We reviewed the WIRED interview regarding technological innovation and we are studying the Solow Growth model. What do you think will be the next big idea or innovation that changes the world? What do you wish it would be?
I believe any innovation that is next to change the world has already been thought up, it just needs to be applied. the next big thing to change our global economy will be green power, weather it be solar, geothermal, wind, or others.
This is a great question. I remember talking to my father about this a couple months back. Knowing what the "next big thing" is is nearly impossible. It's what makes the game of stock market so challenging. In general, the direction we are heading is globalization. Every year inventions are coming out that makes connecting the world through networks even easier. Facebook has over 500 million users now and has had most of its growth within the past 2 years, it is hard to say what will beat it right now. Until someone thinks of something that can beat wireless internet, cell phones as powerful as computers and facebook, it is a tough prediction. If I were to guess, I see cable tv joining the Lan telephone retirement house. It is already beginning to happen, but watching television from an online source is much more desireable than cable. No one wants to pay money for 500 channels, 450 which they do not want. Apple has already developed a system where you can get tv shows from your computer to your tv. I hope that green technology becomes more popular soon. I think hybrid/electric cars are going to start becoming more popular as that technology is becoming cheaper. Green appliances in general I think are going to become more popular as I see the environmental movement growing, especially after the oil spill.
I think the computer and the internet are going to continue to change the world we live in. Both already control a large portion of our lives but they will eventually be central to every thing. One central computer will control everything in our houses. Everything will be integrated through the internet and other wireless connections. TV, lights, A/C, ect... will all be run and controlled through a central computer. The internet already broadcasts live events it is only a matter of time until all live TV is broadcast through the internet. I also agree that the green movement will continue to grow. More businesses will be looking for ways to cut costs and as green alternatives become cheaper, businesses and home owners will switch over.
I think your comments are right on the money; also, in a strange way, what you are describing has--in many forms--been imagined in the past (think Star Trek, Sci-Fi, etc). So, until we start imagining something "new", will the future just be a repeat? Someone somewhere thought up "wireless" long before it became a household name. Interesting stuff to ponder...
I'm not sure what new innovation will change the world, but I think electronics will continue to alter it. So many aspects of life are being compiled into computers from t.v., music, photos, books, and so much more, it seems that in the future computers will become everything in one and many other things will become obsolete.
I feel that technology will continue to advance and change the way society opperates. The internet has become a new form of learning in a way, for example people can learn how to do things using the website youtube. Cell phones, computer uses, home control systems will most likely all continue to evolve. I also think that it is possible for the earth to become a little more friendly with the ecosystem by using wind and sun powered devices. This has begun but is still quite small, although I feel it could become a dependable power source.
Technology is always growing. Little things that we don’t even realize are affecting how we live our lives daily. One thing is always replacing an older technology. You can not even buy VHS anymore. Is that how it is going to be with DVD because of Blueray? One thing that is becoming big right now is 3D. 3D is now available in houses with movies and even TV shows. It is already widely available in the movie theater, but I think a big thing that might show up is 4D. In a theater soon you might be able to smell what is going on in the movie, or even feel what is going on with motion. Who knows what the possibilities are.
I think the next great invention will be something where your cell phone, music, photo’s, credit cards, cash, ID everything becomes one device. That device is either biometric or you would need your thumbprint to scan and use the device, therefore, if it was ever lost it would be useless. I think this invention could come soon, because nowadays a you can scan your plane ticket from your iphone. Next is going to be that you can use your iphone to get on the subway systems in New York for faster transportation. However, what I wish they would invent is a system so that cars could not have accidents or traffic jams. I just drove to L.A. yesterday and that is where I got this idea. I think that they should make cars that repel each other by having magnets on the side of the cars. Therefore, if you weren’t watching the cars couldn’t crash. With that said, I think that the highway system should be like air traffic control, punch in your destination and it takes you there, and you can’t crash because the cars would repel each other; now that would make driving to L.A. much easier. Another invention I wish they could make was to shorten the time on planes. There are companies trying to work on this, so that your plane would shoot up in the sky and get to the apogee and then coast down to your final destination it would cut traveling time in half to go from coast to coast and even to Europe. This idea of mine came from the fact that I couldn’t go home for fall break because it takes me a day just to get to Minnesota and it isn’t worth the time and money because 2 out of the 5 days I would be flying, which would only leave three days to see my family.
