Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Redlands Micro 4/6/11

You are invited to be a part of President Obama's re-election campaign team. Your job is to advise him on economic issues. What three key ideas will you suggest in order to help him get re-elected?


  1. I would advise him to focus on the still remaining economic crisis at hand and unemployment. I would advise him to look more for a solution for an alternative for oil with prices sky rocketing again. And thirdly i would advise to switch his slogan from "Change" to "Well that didnt help now very much, lets have a republican take a swing at it".

  2. The main idea Obama should focus on is reducing unemployment. Another issue that we must address is finding new energy resources, particularly renewable energy like solar and wind. Thirdly, legalizing marijuana would pull us out of debt!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The three key ideas I would advise Obama to focus on are, the ongoing crisis of unemployment. Second, the issue of new and efficient energy sources especially with the rise of gas prices. Finally, The issue of war and bringing our troops back home, because the war steadily increases the loss of soldiers, while also increasing the American debt.

    Chaun Calvin

  5. first of all i wouldnt help him get re-elected because he does have the worst presidential rating and has only made things worse.
    but if i had to the main thing i would advise him is to stop being a socialist with his medicare ideas. everyone should have medical insurance but Obama. He also needs to work on fixing the unemployment rate. For the market system to work people need to feel like they can spend their money instead of holding onto it. By consumers spending their money it makes the market flow. the third thing would subsidizing the research and development fields on finding alternative energies.

  6. The first thing I would advise Obama to do is to cut military spending. Last year we spent approximately $689 billion. By cutting military spending we will have more money for social programs. The second thing I would advise Obama to do is work on reducing the unemployment rate. Lastly I would advise Obama to higher the taxes on the rich because the gap between the rich and poor is only getting wider.

  7. I think Obama needs to focus on alternative energies because gas prices will only continue to increase. I would also advise him on ending the war in the middle east because it costs an insane amount of money. Lastly I would advise him to work on our health care system because it is a big issue right now.

  8. One idea obama needs to focus on is that trade offs are everywhere. If we spend money on a certain program, then that money can't be spent on a different program and so he needs to decide what programs need the most money to benefit the entire United States not just Democrats or Republicans. Also wealth and economic growth matter. If he can lower the unemployment rate then it would boost the economy and this would be a great step as far as getting re-elected. Lastly he needs to think about how incentives matter. If he can give a majority of the American people an incentive to vote for him again then he can get re-elected.

  9. The first issue that i think Obama needs to focus on is the cost of the war. The war has added a great amount to our debt and with cost cuts (not by cutting out military salary) by pulling troops out where it is not absolutely necessary will cut the costs. The second change needed to be made is promoting open markets and economic growth abroad will not alone re balance America’s trade accounts and domestic industrial collapse. The third issue that I believe Obama needs to focus on is the unemployment rate. He has dropped the unemployment rate by quite a bit but it is the most influential aspect of his presidency and if he wants to be reelected, he is going to have to lower it more and focus on what he can accomplish and give people some sort of satisfaction.

  10. The first thing Obama needs to improve is trade. We need to become a more independent country rather than relying on others for products. The second thing is the war. Our country is trillions of dollars in debt and military spending is the easiest thing to fix first. The last thing is renewable energy. The threat of global warming is increasing and so are the oil prices.

  11. Increase taxes.
    Use money from taxes to create more jobs.
    Decrease unemployment this way.

    Nick Tellier

  12. If I were to advise Obama on his re'election campaign I would recommend he should focus on decreasing unemployment, try to find other sources for oil because gas is way to expensive, or find other sources of fuel, and thirdly don't tax people as much.

  13. The first thing I would advise Obama to improve is the gas prices/alternative energy sources. Gas prices are only going to continue to rise since our economy is in such debt. This leads into the second point which is the rate of unemployment. With many people out of jobs there is no way things are going to get on track in the economy if people are holding onto their money. Lastly, I'd advise him to get our troops out of the Middle East because it is only hurting the economy even more with all of the military spending.

