to split up the pie. If we lose football I do not know what I will do on Sundays.

  67. If I could suggest to him I would first tell him to cut off welfare, I can never see the reason why we are suppose people who are lazy and those that are irresponsible people and spend so much money on them and support them not to work. Second I would tell him to lower down taxes in any of the area like businesses. The last thing i would say to create for jobs and do less import and more factory so people can have jobs and support their family and be able to spend again.

  68. 1. I would advise Obama to create better incentive plans for companies, large and small, that base their business out of the United States. If we hope to better our economy we need to provide an opportunity for the American people to have a job, that in turn will help them spend money and increase the money flow.

    2. Second, I would suggest that he help the school system financially. It is important to keep students, including returning students, motivated and ambitious. If students feel that gaining an education is out of reach due to the financial burden they may avoid attempting to continue their education. In hopes of keeping the US educated and not allowing them to fall behind education needs to be attainable for all.

    3. Lastly, I feel that the current financial support programs that are in place should be reviewed. I am aware that reviewing programs may be costly but I feel that currently much government money is given away loosely to individuals that don't need or deserve the money. If programs like unemployment and welfare were reviewed it may save a lot on government unneeded spending.

  69. List of 3 ideas I would refer to President Obama:
    1. Increase the employment rate and decrease the unemployment rate, this would prevent people of leisure time and waisting time they could be doing something positive.

    2. Decrease college tuition and the prices of on-campus purchases (student store items and restaurants). This would increase families' savings and people would have more money to go around in the economy, and not for education, which should in my opinion be free.

    3.Find some kind of trade that is more valuable than oil that we (America) would be able to trade foreign countries for oil and make the value of oil/gasoline decrease here. This results in lower gas prices.

  70. 1. I want to say about health insurance. Actually, i had been sick for 3 weeks, but I can't go hospital because of expensive fees in hospital. Even though I have insurance, I can't spend lots of money like this.

    2. He should cut down college tuition. Every quater tuition fee is going up. Also, international students undertake twice tuition than local students. It is non-sense.

    3. Gas prices should be cut down. Last year gas price was 3 dollars, but now I should pay 4 dollars. If he want to save economic, he should cut down prices

  71. If I were to advise Obama on what he should concentrate on for a re-election first on my list would be college.
    1.Something needs to be done about these raising prices for tuition. Especially now, so many people are trying to go back to school because they lost their job and they want to get a better education for a better job and because of the budget, it seems as though the schools are getting the largest cuts of all and on top of that all the fees won't stop rising.
    2. Secondly, the job situation. A 9% unemployment rate is way to high, especially when people are trying to say the recession is over. One of the top priorities should be focusing on the unemployment rate going down. Which also leads into welfare.
    3. I don't doubt that many people could have found a job, but because of the extension on unemployment, they aren't looking 'as hard' as they could be, same goes for all welfare, something should be done to where people that actually need it can get it and people that abuse it, lose it because I have witnessed both situations in that past month.

    Melody Nash

  72. If I were to advise President Obama on 3 things to economize the Country's budget, they would be;
    I. Cut on help for the immigrant population, I know it might sound harsh but it's been proven that many of the illegal population misuse the money that sometimes not strictly regulated is given to them.
    II. Instead or providing large amounts of food stamps, make the people work partially serving the country for them.
    III. Cut of help to single mothers who have many children from different fathers and claim to receive everything to raise their children. This money is many of the times misused and the children don't benefit from it.
    Althou these regulations might sound harsh but, in reality with this economy the government can't give everyone the luxury life they want.

  73. I would advise Obama on
    1. Better health care plans. It should be available to everyone at a price that they can afford. Staying healthy shouldn't cost a fortune. That's just ridiculous. Our health and lives shouldn't have a price tag.
    2. Restructure the failed mortgages so it allows people to keep having their homes.
    3. Help with the unemployment rate. It also goes with my second point.
    -Daisy Guan

  74. I would have to say:
    1. Gas prices because its getting out off handprettysoon all dealerships will be out of busniess
    2 health care because soon we will all be dead if thee hospital keep rjecting us.
    3.immigration under control its not fair that we as america ns are paying all this money for living and other things just cuz foriegnerd wwant to come live for free but yet we cant own or have things in there land.