I think that the next big thing ranges, depending on what part of technology you focus on. In a social network sense, a virtual world; a combination between Facebook and Simms where rather than a profile you create a virtual person whom you can control and live through this in a virtual utopia. Another thought along these lines is a hologram this is a interesting technology that could revolutionize communication. Video communication, is a seemingly more and more popular form of communication. The touch screen and wireless abilities are also upcoming technologies which will seemingly revolutionize the way we part take in our everyday lives.
On a global awareness side I agree, that a "new" clean energy completely independent of natural gases, oils, nuclear powers, coal and other dirty energies that are used today on a daily basis as well as used in the creation of solar and wind power today. Also, travel is a new upcoming technology, extremely fast trains, space exploration, and even some type of globally efficient travel, faster than modern day planes and cars. The next big thing in energy is Shale Technology, where natural gas can actually be abstracted horizontally from shale rock, this new technology has tripled the amount of natural gas found in the US, and will continue to do so around the world.
Through, Engineering leaps and bounds in technology have been taken where, in large cities such as Shanghai where the population has grown so large that with no more room to expand out they are expanding up creating large upward buildings complete with a individual ecosystems ( gardens, malls, communities, everything you can imagine.) and the capacity to habitate 100,000 people.
In entertainment, my prediction that an elaboration on the third dimension will be the next big thing, where people are placed in a more in-depth movie experience, such as surround 3-D or something along those lines.
It is very hard to say what the next big thing will be, however, we can for sure say that it will be relating to technology. Whether it is technology that will help the environment, or new technology to enhance our lives, I don't doubt that it will come soon enough. Perhaps all the small improvements that are made in technology for the "selfish" human being (touchscreen, billions of apps for phones, someone mentioned the scanning of airplane tickets from iphone, etc.), will somehow help with the technology of people going green. Basically, all the innovations have been directed into creating personal things for the population that any new creations might seem less significant compared to someone creating something that will change the global economy because that field has only been barely dabbled in.
It’s hard to say for sure what the next big innovation will be, but with the rate technology is improving it is bound to happen in the very near future. Hopefully it will be advancement in medicine or clean energy, something that will cure cancer or make better use of our natural resources.
I believe that green energy will be the future of power in the future. Most buildings will be made out of green materials. But the big innovation that I believe that will change is in transportation. People have envisioned cars that can fly and trains that can go as fast as a jet. IN the future people will be traveling on fast trains like already being used in Europe and Japan. Further, flights will be on plains that can travel at supersonic speeds at the edge of the atmosphere, sending people around the world in a fraction of the time modern airliners can travel. Now at first the technology will be economically expensive but with the development of this technology will come more efficient ways to produce materials and fuels which will eventually make traveling on these transportation systems more economically efficient for people than before. People will be bale to conduct business more effectively and efficiently.
I think that the next big for society will be nanotechnologies. This technology can be used in a number of different ways. The most obvious would be in electronic devices such as cell phones, home entertainment, and music. Machines will be much smaller in size but much more powerful in performance. This will allow for manufacturers to increase productivity and profit, while reducing materials and manpower. More importantly, nanotechnologies will have a huge impact on the health industry. Nanotechnologies will have a significant impact on the treatment of health and also on the health care side financially. Seth King
It's impossible to know what the "next big thing" will be. However, innovation is inevitable because mankind is dangerously close to exhausting our global resources. In order to extend our future on this planet, innovation in the field of energy and environmental preservation will be necessary. There is obviously not just one cure-all that will solve this widespread problem, but a number of new technologies and ideas will hopefully begin to mend the damage we have done to the planet.
I would definitely agree that Green Techonology is the next big thing. I believe that people's main concertn these days is the environment. A lot of research has been going into it over the past years making it so that soon the world will be controlled power that is not damaging the world we live in. I think there are a lot of ideas out there on how to make the economy green all that needs to happen is for the ideas to be perfected so that our world can become generated by solar or wind power.
Although nearly impossible to tell, I think the "next big thing" will have something to do with the internet. Over the past 20 years, the internet and cyber world have been expanding. With the recent creations of social networking sites such as Myspace and Facebook, keeping in contact with friends and family around the world is just a mouse click away. Now just about everybody has access to the internet, and even the older generation are finding it as a useful way to stay connected. I can't say for sure what type of Internet related invention could be next, but whatever it is, it will be sure to make a huge impact.