  14. Three key economic ideas I would suggest to president Obama to fix are our foreign trades, finding another source for fuel, and the cost of war. We need to start producing goods as a country because we are importing way more than we are exporting. Also, we need to find another way to get oil to make gas prices lower. And the expenses of being in a war are tremendous and with less military spending our economy would be better.

  15. I would advise president Obama to focus more on being less dependent on foreign oil. I know... Easier said than done. However, I believe that he should concentrate on using renewable energy resources and making up for expenses by creating more jobs. Being less dependent on foreign oil will enhance our environment, national security, and national economy as well.

  16. In my opinion, the three ideas that Obama should focus on to get reelected would be to cut government spending, secure our oil reserves in the troubled Middle East, and reduce unemployment. Cutting government spending would help to reduce the deficit and if they cut enough then hopefully they won't have to raise taxes. Although alternative energy needs to be developed the government would be smart to secure our source of oil because our economy heavily relies on foreign oil. Finally, the government should offer a tax break, subsidy or some kind of incentive to businesses willing to train people in technological skills. This would help to put all of the laid off manufacturing workers back to work in a new industry.

  17. I would suggest to President Obama that he should focus on finding an alternate fuel source; decreasing the unemployment rate; and lastly work on ending the war in the Middle East. Finding an alternate fuel source can possibly create more jobs in the country, and ending the war will eliminate unnecessary spending on the military and we can use that money to help create more jobs and better our economy.

  18. I was a part of President Obamas re-election campaign and I had the opportunity to advise him on economic issues, the three main ideas I would address to help him get re-elected would be alternative energy (to lower the skyrocketing gas prices), slowing down/minimizing deforestation (the amount of land needed for grazing slaughter animals is causing disgusting amounts of CO₂ to be emitted into the atmosphere consequently increasing average temperatures) and finally becoming once again a country that doesn't depend on other nations for goods. I think America has become extremely dependent on cheap costs available in other countries and although products may become more expensive, it will still benefit the economy.

  19. If I was a part of Obama's re-election campaign, the first issue I would address is unemployment. By providing more jobs and opportunities for people, the unemployment rate could decrease and better the people and our economy. Second, I would make sure he addresses environmental issues, because I feel our country's ignorance has gone on long enough, and if we don't do anything soon it will really be too late. We take advantage of the environment everyday and don't seem to care about the consequences. Looking for alternative energy sources and oil would bring more positive than negative outcomes. Lastly, I would discuss the tax issues and how they are distributed among the economic classes. By improving these issues I think our economy can start progressing upward.

  20. Most people are going to tell Obama to bring the troops home to decrease military spending as one of their choices. I do not believe he should focus on that at all of course our troops need to be taken care of and looked after, but they aren't the biggest reason our economy is failing. We need to work out our issues in spending inside of our government budget first. Next we need to work on a solution to the oil prices. Lastly we need to fix the unemployment because if people have a steady and decent income then they won't be holding such a tight grip on their money.

    Charlie Newton

  21. Firstly I would have him focus on finding a way to balance the budget that doesn't let education hit the ground.Try economically to focus more inward and to the home front. Secondly he should focus on unemployment and increase the job opportunities in America (more incentives for small business start up?). And thirdly I'd say he should focus on getting the Republicans somehow onboard for whatever happens, no more divided politics.

  22. Drop out, drop out, drop out

    ok now seriously, i would advise him on focusing on long term goals that will ultimately bring the economy back up
    1. More funding into schools, which in turn will be able to better educate the students, who will get paying jobs, and pay taxes
    2. More funding towards Law Enforcement. As come on, that is the last thing you should budget if you wish for citizens to still have money to pay taxes
    3. Higher taxes for higher income, mainly towards people who have so much money that not even their great grandchildren ever need to work a day in their life.