  75. If I would be choosen to advise President Obama, I would advise him to:
    1. STOP increasing college/university tution. How do they expect us to better ourselfs, our world if we can't afford to pay for an education. As my classmates mention earlier, young people are triying to figure out what can they do for a living. If getting an education is not even close to an option, then that is how crime has happen and will continue to happen becuase youngester becoming young adults can't be educated. Besides this, it also puts allot of stress to us students... trying to purse a degree and stressing about;will I be able to afford completing my degree.
    As we discussed in class, the United States does more importing than exporting. This is why we are making China and other countries richer. The U.S needs to stop importing and creating jobs here, to decrease unemployment and also save more money.
    Their are thousands of people who do not have papers and we can not identify them. I am NOT against imigrants at all. I'm just saying if they can pay for a recedency so we can identify them. Since, their has been crime and because their is no identification of them, they run. Their has also been identity fraud becuase they can't open up credit or apply for jobs. Their has been a huge increase in identity fraud. If they can pay somehow for a recedency so they can have identification and they too can pay for taxes; this will help better our world in many ways.
    Alot of soldiers have died for our country but war is still not over and many soldiers keep dying and new ones being draged. I personally do not think war is helping in any way. We are spending to much money on the war itselfs which has affected us negatively.
    5. I have noticed their are many people all day oin their homes the government are maintaining. I do not think that is fair for many of us who are working our butts of paying for child car, working part-time and coming full-time to school. I think the government really needs to provide wel-fare for the people who are in true need and can't work. Their needs to be more regulations.
    This are just my opinions and it seems many of my classmates had similar opinions so I was not afraid to write out loud. I'm not discriminating against anyone, the U.S needs to better everything.

  76. If I were an advisor for Obama I would tell him:
    1. That we need to stop the war, and we need to start focusing on exporting our items rather than relying on imports. To do that we need to look back to our past where we had factories and companies all over the United States.
    2. Have more restrictions on banks who give out risky loans. They can make a thorough inspection of where you work, how you spend your money, etc. that way the people that are trying to get a loan through patience and planning can get a loan rather than a person who desperately needs the money.
    3. Lower the costs of petroleum by drilling into our reserves that the environmentalists are protecting. Which includes the massive oil deposit in North Dakota and get more involved in offshore drilling.
    Well that's what I would tell him, now to see if he gets reelected or not.

    -Moises Lizama

  77. I would advise president obama to focus on these following ideas:

    The distribution of taxes because the middle class is suffering when it comes to the tax cut. I believe that less should be given to the rich and more given to the less fortunate.

    Gas prices are currently out of control. i think that the rise in gas prices has crippled the economy. I think Obama should focus on more stable gas pirces.

    Cheaper college tuition. over the past three years tuition has been rising and causing student hard times. I think that the tuition should remain at a affordable amount so that students can continue thir education without financial stress.

    -lauren castro

  78. I would advise the President to cut taxes to create higher spending growth. Also, to cut government spending across the board to compensate for the tax cut. And also to have the Fed lower the interest rate to promote more borrowing and again rise the spending growth.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. One thing I would advise him on is to stop cutting nationwide college education. How are we going to advocate students going and staying in college if we keep raising the price of tuition and salaries remain the same.

    Legalize marijuana and tax it. The hemp plant is the ultimate cash crop and can be used to make oil(gas) paper, clothes and foods. It has many other uses other than smoking it.

    Stop wasting money on this stupid ass war

    --Oakford Gross

  81. 1.cuts taxes for all this will give more money back to the people so they may spend it on goods.

    2. cut gov spending there is no reason for a big gov. doing this will help close the defect in the budget. giving the gov more money in the long run.

    3. get rid of the EPA they just make it harder for people to have older can and in a resson no one have money for a new car. busies can not buy new car and truck to keep of with there regs.

  82. 1. Invest in knowlegde and innovation, STOP BUDGET CUTS ON EDUCATION.! it is essential for the future well being of our country that we are educated ,and recive the best possible education.

    2. End the war. we realisticly can not fight terror, we should have never been in iraq! the men and wonen over there along wiht the billions of dolalrs spent can be more usefull somewhere(doing) invested somewhere else.

    3. work along side fellow member states to estabvlish busioness hence open jobs for americans, by reboosting all of our industry! we must clean our global image as well .!!!!