I think the the next big idea regarding technological innovation will be in the area of green technology or environmentally friendly technology. I think that with the wide beliefs in global warming and with the current events such as the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that people are not only growing tired of high gas prices and inefficent fuels, but growing tired of watching our environmet continue to be damaged by the everyday products we use. I hope that the next big technologicl innovation is in green technology so that we can start to deload some of the pressure we have been putting on our environment as well as find more efficent and abundant fuels and energies than the ones we are using now, giving the consumer more bang for their buck.
I was presented a similar question in my Green Business class, and I was glad to hear this question come up in an economics class. I have been reading a lot about companies and how they are more intensely looking towards the future of their products and how they want to be perceived by their customers. It’s clear that changes are greatly needed in regards to sustainability and efficiency among all types of businesses. When people think of the most impactful environmental problem, the finger is for the most part pointed at big oil companies and the Automobile industry. Because they have the biggest impact on the environment I feel that they have the most pressure to come through with innovations to their technology. The obvious solution, I feel, would be to fully implement an alternative energy source into all automobiles worldwide. This process will be slow and difficult; however, I feel that in the past decade there have been major positive strides towards an alternative fuel and soon we will see one accessible to the world.
I dont believe the next innovation will be any new idea, i feel it maybe just an enhancement of what technology we have now. For example the social networks, cell phones with 3G and 4G networks, touch screens and apps for all smart phones are going to be predominately impossible to beat. What ever our next step is for a better economy, i feel they'll be the same ideas but more complex and enhanced.
After looking at all the technological advances in the last 20 years, I cant even imagine what could be next. I just got the new "Evo" from sprint (a phone a lot like the iphone) and am BLOWN AWAY by what this phone can do....pretty much everything. It was quite the upgrade from my little red brick phone that has to be from the dinosaur age. I think that there will be more modifications/features/innovations to communication. However I think one of the biggest innovations will be green energy; electric, or hydrogen powered cars. etc. I also think that there will be great growth and innovation in the medical field. I predict that there will be a more "personalized" appraoch to medicine. Doctors will be able to look at your genes and find the perfect medicine for you. No longer will there be "general" medicine, everything will be made especially for you. I think the field of medicine is one that will grow tremendously in the next 20 years.
I'm going to have to agree with Seth and say that the next big idea is going to be nanotechnology. Making everything smaller and faster while using less material so it will cost less.
I think that the next big advancement in technology will be a further advancement in supercomputers. A computer that can learn and process information like a human does, is already being developed by technological institutions worldwide. Artificial intelligence is slightly scary but very interesting, as it would make certain jobs obsolete.
The next big technological advancement that will improve the economy is to use fossil fuels more efficient and other renewable energy sources. For example having cars that run 90 miles per gallon and having solar panels that use 80% of the suns energy. This will not only make the world a cleaner place but improve the economy because of the efficiency in producing energy.
I think that the big thing that will help to continue to change the world is technology. This continues to change the world day to day. I feel like it is expanding the most and will change the way we will like it has already done so. Also, another thing to consider is how much further can technology really go? It is hard to say what more people can actually create. It is also hard to say if people will actually like and start to use the new technology.
This is a very tough question since we have already reached a point where innovations and ideas are very sophisticated. However, I do believe we can continue to grow. I am almost certain that the next innovation will be the product of Internet.(like facebook and twitter)
I believe that some of the the next big advancements in technology will be in the fields of communication and computer technology. looking at advancements in cell phone technology just over the past 10 years it is hard to imagine where we will go from here. however i think that cell phones will develope technological capabilities that can even surpass that of the supercomputers of today.
it is hard to say what the next big innovation will be, but i have a feeling it will be have something to do in the field of electronics. the world is so in sync with technology and communication and there will be someone with a nifty gadget to improve on something already existing. As for something that i hope will be an innovation, i hope that someone will come up with something for more efficient and planet healthy technology. i feel like the environment is in desperate need for some cleaner energy usage. this would surely be useful for businesses and consumers alike.
Technology will always have a huge impact on the development of the economy, however one of the more popular themes in todays economy is idea of a greener economy.
It's hard to say, but I believe that technology will have progressed continuously. Also, I think that the world continues to be flat. Globalization will be going on and on. Maybe space development will be advanced, and we will establish a new market in relation to space.
