Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring Micro CSUSB Blog #4

Consider your own consumption habits: which good in your budget is most price elastic? Which good in your budget is most price inelastic? I'll let you go on this one for a bit, then I will chime in with my own responses.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring Micro CSUSB Blog #3

The next time you think: "I wonder if __________ is an example of demand and supply"....make a note and jot down your thoughts here in the blog. For example, as I drove into the Post Office parking lot, there was a line of cars. Does this have anything to do with demand and supply? Sure! The demand for parking spaces was greater than the supply of available spaces....see?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring Micro CSUSB Blog #2

If you have a choice (as a student) between a math problem or a "word" problem, which do you prefer? Why?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Redlands Micro 4/6/11

You are invited to be a part of President Obama's re-election campaign team. Your job is to advise him on economic issues. What three key ideas will you suggest in order to help him get re-elected?

Spring Micro CSUSB Blog #1

Of the 10 Big Ideas, students generally agree "Incentives Matter" is one of the most important concepts in our course. Provide one example from your life where you responded to positive or negative incentives in making a decision. For example, recently the family wanted to go out to dinner. I suggested P.F. Chang's because I had received gift cards to that restaurant. The incentive to go there was stronger because the total bill would be smaller after the gift cards....make sense?