  83. Three economic policies that I would advise President Obama to focus on huh? Ok here goes...
    1) Well I wasn't initially thinking of this, but when I saw it on the very first post by someone I started cracking up, so I'm going to agree. I think we do need to cut prison tax. There's tons of people in there who honestly don't deserve to live. I don't want to hear anyone stick up for them either. Are you telling me if you had a 6 year old daughter and some sick bastard raped her you wouldn't want that person to get the death penalty? People like that need to go away. So we need to stop paying for their 3 meals a day and all the other money that goes into keeping them alive. that may sound harsh, but I'm only talking about the child molesters and serial rapists and killers.
    2)We definitely need to help out the small businesses. The small businesses are a big part of our economy. We need to stop taxing the S*** out of them. We need to help them rather than hurt them. Makes no sense to me.
    3)I definitely think we need to put a restriction on the loaning capabilities of banks. That's a big part of the reason we're in a recession in the first place. banks giving out too many large loans to people who weren't able to pay their bills. I highly doubt Obama would listen to me, but that's what I'd tell him, which is why I'll probably never get elected president.

  84. Unemployment is 9.5% of the labor force. I believe new jobs should be created to help.

    Health Care is another issue the government is supposed to have the best interest of the people.

    Taxes are another problem we get taxed for everything

  85. The first topic Obama should focus on is on education. Lower tuition for student, more education more opportunities lower um-employments.

    Second would to be severely cut money from military spending, bring our troops home because we need to work on our country.

    and lastly to re-budget his healthcare bill complete one of his earlier promises to this country

    Ismael Bejerano

  86. 1) Pull the troops from the Middle East, now! All the supplies, food, weaponry, etc is money that can be used elsewhere in the economy. I personally think we shouldn't be involved in some of the issues over there and should just let those government sort it out.
    2) Stop cutting down the education budget! The U.S. already has a so-so system but its what will make the workers of the future. Plus, that can open more job opportunities with more markets being developed.
    3) Bring gas prices down! it seems so essential- need to travel to our jobs for productivity, travel to school/college to better ourselves for bigger career opportunities, travel for vacation for putting money into the traveling market, everything! Can't do that too much if its gonna be up by $5 /gal by the summer :(

  87. three things that i would advise to obama would be
    1. change the whole help on welfare. i feel that this is emphasized too much and taxpayers are helping many people that can easily access the help when money can go to real reasons.
    2. send out another stimulus check. in my opinion this worked but send it out to those that make a certain amount a year. something thats less then avg.
    3. he should reduce taxes. people would definately spend alot more causing our consumption to increase and help get us out of the recession.

  88. President Obama has selected you to advise him on the economic policies he should adopt and promote while he runs for re-election. What THREE ideas do you have advise him to focus on? Why?

    I. Establish a new and modern instant policy website, where all the congress and everyone involved in the policy's decision make and submit ideas to this websites "blogs posting", so that everyone can see instantly what the ideas of are leaders our thinking and their intentions are.

    II. Job Creating: Obama should focus his campaign on the fact that he will actually create new jobs. He can invest 20% of our military's funding a devote them these: Every Child Is Owed A COllege education, therefore creating a educated and adapt society. New schools, new technology.

    III. New Era Corporations- New policy that held all corporation to new ethical and moral standards, therefore having the CEO's of these corporation and the board of decision makers responsible.

  89. Honestly,
    I would love to think about what I WOULD say but actually advising him would probably cause me to stutter! Anyways..

    First) I think we should increase productivity of US made products. I happen to work for a company that deal with alot of products and materials made in the US and people love it. Not to mention it would open up more jobs and help the economy grow because we would be consuming our own products.

    Second) Obama should focus a little more on eduacation. In all honesty the leaders of tomorrows future are in school not working at a chain restaurant and we are the last people in the US that should be discouraged. I think he should promote getting a handle on funds for school that way someone who is less fortunate doesnt have drive that goes to waste due to not having the proper means to pay for school. Alot of the money being thrown around by the Fed and in these bailouts could be focused somewhere else. Budget cuts do nothing to benefit students or the professors here to teach them.

    Lastly) Cut down on taxes. Too many people in our society today are forced to live check by check and the inflation rate and taxes arent helping. I believe that the government could figure out a way to lower taxes and still profit in the way they have been.