As has been mentioned above, I also believe that many innovations have already been thought up, but have yet to be applied. One immediate example of this is the idea of green energy. While there have been numerous ideas about switching to an energy source that is more environmentally friendly, these ideas, for the most part, have not been realized. I believe that, because we've put so much thought into it, and have had numerous attempts at it, green energy will be the next new innovation. Whether this new energy source is solar, wind, water, or some other source of energy that has yet to be realized, an alternative energy source will be the next new innovation.
I believe that we live in the "information age" and the most important part of our daily lives is communication. So I think that staying connected with others across the nation and across the globe will become increasingly more important. New innovations in this field will be in the realm of video. Video chat, faster video uploads, and different ways of streaming videos are just a few ways that I think video communication will improve. I really believe that this will be the most impactfull idea of our generation.
Im really feeling a cure for cancer. I dont know how realistic that is but it has to be somewhere in the future right? In all seriousness I think technology will continue to advance to level we never thought possible. I believe that perfecting artificial intelligence will continue to advance and develop into a much more everyday life entity, whether it is cars that drive themselves or robots, there is a place in the future, although these advancements may very well be 10+ years down the road. I think one of the immediate innovations of vehicles completely crossing over to hybrids or even other alternative fuel methods, because as much as we would like to think, there is not an infinite supply of oil on our planet. Another huge idea that I think our society is moving closer towards that will drastically change the history of all human beings is life on another planet. I have read about the recent discovery of a planet that is very similar to earth and humans being able to live on another planet is something scientists have been working on for quite sometime. Every year there are small advancements (3D television for example) that may or may not catch on, but I think it is more exciting to focus on these larger ideas that, if occur, will truly be some of the greatest breakthroughs in human history.
The never ending advancement of technology gives us the ability to create and innovate ideas for any situation, for any good or service, and allow us to build on these ideas. With the internet today it is easy to look up or "google" anything in the world at a relatively fast rate. If we could change it so it would be instantly for anywhere with one device such a phone(from Meghan idea) that would increase our rate of communication. But i believe the next step in innovation should be through space travel. If it's possible to go the moon then it's possible to go anywhere else.
I think, or at least I hope, the next big advancement in technology will be in medicine. Such as permanent cures to diseases or more effective ways to deal with cancer
The amazing thought to consider is this: by virture of simply imagining these things and verbalizing them here (or in another class)you may actually participate in the "hive" mind environment necessary to make these innovations a reality. Every convenience we have today was just a thought in someone's mind before...
I believe that with the current era we live in, technology will continue to affect the way we live. With the current threat of pollution, I too agree that many technilogical advances with go "green". Technology is growing at a fast pace, and soon our wars willbe fought at home on computer, controlling machines.
I believe the next big technological innovation will revolve around the environmental concerns that are increasingly becoming apparent throughout the world. Innovations in cleaner and renewable energy are already in the process and undoubtedly will advance in future years.
i think the next big innovation that will change the world will be with nuclear physics. the nuclear industry has the most power and thus the more possibilities. the real problem with it is the nuclear waste which still needs to be addressed.
people are already experimenting with green energy and green technology. So I think the next big innovation will be creating green cars, facotries and ways to reduce emissions and pollutants. With this new technology green technology will become more efficient and be cheaper and more aviable to the general public.
I also think that the next few decades, if not longer, will be dedicated to green energy and trying to reduce and reverse the effects pollutants have had on the planet. Businesses have been readying themselves for this move forward, and are looking for more and more ways to limit their impact on the earth. We have already begun thinking about it, next we just need to put it into action.
Likely one of the next big market expansions will be monetizing usage of the internet. As consumers we love the price of free and go to great lengths to acquire free music, watch free television and gain access to free content. Advertising has switched drastically to online sources yet its efficacy to reach consumers brings into question issues of privacy in tracking internet users' histories.
Even though we now seem reluctant to pay for things our generation has become accustomed to finding for free, maybe through some not-so-difficult-to-find loopholes, I'd suspect our grace period for newly created material may become taxed in the near future and be a source of wealth for those able to gauge our sense of the value proposition.
I feel that the next significant technological advancement we will experience is something to do transportation. We have not seen a significant advancement in transportation for a long time, and with all the recent advances in communications, transportation is lagging behind relatively speaking.
I believe any innovation that is next to change the world has already been thought up, it just needs to be applied. the next big thing to change our global economy will be green power, weather it be solar, geothermal, wind, or others.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great question. I remember talking to my father about this a couple months back. Knowing what the "next big thing" is is nearly impossible. It's what makes the game of stock market so challenging. In general, the direction we are heading is globalization. Every year inventions are coming out that makes connecting the world through networks even easier. Facebook has over 500 million users now and has had most of its growth within the past 2 years, it is hard to say what will beat it right now. Until someone thinks of something that can beat wireless internet, cell phones as powerful as computers and facebook, it is a tough prediction.
ReplyDeleteIf I were to guess, I see cable tv joining the Lan telephone retirement house. It is already beginning to happen, but watching television from an online source is much more desireable than cable. No one wants to pay money for 500 channels, 450 which they do not want. Apple has already developed a system where you can get tv shows from your computer to your tv. I hope that green technology becomes more popular soon. I think hybrid/electric cars are going to start becoming more popular as that technology is becoming cheaper. Green appliances in general I think are going to become more popular as I see the environmental movement growing, especially after the oil spill.
I think the computer and the internet are going to continue to change the world we live in. Both already control a large portion of our lives but they will eventually be central to every thing. One central computer will control everything in our houses. Everything will be integrated through the internet and other wireless connections. TV, lights, A/C, ect... will all be run and controlled through a central computer. The internet already broadcasts live events it is only a matter of time until all live TV is broadcast through the internet. I also agree that the green movement will continue to grow. More businesses will be looking for ways to cut costs and as green alternatives become cheaper, businesses and home owners will switch over.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Reed
I think your comments are right on the money; also, in a strange way, what you are describing has--in many forms--been imagined in the past (think Star Trek, Sci-Fi, etc). So, until we start imagining something "new", will the future just be a repeat? Someone somewhere thought up "wireless" long before it became a household name. Interesting stuff to ponder...
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what new innovation will change the world, but I think electronics will continue to alter it. So many aspects of life are being compiled into computers from t.v., music, photos, books, and so much more, it seems that in the future computers will become everything in one and many other things will become obsolete.
ReplyDeleteI feel that technology will continue to advance and change the way society opperates. The internet has become a new form of learning in a way, for example people can learn how to do things using the website youtube. Cell phones, computer uses, home control systems will most likely all continue to evolve.
ReplyDeleteI also think that it is possible for the earth to become a little more friendly with the ecosystem by using wind and sun powered devices. This has begun but is still quite small, although I feel it could become a dependable power source.
Technology is always growing. Little things that we don’t even realize are affecting how we live our lives daily. One thing is always replacing an older technology. You can not even buy VHS anymore. Is that how it is going to be with DVD because of Blueray? One thing that is becoming big right now is 3D. 3D is now available in houses with movies and even TV shows. It is already widely available in the movie theater, but I think a big thing that might show up is 4D. In a theater soon you might be able to smell what is going on in the movie, or even feel what is going on with motion. Who knows what the possibilities are.
ReplyDeleteI think the next great invention will be something where your cell phone, music, photo’s, credit cards, cash, ID everything becomes one device. That device is either biometric or you would need your thumbprint to scan and use the device, therefore, if it was ever lost it would be useless. I think this invention could come soon, because nowadays a you can scan your plane ticket from your iphone. Next is going to be that you can use your iphone to get on the subway systems in New York for faster transportation. However, what I wish they would invent is a system so that cars could not have accidents or traffic jams. I just drove to L.A. yesterday and that is where I got this idea. I think that they should make cars that repel each other by having magnets on the side of the cars. Therefore, if you weren’t watching the cars couldn’t crash. With that said, I think that the highway system should be like air traffic control, punch in your destination and it takes you there, and you can’t crash because the cars would repel each other; now that would make driving to L.A. much easier. Another invention I wish they could make was to shorten the time on planes. There are companies trying to work on this, so that your plane would shoot up in the sky and get to the apogee and then coast down to your final destination it would cut traveling time in half to go from coast to coast and even to Europe. This idea of mine came from the fact that I couldn’t go home for fall break because it takes me a day just to get to Minnesota and it isn’t worth the time and money because 2 out of the 5 days I would be flying, which would only leave three days to see my family.
ReplyDeleteI think that the next big thing ranges, depending on what part of technology you focus on.
ReplyDeleteIn a social network sense, a virtual world; a combination between Facebook and Simms where rather than a profile you create a virtual person whom you can control and live through this in a virtual utopia. Another thought along these lines is a hologram this is a interesting technology that could revolutionize communication. Video communication, is a seemingly more and more popular form of communication. The touch screen and wireless abilities are also upcoming technologies which will seemingly revolutionize the way we part take in our everyday lives.