  90. the three things that obama needs to focus on economically are

    - The Education Budget

    - The War

    - Gas Prices

    Ultimately education is the key to our future, and I say this not as a college student but as a US citizen and as somebody who knows that what our kids learn today (or DONT learn today), and how many people attend/graduate college ALL plays a role in how our economy will be in the future.

    Obama needs to make clearer his opinions/policies as far as the war goes because originally he sort of went with a "return our troops" slogan, and thats not whats been happening. People are confused and feel let down so his agenda with the war this time around needs to be CLEAR and precise, and actually CHANGE some things in the US for the better.
    When we look at America today, I dont think that Gas prices are in the top 3 major issues, but i DO think that part of the presidential election is a popularity contest and each and everyday from people of all walks of life, I hear complaints about gas prices. He needs to do whatever it takes to get votes and i believe thats including this in hid regime.

    Maya Darby

  91. Gosh there are so many different thing Obama should focus on for re-election. I believe he should focus on education budget, gas prices, and health care.
    1. Education budget, in his state of the union address he went crazy about education saying that we need more teachers and teachers are the future. First off, he needs to stop raise tuition across the nation.We are the key to the future so make it reasonable for the future teacher to go to school. Start making aid and grants easy to get.
    2. Gas Prices, I believe he needs to stop the war since the gas prices are going up rapidly. We as Americans have to pay taxes on thing we support. Obama said that he was going to pull the troops out but didnt. Now, we over in Middle east fighting for oil. I believe that we need to start our oil plant. We are capable of doing that. So, invested in the United States and not other countries.
    3. Health care, I understand that Obama pass the health care bill but it still not affected enough. People that own small business should be able to get health care. I believe he needs to make a special health care for people that have small business. Nobody should be with out health care.
    Overall, he needs to fix the problems in his own background before going into somebody else.

  92. Hm. I really liked this question, and a lot of the responses are really impressive! If I had to narrow it down I would advise these 3 things:
    1) FIX POLICIES ON WELFARE/MEDICAL CARE-money is being thrown around to all the wrong people and places. I recognize the fact that some people aren't able to work, but regulations and guidelines should be stricter. It doesn't make sense to me that some people sit at home and get money when other people with serious illnesses get turned away from hospitals.
    2) EDUCATION/TUITIONS-why in the world would the future of our nation and its knowledge be the first place to see budget cuts? I liked what someone said about prison cuts...hello! Don't let those people have the luxury of basetballs and leisurely things when working students struggle to get a proper education.
    3) ADDRESSING UNEMPLOYMENT-stop doing so much business with other places, we have plenty of strong intelligent citizens here who are desperate for work. Invest in small businesses, new ideas and innovative people! (This being said, give loans to RESPONSIBLE & innovative people).

  93. If I were apart of President Obama's advising team the three things I would tell him to focus on is 1. The National Defict, 2. Unemployment, and 3. Medicare.
    1. The National Deficit - The National Deficit has risen to over 14 trillion dollars while GDP is close to 12 trillion. That's too high. America needs to start hacking into the deficit. I understand that America needs to spend money, but it needs to choose its investments and spending wisely. You cannot leave a deficit that for other generations to balance.
    2. Unemployment - The National level of unemployment is still tetering close to 9%. The unemployment level is painstakingly high and needs to be solved. The governement should give incentives to companies to promote hiring the unemployed and reduce the unemployment weeks from 99 to 55. Also, it should give incentives to citizens to move to areas where jobs are more plentiful. Like a relocation program.
    3.Medicare- Obama's current healthcare plan is absolutly horrible. He needs to scrap his current healthcare plan that we have already wasted a ton of money on and retool it. The United States is one of the only sophisticated societies which does not have social healthcare. It's time for America to get it. I would tell Obama not to back down and don't let the lobbist push it out. Socialzed health care would win him another election.
    Those are the three topics I would focus on if I were advising Obama.

  94. 1) Tell him not to release any more stimuluses. Past stimuluses are hit and miss. Why take a chance with such a big sum of money.
    2) Reduce unemployment. Instead of a stimulus, he should use the funds to start projects like road work, construction, etc. It would create new jobs, that I believe would be a bigger contributor to economic growth.
    3) Fix the issue of immigration. Illegal immigration is costing the US millions of dollars a year. I believe that there is not an easy fix to this issue. Education alone for immigrants is ridiculus.