On a global awareness side I agree, that a "new" clean energy completely independent of natural gases, oils, nuclear powers, coal and other dirty energies that are used today on a daily basis as well as used in the creation of solar and wind power today. Also, travel is a new upcoming technology, extremely fast trains, space exploration, and even some type of globally efficient travel, faster than modern day planes and cars. The next big thing in energy is Shale Technology, where natural gas can actually be abstracted horizontally from shale rock, this new technology has tripled the amount of natural gas found in the US, and will continue to do so around the world.
Through, Engineering leaps and bounds in technology have been taken where, in large cities such as Shanghai where the population has grown so large that with no more room to expand out they are expanding up creating large upward buildings complete with a individual ecosystems ( gardens, malls, communities, everything you can imagine.) and the capacity to habitate 100,000 people.
In entertainment, my prediction that an elaboration on the third dimension will be the next big thing, where people are placed in a more in-depth movie experience, such as surround 3-D or something along those lines.
It is very hard to say what the next big thing will be, however, we can for sure say that it will be relating to technology. Whether it is technology that will help the environment, or new technology to enhance our lives, I don't doubt that it will come soon enough. Perhaps all the small improvements that are made in technology for the "selfish" human being (touchscreen, billions of apps for phones, someone mentioned the scanning of airplane tickets from iphone, etc.), will somehow help with the technology of people going green. Basically, all the innovations have been directed into creating personal things for the population that any new creations might seem less significant compared to someone creating something that will change the global economy because that field has only been barely dabbled in.
ReplyDeleteIt’s hard to say for sure what the next big innovation will be, but with the rate technology is improving it is bound to happen in the very near future. Hopefully it will be advancement in medicine or clean energy, something that will cure cancer or make better use of our natural resources.
ReplyDeleteAlyson Smith
I believe that green energy will be the future of power in the future. Most buildings will be made out of green materials. But the big innovation that I believe that will change is in transportation. People have envisioned cars that can fly and trains that can go as fast as a jet. IN the future people will be traveling on fast trains like already being used in Europe and Japan. Further, flights will be on plains that can travel at supersonic speeds at the edge of the atmosphere, sending people around the world in a fraction of the time modern airliners can travel. Now at first the technology will be economically expensive but with the development of this technology will come more efficient ways to produce materials and fuels which will eventually make traveling on these transportation systems more economically efficient for people than before. People will be bale to conduct business more effectively and efficiently.
ReplyDeleteJack Laurence
I think that the next big for society will be nanotechnologies. This technology can be used in a number of different ways. The most obvious would be in electronic devices such as cell phones, home entertainment, and music. Machines will be much smaller in size but much more powerful in performance. This will allow for manufacturers to increase productivity and profit, while reducing materials and manpower. More importantly, nanotechnologies will have a huge impact on the health industry. Nanotechnologies will have a significant impact on the treatment of health and also on the health care side financially.
ReplyDeleteSeth King
It's impossible to know what the "next big thing" will be. However, innovation is inevitable because mankind is dangerously close to exhausting our global resources. In order to extend our future on this planet, innovation in the field of energy and environmental preservation will be necessary. There is obviously not just one cure-all that will solve this widespread problem, but a number of new technologies and ideas will hopefully begin to mend the damage we have done to the planet.
ReplyDeleteI would definitely agree that Green Techonology is the next big thing. I believe that people's main concertn these days is the environment. A lot of research has been going into it over the past years making it so that soon the world will be controlled power that is not damaging the world we live in. I think there are a lot of ideas out there on how to make the economy green all that needs to happen is for the ideas to be perfected so that our world can become generated by solar or wind power.
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ReplyDeleteAlthough nearly impossible to tell, I think the "next big thing" will have something to do with the internet. Over the past 20 years, the internet and cyber world have been expanding. With the recent creations of social networking sites such as Myspace and Facebook, keeping in contact with friends and family around the world is just a mouse click away. Now just about everybody has access to the internet, and even the older generation are finding it as a useful way to stay connected. I can't say for sure what type of Internet related invention could be next, but whatever it is, it will be sure to make a huge impact.
ReplyDeleteI think the the next big idea regarding technological innovation will be in the area of green technology or environmentally friendly technology. I think that with the wide beliefs in global warming and with the current events such as the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that people are not only growing tired of high gas prices and inefficent fuels, but growing tired of watching our environmet continue to be damaged by the everyday products we use. I hope that the next big technologicl innovation is in green technology so that we can start to deload some of the pressure we have been putting on our environment as well as find more efficent and abundant fuels and energies than the ones we are using now, giving the consumer more bang for their buck.
ReplyDeleteI was presented a similar question in my Green Business class, and I was glad to hear this question come up in an economics class. I have been reading a lot about companies and how they are more intensely looking towards the future of their products and how they want to be perceived by their customers. It’s clear that changes are greatly needed in regards to sustainability and efficiency among all types of businesses. When people think of the most impactful environmental problem, the finger is for the most part pointed at big oil companies and the Automobile industry. Because they have the biggest impact on the environment I feel that they have the most pressure to come through with innovations to their technology. The obvious solution, I feel, would be to fully implement an alternative energy source into all automobiles worldwide. This process will be slow and difficult; however, I feel that in the past decade there have been major positive strides towards an alternative fuel and soon we will see one accessible to the world.
ReplyDeleteI dont believe the next innovation will be any new idea, i feel it maybe just an enhancement of what technology we have now. For example the social networks, cell phones with 3G and 4G networks, touch screens and apps for all smart phones are going to be predominately impossible to beat. What ever our next step is for a better economy, i feel they'll be the same ideas but more complex and enhanced.
ReplyDeleteAfter looking at all the technological advances in the last 20 years, I cant even imagine what could be next. I just got the new "Evo" from sprint (a phone a lot like the iphone) and am BLOWN AWAY by what this phone can do....pretty much everything. It was quite the upgrade from my little red brick phone that has to be from the dinosaur age. I think that there will be more modifications/features/innovations to communication. However I think one of the biggest innovations will be green energy; electric, or hydrogen powered cars. etc. I also think that there will be great growth and innovation in the medical field. I predict that there will be a more "personalized" appraoch to medicine. Doctors will be able to look at your genes and find the perfect medicine for you. No longer will there be "general" medicine, everything will be made especially for you. I think the field of medicine is one that will grow tremendously in the next 20 years.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have to agree with Seth and say that the next big idea is going to be nanotechnology. Making everything smaller and faster while using less material so it will cost less.
ReplyDeleteI think that the next big advancement in technology will be a further advancement in supercomputers. A computer that can learn and process information like a human does, is already being developed by technological institutions worldwide. Artificial intelligence is slightly scary but very interesting, as it would make certain jobs obsolete.
ReplyDeleteThe next big technological advancement that will improve the economy is to use fossil fuels more efficient and other renewable energy sources. For example having cars that run 90 miles per gallon and having solar panels that use 80% of the suns energy. This will not only make the world a cleaner place but improve the economy because of the efficiency in producing energy.
ReplyDeleteI think that the big thing that will help to continue to change the world is technology. This continues to change the world day to day. I feel like it is expanding the most and will change the way we will like it has already done so. Also, another thing to consider is how much further can technology really go? It is hard to say what more people can actually create. It is also hard to say if people will actually like and start to use the new technology.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very tough question since we have already reached a point where innovations and ideas are very sophisticated. However, I do believe we can continue to grow. I am almost certain that the next innovation will be the product of Internet.(like facebook and twitter)
ReplyDeleteI believe that some of the the next big advancements in technology will be in the fields of communication and computer technology. looking at advancements in cell phone technology just over the past 10 years it is hard to imagine where we will go from here. however i think that cell phones will develope technological capabilities that can even surpass that of the supercomputers of today.
ReplyDeleteit is hard to say what the next big innovation will be, but i have a feeling it will be have something to do in the field of electronics. the world is so in sync with technology and communication and there will be someone with a nifty gadget to improve on something already existing. As for something that i hope will be an innovation, i hope that someone will come up with something for more efficient and planet healthy technology. i feel like the environment is in desperate need for some cleaner energy usage. this would surely be useful for businesses and consumers alike.
ReplyDeleteTechnology will always have a huge impact on the development of the economy, however one of the more popular themes in todays economy is idea of a greener economy.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to say, but I believe that technology will have progressed continuously. Also, I think that the world continues to be flat. Globalization will be going on and on. Maybe space development will be advanced, and we will establish a new market in relation to space.
ReplyDeleteAs has been mentioned above, I also believe that many innovations have already been thought up, but have yet to be applied. One immediate example of this is the idea of green energy. While there have been numerous ideas about switching to an energy source that is more environmentally friendly, these ideas, for the most part, have not been realized. I believe that, because we've put so much thought into it, and have had numerous attempts at it, green energy will be the next new innovation. Whether this new energy source is solar, wind, water, or some other source of energy that has yet to be realized, an alternative energy source will be the next new innovation.