  95. There was a lot of great ideas that should be focused on. Some ideas that I had were:

    1. Education: There should be no reason as to why students should have to take a hit when these are people who are spending their time to make a sacrifice for a better future that can be beneficial to the society as a whole. Education should be something that is pushed for and not made more difficult to receive.

    2. Unemployment: We need to have a better system that will help those who become unemployed, are looking for work, or get laid of to be able to get into the system relatively quickly because the more unemployment we let stack around, the less productive our economy will become, if there is enough of it and it would be more difficult to rebound from. Maybe new jobs need to be made, but it has to be made sure that they are not just localized and made where they are really needed.

    3. Reserve Rates: The rate of reserves needs to be decreased so that banks and institutions will see a better profit in creating more loanable funds rather that just hiding away money. This will create more opportunities for innovative people and ideas come into the world and benefit our society.

  96. Also, I do not agree with one of the first comments that wants the death penlty for rapist, molesters and murders. Its not the I don't agree that those people should be punished and deserve justice, its more of the fact that I lowers the penalty for murder. If a person molestes or rapes a person, whats to stop them from just going ahead and murdering them after? The penalty is the same. Thinking marginally, the criminal can figure that it might just be safer to murder the person to prevent them from telling on them because regardless, his or her penalty is still death. Mostly women and children are raped or molested so we would see and increase in murders too. I wish no one would ever be raped or molested, but raising it to capital punishment just increases the likelyhood that the criminal will murder them also.

  97. "If I can advice President Obama on improving the economy I would advice him that Jobs, Outsourcing, and alternative energies should be considered as a whole. The economy in America needs more innovations and better quality jobs for Americans. If we can create more jobs by applying less outsourcing in Jobs Americans do , We will be better of as a whole in the job creation sectorAmerica also needs a new green revolution. The new deal that FDR imposed in the economy helped out. America can benefit from a green Revolution enforcing solar, and other alternative energies.

    Manuel Marroquin

  98. if i were chosen to advise Obama i would focus on three things:
    1. Education: i would really focus on this because i am a student, and because the should be no reason why our future doctors,teachers, etc should suffer in getting their education.

    2. War: i feel that obama should retreat the soldiers from the middle east, and or make a clear decision on what he is going to do!

    3.Gas Prices: i believe that he should try to bring down gas prices by settling a deal with the middle east. because gas prices are ridiculously high for a gallon!

    -german coreas

  99. In my opinion He should focus on stimulating the economy, by putting more money into the school systems. Now a days a vast amount of schools are losing a great deal of their budgets because of charter schools. Therefore, loosing children means losing government money making school lay off and hurting us even more with unemployment. Also put more money in higher education instead of cutting our aids there is so much more they could trim of the budget. Second is to create jobs. With such a high unemployment rates he should really be focusing on a solution. We import so many things that if we just manufactured in the U.S. jobs would skyrocket. The third is to have the banks give out more loans. Even a car loan is hard to get with good credit.

  100. i would advise president Obama to cut taxes, this because that way the country can feel more at easy to go and spend which is what we need. In addition i would advise him to cut back all the extra unneccessary spending the government is given, for example the extra vacations and money spending government employees are given. they should realize that were all in this together and if basically the entire country is suffering than government officials should realize they need to lay off the extra spending for the mean time. (For example the whole issue with the mayor of Bell city). and lastly i would advise him to bring out commits to high schools and job forces so that everyone can be well informed and know what is needed to do to get out of this depression.

  101. Wow! Professor was not kidding when she said this question is really general and can generate numerous answers (all debatable). Here is my take on it:

    1) STOP being the “world police”. Yes there are other countries worse off out there, but we cannot solve everyone’s problems, that is just impossible. Instead of focusing the attention on other countries and handing them billions of dollars instantly, why don’t we first look in our backyard and fix things here first?

    2) Budget cuts, seriously? I will keep in all my feelings about that one in and just say, FIX IT! If we are deprived from a budget that covers education for example, we cannot successfully become professionals and provide. This doesn’t mean we won’t do it, but it makes it harder and takes a lot of effort that not all people are willing to put in.

    3) Find alternative fuel. We are tied down to use gasoline in our daily lives. As we all now, this is a limited resource. Why not try to find something that will not eventually run out? (which is why we are obligated to pay 4 dollars a gallon) As long as this doesn’t change, we are bound to be limited in our option and controlled by the petroleum companies.