ReplyDeleteI believe that we live in the "information age" and the most important part of our daily lives is communication. So I think that staying connected with others across the nation and across the globe will become increasingly more important. New innovations in this field will be in the realm of video. Video chat, faster video uploads, and different ways of streaming videos are just a few ways that I think video communication will improve. I really believe that this will be the most impactfull idea of our generation.
ReplyDeleteIm really feeling a cure for cancer. I dont know how realistic that is but it has to be somewhere in the future right? In all seriousness I think technology will continue to advance to level we never thought possible. I believe that perfecting artificial intelligence will continue to advance and develop into a much more everyday life entity, whether it is cars that drive themselves or robots, there is a place in the future, although these advancements may very well be 10+ years down the road. I think one of the immediate innovations of vehicles completely crossing over to hybrids or even other alternative fuel methods, because as much as we would like to think, there is not an infinite supply of oil on our planet. Another huge idea that I think our society is moving closer towards that will drastically change the history of all human beings is life on another planet. I have read about the recent discovery of a planet that is very similar to earth and humans being able to live on another planet is something scientists have been working on for quite sometime. Every year there are small advancements (3D television for example) that may or may not catch on, but I think it is more exciting to focus on these larger ideas that, if occur, will truly be some of the greatest breakthroughs in human history.
ReplyDeleteThe never ending advancement of technology gives us the ability to create and innovate ideas for any situation, for any good or service, and allow us to build on these ideas. With the internet today it is easy to look up or "google" anything in the world at a relatively fast rate. If we could change it so it would be instantly for anywhere with one device such a phone(from Meghan idea) that would increase our rate of communication. But i believe the next step in innovation should be through space travel. If it's possible to go the moon then it's possible to go anywhere else.
ReplyDeleteI think, or at least I hope, the next big advancement in technology will be in medicine. Such as permanent cures to diseases or more effective ways to deal with cancer
ReplyDeleteThe amazing thought to consider is this: by virture of simply imagining these things and verbalizing them here (or in another class)you may actually participate in the "hive" mind environment necessary to make these innovations a reality. Every convenience we have today was just a thought in someone's mind before...
ReplyDeleteI believe that with the current era we live in, technology will continue to affect the way we live. With the current threat of pollution, I too agree that many technilogical advances with go "green". Technology is growing at a fast pace, and soon our wars willbe fought at home on computer, controlling machines.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the technological innovation would be clean renewable energy
ReplyDeleteI believe the next big technological innovation will revolve around the environmental concerns that are increasingly becoming apparent throughout the world. Innovations in cleaner and renewable energy are already in the process and undoubtedly will advance in future years.
ReplyDeletei think the next big innovation that will change the world will be with nuclear physics. the nuclear industry has the most power and thus the more possibilities. the real problem with it is the nuclear waste which still needs to be addressed.
ReplyDeletepeople are already experimenting with green energy and green technology. So I think the next big innovation will be creating green cars, facotries and ways to reduce emissions and pollutants. With this new technology green technology will become more efficient and be cheaper and more aviable to the general public.
ReplyDeleteJack Lauence
I also think that the next few decades, if not longer, will be dedicated to green energy and trying to reduce and reverse the effects pollutants have had on the planet. Businesses have been readying themselves for this move forward, and are looking for more and more ways to limit their impact on the earth. We have already begun thinking about it, next we just need to put it into action.
ReplyDeleteLikely one of the next big market expansions will be monetizing usage of the internet. As consumers we love the price of free and go to great lengths to acquire free music, watch free television and gain access to free content. Advertising has switched drastically to online sources yet its efficacy to reach consumers brings into question issues of privacy in tracking internet users' histories.
ReplyDeleteEven though we now seem reluctant to pay for things our generation has become accustomed to finding for free, maybe through some not-so-difficult-to-find loopholes, I'd suspect our grace period for newly created material may become taxed in the near future and be a source of wealth for those able to gauge our sense of the value proposition.
I feel that the next significant technological advancement we will experience is something to do transportation. We have not seen a significant advancement in transportation for a long time, and with all the recent advances in communications, transportation is lagging behind relatively speaking.
ReplyDeletei think the next big idea will involve the internet and transportation faster/cheaper means of getting places --oakford gross